Adyghe grammar

Adyghe displays ergative verb-final clause structure and rich verb morphology.


Noun cases

Plurality is indicated by the suffix '-хэ' /-xa/

Adyghe also declines nouns into four different cases, each with corresponding suffixes: absolutive, ergative, instrumental, and Adverbial.

Case Suffix example
Cyrillic IPA
Absolutive р /r/ кӏалэр [t͡ʃʼaːlar] ('the boy')
Ergative м /m/ кӏалэм [t͡ʃʼaːlam] ('the boy's')
Instrumental (м)кӏэ /(m)t͡ʃʼa/ кӏалэмкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] ('using the boy')
Adverbial эу /aw/ кӏалэу [t͡ʃʼaɮaw] ('boy')

Absolutive case

Has the suffix - р /r/ (e.g. кӏалэр [t͡ʃʼaːɮar] 'the boy', кӏалэхэр [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar] ('the boys'), шыр [ʃər] 'the horse'). This case has two main functions:

кӏалэреджапӏэм мэкӏуагъэ
кӏалэ-реджапӏэ-м мэ-кӏо-агъэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar jad͡ʒaːpʼam makʷʼaːʁa]
the boy (abs.) the school (erg.) he went
"the boy went to the school"
бзылъфыгъэм джанэр егъэкъабзэ
бзылъфыгъэ-м джанэ-р егъэкъабзэ
[bzəɬfəʁam d͡ʒaːnar jaʁaqaːbza]
the woman (erg.) the shirt (abs.) (s)he cleans
"the woman cleans the shirt"

Ergative case

Has the suffix -м /-m/ (e.g. кӏалэм [t͡ʃʼaːɮam] 'the boy's', кӏалэхэмэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxama] 'the

boys'', шым [ʃəm] 'the horse's). When it's plural it has the suffix -мэ (-ma). This case has several functions:

бзылъфыгъэм джанэр егъэкъабзэ
бзылъфыгъэ-м джанэ-р егъэкъабзэ
[bzəɬfəʁam d͡ʒaːnar jaʁaqaːbza]
the woman (erg.) the shirt (abs.) (s)he cleans
"the woman cleans the shirt"
кӏалэр тхылъым еджэ
кӏалэ-р тхылъ-ым еджэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar txəɬəm jad͡ʒa]
the boy (abs.) the book (erg.) (s)he reads
"the boy reads the book"
кӏалэр чъыгым еплъы
кӏалэ-р чъыгы-м еплъы
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡ʂəɣəm japɬə]
the boy (abs.) the tree (erg.) (s)he looking at
"the boy looks at the tree"
тыгъуасэ чылэм сэщыӏагъ
тыгъуасэ чылэ-м сэ-щыӏ-агъ
[təʁʷaːsa t͡ʃəɮam saɕəʔaːʁ]
yesterday the village (erg.) I was there
"Yesterday I was in the village"
лӏыр мэзым хэт
[ɬʼər mazəm xat]
the man (arg.) in the forest(erg.) (s)he is standing in
"The man is in the forest"

Instrumental-Directional case

Has the suffix -мкӏэ /mt͡ʃʼa/ or -кӏэ /t͡ʃʼa/ (e.g. кӏалэмкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boy', кӏалэкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮat͡ʃʼa] 'using a boy', кӏалэхэмкӏэ [t͡ʃaːɮaxamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boys', кӏалэхэкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxat͡ʃʼa] 'using boys', къэлэмымкӏэ [qalaməmt͡ʃʼa] 'using the pencil', къэлэмкӏэ [qalamt͡ʃʼa] 'using a pencil'); in the Shapsug dialect, it has the suffix -мгьэ /mɡʲa/ or - гьэ /ɡʲa/ and in the Bzedug dialect, it has the suffix -мджэ /md͡ʒa/ or -джэ /d͡ʒa/. This case has several functions:

