American School of Vietnam
The American School (TAS) is a private college preparatory school in Thao Dien, a suburb of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The American School (TAS) is an international school offering a strong, US-based curriculum from K to G12. TAS is a candidate for WASC Accreditation. The mission of the American School, a private Early Childhood to Grade 12 college preparatory school, is to educate the whole child incorporating mind, body, and spirit. The school provides the tools, opportunities, and human resources to inspire and promote inquiry and development of self-confidence. The students will be equipped to become leaders with inquiring minds through critical thinking, writing, reasoning, investigating, problem solving, and collaborative experiences. A strong partnership of motivated students, caring faculty and parents, affirms and challenges each person within a dynamic American educational program enriched by a multicultural setting in Vietnam. TAS promotes high standards of excellence by enhancing student learning for leadership in a global world.
CORE VALUES The American School seeks to develop academic excellence and strength of character within each student. The school models and promotes these core values: • Academic excellence • Independent thinking, creativity, and innovation • Integrity, honesty, and personal responsibility • Cooperation, teamwork, and sportsmanship • Respectfor diversity of people, ideas, thoughts, and values • Understanding and compassion • Service to oneself, family, country, and humanity