Ali Kahramanlı

Ali Kahramanlı. Born on 1 January 1953, Gaziantep. President of Mersin İdmanyurdu SK from 2008 to present.[1] He is a Gaziantep born transportation businessman who owns Kahramanlı Group.[2]


Kahramanlı is a businessman who is interested mainly in transportation. He is the owner of Kahramanlı Group. Ali Kahramanlı has inaugurated transprotattion services in 1970’s. Kahramanlı Group first step was taken in Mersin in 1992, with the foundation of Kahramanlı International Transportation Co. Ltd. In addition to transportation services Group runs warehouse facilities, logistics and insurance services.[3]

Sports management

He manages Mersin İdmanyurdu since September 2008.

Notes and references

  1. See club's homepage at Mersin İdmanyurdu official website.
  2. See Kahramanlı Group Website on Kahramanlı Group.
  3. See some other details from Group's official website at Kahramanlı Group Profile. Retrieved on 17 June 2015, (Turkish).
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