ыцӏэр къэлэмымкӏэ къитхэгъ
ы-цIэ-эр къэлэм-ымкIэ къи-тхы-эгъ
[ət͡sʼar qalaməmt͡ʃʼa qəjtxaʁ]
his name (abs.) pencil (ins.) he wrote
"he wrote his name with the pencil"
нэрыплъымкӏэ елъэгъу
нэрыплъ-ымкӏэ елъэгъу
[narəpɬəmt͡ʃʼa jaɬaʁʷə]
binocular (ins.) (s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing with (using) the binocular"
кӏалэр адыгэбзэкӏэ мэгущаӏэ
кӏалэ-р адыгэбзэ-кӏэ мэгущаӏэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar aːdəɣabzat͡ʃʼa maɡʷəɕaːʔa]
boy (arg.) using Adyghe language (ins.) (s)he is speaking
"The boy is speaking (using) Adyghe language."
радиом къиӏохэрэр урысыбзэкӏ
радио-м къи-ӏо-хэ-рэ-р урысыбзэ-кӏ
[radʲɪom qəjʔʷaxarar wərəsəbzat͡ʃʼ]
the radio(arg.) the things (s)he/it says (abs.) Russian language (ins.)
"The things the radio is saying are in Russian language."
хымкӏэ жьыбгъэр къэкӏы
хы-мкӏэ жьыбгъэ-р къэ-кӏы
[xəmt͡ʃʼa ʑəbʁar qat͡ʃʼə]
sea (ins.) the wind (abs.) come
"the wind comes from the sea."
унэмкӏэ кӏалэхэр макӏох
унэ-мкӏэ кӏалэ-хэ-р макӏо-х
[wənamt͡ʃa t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar maːkʷʼax]
house(ins.) the boys (abs.) they are going
"The boys are going toward the house's direction."


Has the suffix -эу /aw/ (e.g. кӏалэу [t͡ʃʼaːɮaw] 'boy'), шэу [ʃaw] 'horse'). In the Kfar Kama Shapsug dialect it has the suffix -ыу /əw/. This case has a number of functions:

лӏыр нахь баеу мэхъогъ
лӏы-р нахь бае-эу мэхъу-эгъ
[ɬʼər [naːħ baːjaw maχʷaʁ]
more rich (adv.) he became
"the man became richer"
пшъэшъэ ӏаер неущы дахэу мэхъощт
[pʂaʂa aːjar nawɕə daːxəw maχʷaɕt]
the ugly girl tomorrow pretty (adv.) (s)he will become
"Tomorrow the ugly girl will become to be pretty"
лавэр мэучъыӏымэ мыжъоу мэхъу
лавэ-р мэучъыӏы-мэ мыжъо-эу мэхъу
[laːvar mawt͡ʂəʔəma məʒʷaw maχʷə]
lava (abs.) when it's getting cold rock (adv.) (s)he/it becomes
"When the lava gets cold it becomes a rock."
силӏ кӏэлэегъаджэу мэлажьэ
си-лӏы кӏэлэегъадж-эу мэлажьэ
[səjɬʼ t͡ʃʼaɮajaʁaːd͡ʒawmaɮaːʑa]
my husbandteacher (adv.)he works
"my husband works as a teacher"

Lack of subject and object

Colloquially, the subject or object may both be dropped if clear from context.

кӏалэм пшъашъэр елъэгъу
кӏалэ-м пшъашъэ-р елъэгъу
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam pʂaːʂar jaɬaʁʷə]
the boy (erg.) the girl (abs.) (s)he is seeing
"the boy is seeing the girl"
кӏалэм елъэгъу
кӏалэ-м елъэгъу
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaɬaʁʷə]
the boy (erg.) (s)he is seeing
"the boy is seeing him/her/it"
пшъашъэр елъэгъу
пшъашъэ-р елъэгъу
[pʂaːʂar jaɬaʁʷə]
the girl (abs.) (s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing the girl"
(s)he is seeing
"(s)he is seeing him/her/it"

Noun and adjective

In Adyghe, if a noun is accompanied by an adjective, the adjective always placed right after the noun

and also gets the suffixes that indicate the noun case.

