
"Banish" and "Banishment" redirect here. For other uses, see Banish (disambiguation).
For other uses, see Exile (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with Exhile.
The First Night in Exile-This painting comes from a celebrated series illustrating one of Hinduism’s great epics, the Ramayana. It tells the story of prince Rama, who is wrongly exiled from his father’s kingdom, accompanied only by his wife and brother.
Dante in Exile.
Napolon’s Exile on Saint Helena

Exile means to be away from one's home (i.e. city, state or country), while either being explicitly refused permission to return and/or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment and solitude.[1] It is common to distinguish between internal exile, i.e., forced resettlement within the country of residence, and external exile, deportation outside the country of residence.[2] Although most commonly used to describe an individual situation, the term is also used for groups (especially ethnic or national groups), or for an entire government. Terms such as diaspora and refugee describe group exile, both voluntary and forced, and government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to relocate and argue its legitimacy from outside that country. Exile can also be a self-imposed departure from one's homeland. Self-exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person that claims it, to avoid persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular pursuit. Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

For individuals

Exiled heads of state

In some cases the deposed head of state is allowed to go into exile following a coup or other change of government, allowing a more peaceful transition to take place or to escape justice. Examples include:[3]

Name Ex-state Term of government Exiled to
Napoleon France 1804–1815 1) Elba
2) Saint Helena
Bahadur Shah II Mughal Empire 1837–1857 Internal exile to Burma
Nicholas II of Russia Russia 1894–1917 Internal exile to Siberia
Farouk of Egypt Egypt 1936-1952 Italy
King Zog Albania 1926–1939 1) United Kingdom
2) France
Rezā Shāh Iran 1925-1941 1) Mauritius
2) South Africa
Jean-Bédel Bokassa Central African Republic 1966–1976 1) Ivory Coast
2) France
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Iran 1941-1979 1) Egypt
2) Morocco
3) The Bahamas
4) Mexico
5) USA
6) Panama
7) Egypt
Kigeli V Rwanda 1959–1961 1) Tanganyika
2) Uganda
3) Kenya
4) USA
Pol Pot Cambodia 1976–1979 Internal exile (Cambodia)
Idi Amin Uganda 1971–1979 1) Libya
2) Saudi Arabia
Jean-Claude Duvalier Haiti 1971–1986 France
Ferdinand Marcos Philippines 1965–1986 Hawaii, United States
Alfredo Stroessner Paraguay 1954–1989 Brazil
Alan García Peru 1985–1990 and 2006–2011 France from 1992 to 2001
Alberto Fujimori Peru 1990–2000 Japan
Erich Honecker German Democratic Republic
(East Germany)
1971–1990 1) USSR
2) Chile
Mengistu Haile Mariam Ethiopia 1987–1991 Zimbabwe
Mobutu Sese Seko Democratic Republic of the Congo 1965–1997 Morocco
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Tunisia 1987–2011 Saudi Arabia
Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya Mauritania 1984–2005 Qatar
Kurmanbek Bakiyev Kyrgyzstan 2000–2010 Belarus
François Bozizé Central African Republic 2003–2013 1) Cameroon,
2) Benin (requested)
Umberto II Italy 1946 1) Portugal
2) Switzerland
Blaise Compaoré Burkina Faso 1987–2014 1) Ivory Coast
2) Morocco

Exile of a prophet

Baha'u'llah, the Messenger or Manifestation of the Baha'i Faith, was exiled from His homeland in Tehran to Baghdad in 1853. Also, after a stay in the region of Iraq He was banished to Constantinople in 1863 for fear of His growing influence in the region. Moreover, He was banished again to Adrianople in December 1863 and finally exiled to Akka in the present day Israel in 1868.

