Ahmose called Turo

Ahmose called Turo
Viceroy of Kush
Predecessor Ahmose called Si-Tayit
Successor Seni
Dynasty 18th Dynasty
Pharaoh Amenhotep I, Tuthmosis I
Father Ahmose called Si-Tayit
Children Ahmose called Patjenna
Burial Thebes

Ahmose called Turo was Viceroy of Kush under Amenhotep I and Tuthmosis I. [1]

Ahmose called Turo was a son of Ahmose Si-tayit. Ahmose Turo's son Ahmose Patjenna would continue to serve the royal family during the reigns of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III.

Turo (Thuwre) served under Ahmose as Commander of Buhen. Later he served as King's Son (of the Southern Region) under Amenhotep I (inscriptions in Semneh, Uronarti). He served under Tuthmosis I according to inscriptions dating to year 1 and 3. Turo is mentioned in an inscription at West-Silsileh belonging to the vizier User. This inscription dates to the reign of Hatshepsut. This may be a posthumous mention of the Viceroy. It's possible there were family connections between Ture and User; Turo is shown leading Vizier Aa'methu's daughters in procession. (Aa'methu was User's father).[2]

A coronation decree exists recording the accession of Tuthmosis I. This unique document is a royal decree issued on the king's coronation day to the Viceroy of Kush, Thure, informing him of the king's accession, fixing the full titulary, the royal name to be used in offering oblations, and the royal name to be used in the oath.

Behold, there is brought to thee this [commanded of the king in order to inform thee that my majesty has appeared as King of Upper and Lower Egypt upon the Horus-throne of the living, without his like forever. Make my titulary as follows:
Horus : "Mighty Bull, Beloved of Maat;"
Favorite of the Two Goddesses: "Shining in the Serpent-diadem, Great in Strength;"
Golden Horus: "Goodly in Years, Making Hearts Live;"
King of Upper and Lower Egypt: "Aakheperkare;"
Son of Re: "[Thutmose], Living forever, and ever. (Breasted) [3]

The inscriptions in Sehel record how Tuthmosis I traveled south and found the canal of Sesostris III (at the first cataracts stopped up):

"Year 3, first month of the third season, day 22, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Akheperkare (Thutmosis I), who is given life. His majesty commanded to dig this canal, after he found it stopped up with stones, (so that) no ship sailed upon it. He sailed down-stream upon it, his heart glad, having slain his enemies. The king's-son, Thure."


Ahmose called Turo was likely buried in Thebes. A statue of Turo was found in Deir el Bahari and funerary cones were found in the Theban necropolis. [4]


  1. George A. Reisner, The Viceroys of Ethiopia, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 6, No. 1. (Jan. 1920), pp. 28-55.
  2. George A. Reisner, The Viceroys of Ethiopia, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 6, No. 1. (Jan. 1920), pp. 28-55.
  3. Breasted, J.H. Ancient Records of Egypt, Vol. 3, Chicago 1906 (reprinted in 2001)
  4. Labib Habachi, Miscellanea on Viceroys of Kush and their Assistants Buried in Draʿ Abu El-Naga', South. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 13 (1976), pp. 113-116
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