пшъэшъэ дахэр макӏо
[pʂaʂa daːxar maːkʷʼa]
girl the pretty (abs.) (s)he is going
"the pretty girl is going"
кӏалэ кӏыхьэм ешхы мыер
[t͡ʃʼaːɮa t͡ʃʼəħam jaʃxə məjar]
boy the long (erg.) he is eating a/the the apple (abs.)
"the long boy is eating the apple"
къэлэм папцӏэмкӏэ сэтхэ
[qalam papt͡sʼamt͡ʃʼa satxa]
pencil sharp (ins.) I am writing
"I am writing with (using) the sharp pencil"
пшъашъэр пшъэшъэ дахэу мэхъущт
[pʂaːʂar pʂaʂa daːxaw maχʷəɕt]
the girl (abs.) pretty girl (adv.) (s)he will turn
"the girl will become a pretty girl"

In case the whole sentence consists of only a noun and an adjective, the adjective can also be placed

before the noun. In this case the adjective does not get the suffix either when placed after the noun or

before it.

дахэ пшъашъэр
[daːxa pʂaːʂa]
pretty the girl (abs.)
"The girl is pretty"

Creating nouns from verbs

In Adyghe subjects that do a specific verb or objects that a specific verb is done to can be indicated by having the additional suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)) to the specific verb.

дыу кӏалэхэмкӏэ макӏорэм еплъ
дыу кӏалэ-хэ-мкӏэ макӏо-рэм еплъ
[dəw t͡ʃʼaːɮəxamt͡ʃʼa maːkʷʼaram japɬ]
that (over there) boys (ins.) the person that is going (erg.) look
"among those boys look at the boy that is going"
макӏорэр сишы
макӏо-рэр си-шы
[maːkʷʼarar səjʃ]
the person that is going (abs.) my brother
"the person that is going is my brother"
мэлажьэхэрэмэ къысаӏуагъ ар
мэлажьэ-хэ-рэ-мэ къы-са-Iуагъ ар
[maɮaːʑaxarama qəsaːʔʷaːʁ aːr]
the people that are working (erg.) they told me that
"the people that are working told me that"

Anonymous subject Зи-

To indicate the one (subject) who does a certain transitive verb has the prefix зи- (zəj-) and the suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)). In some cases it also indicates the object.

Examples when indicating the subject :

мыр зилагъэр къэкӏожьыщт
[mər zəjɮaːʁar qakʷʼaʑəɕt]
this the one who painted it (s)he will return
"The one who painted this will return."
цӏыфыр зиукӏыгъэр къаубытэгъ
[t͡sʼəfər zəjwt͡ʃʼəʁar qaːwbətaʁ]
the person (abs.) the one who killed (s)he had been caught
"The one who killed the person had been caught."

Examples when indicating the object :

кӏалэр пщынэ зеорэр
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar pɕəna zewarar]
the boy (abs.) accordion the thing (s)e is playing on
"The thing the boy is playing on is an accordion."
сыд фылым узеплъырэр?
[səd fələm wzepɬərar]
what film the thing/one you are watching
"What is the film you are watching?"

Anonymous object Зри

To indicate the object a certain verb was done with has the prefix зри- (zəj-) and the suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)). In some cases it also used to indicate the object a transitive verb was done to.

Destination and location

To indicate the destination of a certain verb, the prefix зы- (zə-) and the suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)). Usually this is used together with the positional conjugation prefixes.

сыздакӏорэр сэшӏэ
[səzdaːkʷʼarar saʃʼa]
the place I am going to I know
"I know the place I am going to."
Тыдэ мыжъор здэбдзыгъэр?
[təda məʒʷar zdabd͡zəʁar]
where the rock (abs.) where you threw it
"Where you threw the rock?"