Avoiding tax or legal matters

Main articles: Tax exile and Fugitive

A wealthy citizen who departs from a former abode for a lower tax jurisdiction (a "tax haven") in order to reduce his/her tax burden is termed a tax exile. Creative people such as authors and musicians who achieve sudden wealth sometimes find themselves among this group. Examples include the British-Canadian writer Arthur Hailey, who moved to the Bahamas to avoid taxes following the runaway success of his novels Hotel and Airport,[4] and the English rock band the Rolling Stones who, in the spring of 1971 owed more in taxes than they could pay and left Britain before the government could seize their assets. Members of the band all moved to France for a period of time where they recorded music for the album that came to be called Exile on Main Street, the Main Street of the title referring the French Riviera.[5] In 2012, Eduardo Saverin, one of the founders of Facebook, made headlines by renouncing his U.S. Citizenship before his company's IPO.[6] The dual Brazilian/U.S. citizen's decision to move to Singapore and renounce his citizenship spurred a bill in the U.S. Senate, the Ex-PATRIOT Act, which would have forced such wealthy "tax exiles" to pay a special tax in order to re-enter the United States.[7]

In some cases a person voluntarily lives in exile to avoid legal issues, such as litigation or criminal prosecution. An example of this was Asil Nadir, who fled to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for 17 years rather than face prosecution in connection with the failed £1.7 bn company Polly Peck in the United Kingdom.

Avoiding violence or persecution, or in the aftermath of war

Examples include:

For groups, nations and governments

Nation in exile

Main articles: Diaspora and Refugee

When large groups, or occasionally a whole people or nation is exiled, it can be said that this nation is in exile, or Diaspora. Nations that have been in exile for substantial periods include the Jews, who were deported by Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BCE and again following the destruction of the second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 CE. Many Jewish prayers include a yearning to return to Jerusalem and the Jewish homeland.

After the partitions of Poland in the late 18th century, and following the uprisings (like Kościuszko Uprising, November Uprising and January Uprising) against the partitioning powers (Russian Empire, Prussia and Austro-Hungary), many Poles have chosen – or been forced – to go into exile, forming large diasporas (known as Polonia), especially in France and the United States. The entire population of Crimean Tatars (200,000) that remained in their homeland Crimea was exiled on 18 May 1944 to Central Asia as a form of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment on false accusations. At Diego Garcia, between 1967 and 1973 the British Government forcibly removed some 2,000 Chagossian resident islanders to make way for a military base today jointly operated by the US and UK.

Since the Cuban Revolution over one million Cubans have left Cuba. Most of these self-identify as exiles as their motivation for leaving the island is political in nature. It is to be noted that at the time of the Cuban Revolution, Cuba only had a population of 6.5 million, and was not a country that had a history of significant emigration, it being the sixth largest recipient of immigrants in the world as of 1958. Most of the exiles' children also consider themselves to be Cuban exiles. It is to be noted that under Cuban law, children of Cubans born abroad are considered Cuban Citizens.

Government in exile

Main article: Government in exile

During a foreign occupation or after a coup d'état, a government in exile of a such afflicted country may be established abroad. One of the most well-known instances of this is the Polish government-in-exile, a government in exile that commanded Polish armed forces operating outside Poland after German occupation during World War II. Other examples include the Free French Forces government of Charles De Gaulle of the same time, and the Central Tibetan Administration, commonly known as the Tibetan government-in-exile, and headed by the 14th Dalai Lama.

Exile in drama, literature, movie, and the arts

Exiled Klaus Mann as Staff Sergeant of the 5th US Army, Italy 1944
Cover of Anna Seghers’ Das siebte Kreuz


Exile is an early motif in ancient Greek tragedy: To wander away from the city-state (the home) is to be exposed without the protection of government (laws), friends and family. In the ancient Greek world, this was seen as a fate worse than death. The motif reaches its peak on the play Medea, originally written by Euripides around the time of Hesiod, and rooting in the very old oral traditions of Greek mythology. Euripedes’ Medea has remained the most frequently performed Greek tragedy through the 20th century.[12]


After Medea was abandoned by Jason and had become a murderess out of revenge, she fled to Athens and married king Aigeus there, and became the stepmother of the hero Theseus. Due to a conflict with him, she must leave the Polis and go away into exile. John William Waterhouse (1849–1917), the English Pre-Raphaelite painter’s famous picture Jason and Medea shows a key moment before, when Medea tries to poison Theseus.[13]


In ancient Rome, the Roman Senate had have the power to declare the exile to individuals, families or even entire regions. One of the Roman victims was the poet Ovid, who lived during the reign of Augustus. He was forced to leave Rome and move away to the city of Tomis on the Black Sea, now Constanta. There he wrote his famous work Tristia (Sorrows) about his bitter feelings in exile.[14] Another, at least in a temporary exile, was Dante.

