Bacon jam

Bacon jam
Course Accompaniment
Main ingredients Bacon
Cookbook: Bacon jam  Media: Bacon jam

Bacon jam is a bacon-based relish, similar to the Austrian starter Verhackert. It is made through a process of slow cooking the bacon, along with onions, vinegar, brown sugar and spices, before mixing in a food processor.


Verhackert on crusty bread

Bacon jam is made by slow cooking a combination of bacon, onions, brown sugar and vinegar, then blitzing the mixture in a food processor and putting into jars. Variations on this recipe include altering the cooking time between 2 and 6 hours and adding other ingredients such as maple syrup, garlic, a variety of spices and bourbon.


Without the sweeteners the recipe bears some similarity to the Austrian dish, Verhackert. Verhackert is a spread of minced bacon, combined with garlic and salt. A traditional dish, the preparation of bacon takes place over two months, which includes freezing the meat two to three times. Once the meat is ready, it is minced with the other ingredients and pressed into a terrine.[1] Verhackert is served cold with bread as an appetiser.

Notable producers


  1. "Food in Styria". Austrian Foreign Ministry. Retrieved 1 February 2011.
  2. "Skillet Street Food". Seattle Weekly. Retrieved 1 February 2011.
  3. "Local Foodies Use Kickstarter to Bring Home The Bacon". Retrieved 4 April 2014.
  4. "Bacon Jam". Daily Mirror. Retrieved 8 August 2015.

External links

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