Anonymous ownership зи-

To indicate an ownership of some noun, the noun gets the prefix зи- (zəj-), for example :

хэт зицӏэр Том
[xat zəjt͡sʼar tom]
who the one who named Tom (name)
"Who is the one named Tom?"
мыр зимащинэм къысиӏуагъ шъунэмысынэу
[mər zəjmaːɕinam səjnaʔʷaːs səjnaʔʷaːs]
this the owner of the car (s)he told me don't touch it (said to plural)
"The owner of this car told me that you (plural) shouldn't touch it."
унэр зиер лӏы
[wənar zəjjar ɬʼə]
house (abs.) the owner of a man
"The owner of the house is a man."

Anonymous favourably Зф-

To indicate the object (usually people or animals) a certain verb was done for has the prefix зф- (zf-) and the suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)). It can also be used to indicate the reason the subject does the verb, in this case it can be said in a sense that the verb was done for the reason.

зфэсӏуагъэр ар угурыӏон фэшӏ
зфэ-с-ӏуа-гъэ-р ар у-гурыӏо-н фэшӏ
[zfasʔəaːʁar aːr wəɡʷərəʔʷab faʃʼ]
the reason I said it that you (to) understand for it
"The reason I said that is for you to understand."
хэт кӏалэр зфакӏорэр?
[xat t͡ʃʼaːɮar zfaːkʷʼarar]
who the boy (abs.) the one he is going for
"Who is the one the boy is going for?"

Anonymous Sociative Зд--

To indicate the object (usually people or animals) a certain verb was done with has the prefix зд- (zd-) and the suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)).

хэт кӏалэр здакӏорэр?
[xat t͡ʃʼaːɮar zdaːkʷʼarar]
who the boy (abs.) the one he is going with
"Who is the one the boy is going with?"

Creating nouns from adjective

In Adyghe someone (person) or something (animal, plant, object) that have a specific adjective can be

presented with the adjective word with the additional noun case suffix (absolutive, ergative, etc.) For


кӏуачӏэхэр тиунэ къэгъакӏох
кӏуачӏэ-хэ-р ти-унэ къэ-гъа-кӏо-х
[kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼaxar təjwna qaʁaːkʷʼax]
the strong ones (abs.) our house make them come
"bring the strong ones to our house"
унэм шъукъихьэжь чъыӏэм шъуигъэсмэджэщт
унэ-м шъу-къ-ихьэ-жь чъыӏэ-м шъуи-гъэ-смэджэ-щт
[wənam ʃʷəqiħaʑ t͡ʂəʔam ʃʷiʁasmad͡ʒat]
house (erg.) get inside (to plural) the cold (erg.) it will make you (plural) sick
"get inside the house, the cold will make you sick (said to plural)"
сымаджэхэмэ шъукъадж япэу
сымаджэ-хэ-мэ шъу-къадж япэ-эу
[səmaːd͡ʒaxama ʃʷəqaːd͡ʒ jaːpaw]
the sick ones (egs.) call them (said to plural) firstly
"First call the sick ones. (said to plural)"

In Adyghe any adjective that is measurable or comparable can be turned into a noun by adding the

suffix -агъэ /-aːʁa/, for example:

Сянэ ипсэуагъэ сыфэгуаӏэ
С-янэ и-псэу-агъэ сы-фэ-гуаӏэ
[sijaːna jipsawaːʁa səfaɡʷaːʔa]
my mother his/her health condition I worry for him/her
"The worry for my mother's health condition"


In Adyghe, like all Northwest Caucasian languages, the verb is the most inflected part of speech. Verbs are typically head final and are conjugated for tense, person, number, etc.