The German language writer of novels, Franz Kafka, called the Dante of the twentieth century[15] by the poet W. H. Auden, describes the exile of Karl Rossmann in the posthumously published novel Amerika.[16]

During the period of National Socialism in the first few years after 1933 many Jews, as well as a significant part of German artists and intellectuals fled into exile, such as the authors Klaus Mann and Anna Seghers. So Germany’s own exile literature emerged and received worldwide credit.[17]Klaus Mann finished his novel Der Vulkan (The Volcano. A Novel Among Emigrants) in 1939,[18] describing the German exile scene, to bring the rich, scattered and murky experience of exile into epic form ,[19]as he wrote in his literary balance sheet. And at the same place and in the same year, Anna Seghers published her famous novel Das siebte Kreuz (The Seventh Cross, published in the United States in 1942).


Her painful story was produced as a movie in 1944 by MGM starring Spencer Tracy. The Seventh Cross is one of the very few depictions of Nazi concentration camps, in either literature or the cinema.

E.T. Adventure sign

As the most radical metaphor of the situation in exile is classified Spielberg’s "ET" by German essayist and poet Natias Neutert: More radical than Franz Kafka, Spielberg depicts the desperate situation of a living being in foreignness. Karl Rossmann, the protagonist of Kafka's Amerika, slogged through as migrant worker in a fairly human society, whereas ET is staggering upon the strangest planet that spins through the space: the earth.[20]

External links

See also


  1. Hobbes, Thomas (1886). Leviathan; Or, The Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil. George Routledge and Sons. p. 145.
  2. Archived May 13, 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Geoghegan, Tom (2011-04-14). "BBC News - What happens to deposed leaders?". Bbc.co.uk. Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  4. Stevie Cameron, Blue Trust: The Author, The Lawyer, His Wife, And Her Money, 1998
  5. Robert Greenfield, Exile on Main Street: A Season in Hell with the Rolling Stones, 2008.
  6. Kucera, Danielle. "Facebook Co-Founder Saverin Gives Up U.S. Citizenship Before IPO". Bloomberg News. Retrieved 2 November 2012.
  7. Drawbaugh, Kevin (May 17, 2012). "Facebook's Saverin fires back at tax-dodge critics". Reuters. Retrieved 2 November 2012.
  8. Mills, Andrew (2009-06-23). "Iraq Appeals Anew to Exiled Academics to Return Home". Reuters via chronicle.com. Retrieved 2011-04-17.
  9. Rocker, Simon (2011-03-10). "Libyan exile plan for UK's frozen assets". The Jewish Chronicle. Retrieved 2011-04-17.
  10. Fisher, Dan (1990-01-20). "For Exiled Nuns, It's Too Late : Banished by the Communist regime, Czechoslovakia's sisters of Bila Voda were symbols of persecution. Now most are too old or weak to benefit from the revolution". articles.latimes.com. Retrieved 2011-04-17.
  11. See Odessa
  12. Cf. Helene P. Foley: Reimagining Greek Tragedy on the American Stage. University of California Press, 2012, p. 190
  13. Cf. Elisabeth Prettejohn: Art of the Pre-Raphaelites. Princeton University Press, London 2000, pp. 165-207. ISBN 0-691-07057-1
  14. Cf. Tristia by Ovid – high drama and hoax. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/aug/21/tristia-by-ovid-high-drama-and-hoax
  15. Quoted after Harold Bloom: Genius. A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds. Warner Books. New York 2002, p. 206. ISBN 978-0-446-52717-0
  16. Cf. an unabridged reading by Sven Regener: Amerika, Roof Music, Bochum 2014.
  17. For further insights cf. Martin Mauthner: German Writers in French Exile, 1933–1940, Vallentine Mitchell, London 2007, ISBN 978-0-85303-540-4.
  18. Which he started in September 1936, when he came to New York. Cf. Jan Patocka in: Escape to Life. German Intellectuals in New York. A Compendium on Exile after 1933, ed. by Eckart Goebel/Sigrid Weigel. De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2012, p 354. ISBN 978-3-11-025867-7
  19. Cf. Klaus Mann: Der Wendepunkt. Ein Lebensbericht. (1949), Frankfurt am Main 2006, p. 514.
  20. Natias Neutert in: Die Zeit, 16. November 1984. http://www.zeit.de/1984/47/wo-ist-der-zirkus-woanders
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