
Combination of
Aliskiren Renin inhibitor
Amlodipine Calcium channel blocker (dihydropyridine)
Clinical data
AHFS/ Consumer Drug Information
Licence data US FDA:link
  • C in first trimester
    D in second and third trimesters
Legal status
  • (Prescription only)
Routes of
CAS Number 1416233-20-9
ATC code C09XA53

The drug combination aliskiren/amlodipine (INNs, trade name Tekamlo) is an antihypertensive. Clinical trials have shown it to be more effective than amlodipine on its own[1] with a high dosing regime (aliskiren 300 mg​/amlodipine 10 mg) being more effective than Olmesartan/amlodipine with comparable tolerability.[2]


  1. Pfeiffer, Dietrich; Rennie, Nicola; C. Papst, Cheraz; Zhang, Jack (2012). "Efficacy and Tolerability of Aliskiren/Amlodipine Single-Pill Combinations in Patients who did not Respond Fully to Amlodipine Monotherapy¥". Current Vascular Pharmacology 10 (6): 773–780. doi:10.2174/157016112803520945. ISSN 1570-1611.
  2. Axthelm, Christoph; Sieder, Christian; Meister, Franziska; Kaiser, Edelgard (2011). "Efficacy and tolerability of the single-pill combination of aliskiren 300 mg/amlodipine 10 mg in hypertensive patients not controlled by olmesartan 40 mg/amlodipine 10 mg". Current Medical Research and Opinion 28 (1): 69–78. doi:10.1185/03007995.2011.637914. ISSN 0300-7995.

External links

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