Verbs that can be performed by nouns in the absolutive case are usually intransitive verbs. With intransitive verbs in a sentence there is, usually, no direct object, and the real subject is usually expressed by a noun in the nominative case. For example:

Томэр машхэ тиунэкӏэ
Том-эр машхэ ти-унэ-кӏэ
[tomar maːʃxa tiwnat͡ʃʼa]
Tom (abs.) he is eating In our house (Ins.) / with our house (Ins.)
"Tom is eating in our house"
кӏалэр тиунэ къакӏо
кӏалэ-эр ти-унэ къа-кӏо
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar tiwna qaːkʷʼa]
the boy (abs.) our house (s)he is coming
"The boy is coming to our house"
пшъашъэр маплъэ тиунэ пакӏэ
пшъашъэ-эр маплъэ ти-унэ пакӏэ
[pʂaːʂar maːpɬa tiwna paːt͡ʃʼa]
the girl (abs.) (s)he is looking our house direction
"The girl is looking at our house direction"

Verbs that can be performed by ergative nouns are always transitive. Transitive verbs combine with nouns in the nominative grammatical case that play role of direct object in a sentence. In the sentences of this type the noun in the subject's position is in the ergative case:

Томэм ешхы мые
Том-эм ешхы мые
[tomam jaʃxə məja]
Tom (erg.) (s)he is eating a apple
"Tom is eating an apple"
Иусыфым пшъашъэр тиунэ егъакӏо
Иусыф-ым пшъашъэ-эр ти-унэ е-гъа-кӏо
[jəwsəfəm pʂaːʂar tiwna jaʁaːkʷʼa]
Joseph (erg.) the girl (abs.) our house (s)he is making him/her to go
"Joseph is making the girl to go to our house"
"Joseph is forcing the girl to go to our house"
кӏалэм еплъы пшъашъэр
кӏалэ-эр еплъы ти-унэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam japɬə pʂaːʂar]
the boy (erg.) (s)he is looking at the girl (abs.)
"The girl is looking at the boy"


Adyghe infinitives are created by suffixing -н to verbs. For example:

Along with roots, verbs already inflected can be conjugated, such as with person:

Also, due to the interchangeability of nouns and verbs, infinitives can be constructed from nouns, resulting in verbs that describe the state of being the suffixed word.

цIыфым шъущхэн фай къушъуиIуагъ
[t͡sʼəfəm ʂʷəɕxan faːj qʷəʂʷiʔʷaːʁ]
the person (erg.) (you plural) to eat must he told you (plural)
"the person told you, you must eat"
лъэпкъэу узыхэсым ыбзэ пшIэн фае
[ɬapqʷəw wəzəxasəm əbza pʃʼan faːja]
People/Ethnic group (adv.) the people you live among (erg.) their language (you) to know


"You have to know the language of the people, among which you live"
пшъашъэр дэхэн фай
[pʂaːʂar daxan faːj]
the girl (abs.) to be pretty must/have to
"the girl must be pretty"
"the girl have to be pretty"
тиунэ укъихьэн фэшӀыкӀэ укӀэлэн фай
[tiwna wqiħan faʂʼət͡ʃʼa wt͡ʃʼalan faːj]
our house (to) you come in for him (ins.) you (to) be boy must/have to
"to come inside our house, you have to be a boy"
"to come inside our house, you must be a boy"

Future Tense Suffix -ну (-nəw):

сэ къосIонэу сыфай
[sa qəsʔʷanəw səfaːj]
i I (to) tell you I want
"I want to tell you"
цIыфым шъушхэнэу къушъуиIуагъ
[t͡sʼafəm ʂʷəʃxanəw qʷəʂʷiʔʷaːʁ]
the person (erg.) you (plural) (to) eat (adv.) he told you (plural)
"the person told you, to eat (plural)"

Positional conjugation

The positional conjugations in Adyghe.

Here is the positional conjugation of some verbs, showing how the root changes indicate position:

stands sits lies
Body position/Poseщыт (ɕət)щыс (ɕəs)щылъ (ɕəɬ)
Onтет (tat)тес (tas)телъ (taɬ)
Underчӏэт (ʈ͡ʂʼat)чӏэс (ʈ͡ʂʼas)чӏэлъ (ʈ͡ʂʼaɬ)
Amongхэт (xat)хэс (xas)хэлъ (xaɬ)
Within some areaдэт (dat)дэс (das)дэлъ (daɬ)
Near or aroundӏут (ʔʷət)ӏyc (ʔʷəs)ӏулъ (ʔʷəɬ)
Insideит (jət)иc (jəs)илъ (jəɬ)
Hanged or attached пыт (pət)пыc (pəs)пылъ (pəɬ)
Merged гот (ɡʷat)гоc (ɡʷas)голъ (ɡʷaɬ)
Corner or behind къот (qʷat)къоc (qʷas)къолъ (qʷaɬ)
Side бгъодэт (bʁʷadat)бгъодэc (bʁʷadas)бгъодэлъ (bʁʷadaɬ)
In front of пэӏут (paʔʷət)пэӏуc (paʔʷəs)пэӏулъ (paʔʷəɬ)

Body position/Pose

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw щыдзын ɕəd͡zən to throw an object somewhere
to fit щыхьэн ɕəħan to fit clothes and foot-wears
to look щыплъэн ɕəpɬan to look somewhere
to fit щыфэн ɕəfan to fit clothes and foot-wears
to take off щыхын ɕəxəx to take off clothes and foot-wears
to wear off щыкӏын ɕət͡ʃʼən to wear off clothes or foot-wears
to stand in щыуцун ɕəwt͡sʷən to stand somewhere
to wear off щызын ɕəzən to wear off clothes or foot-wears
кӏалэр щыс егупшысэу
кӏалэ-р щыс егупшысэ-эу
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕəs jaɡʷəpʃəsaw]
the boy (abs.) (s)he is sitting while (s)he is thinking
"the boy is sitting while thinking."
мы цуакъэхэр къэсщыфэхэрэп
мы цуакъэ-хэ-р къэ-с-щы-фэ-хэ-рэп
[mə t͡sʷaːqaxar qasɕəfaxarap]
this shoes (abs.) they are not fitting me
"these shoes are not fitting me."
моу мыжъохэр щымыдзых
моу мыжъо-хэ-р щы-мы-дзы-х
[maw məʒʷaxar ɕəməd͡zəx]
here rocks (abs.) don't throw them
"don't throw rocks here."


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throws at тедзэн tajd͡zan to throw an object on something
to go on техьэн tajħan to go on something, to assault somewhere
to look on теплъэн tajpɬan to look on something
to fit on
to hit on
тефэн tajfan to fit an object on something
an object to be hit above something
to take from техын tajxən to take an object from something
to go away from текӏын tajt͡ʃʼən to come down from something
to put on телъхьэн tajɬħan to put an object on something or someone
to stand on теуцон tajwt͡sʷan to stand on something
to fall from on тезын tajzən to fall from above something
кӏалэр унашъхьэм тет
кӏалэ-р унашъхьэ-м тет
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar wənaːʂħam tajt]
the boy (abs.) the roof (erg.) (s)he is on
"the boy is on the roof."
шхынэр ӏанэм бзылъфыгъэм трелъхьэ
шхынэ-р ӏанэ-м бзылъфыгъэ-м тре-лъхьэ
[ʃxənar ʔaːnam bzəɬfəʁam trajɬħa]
the fiid (abs.) the table (erg.) the woman (abs.) (s)he is putting it on
"the woman is putting the food on the table."
джыдэдэм ӏанэм къытекӏ
джыдэдэм ӏанэ-м къы-те-кӏ
[d͡ʒədadam ʔaːnam qətajt͡ʃʼ]
right now the table (erg.) go down from
"go down from the table right now"


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw under чӏэдзэн t͡ʂʼad͡zan to throw an object under something
to go under чӏэхьэн t͡ʂʼaħan to go under something
to look under чӏэплъэн t͡ʂʼapɬan to look under something
to fit under
to hit under
чӏэфэн t͡ʂʼafan to fit an object under something
an object to be hit under something
to take from чӏэхын t͡ʂʼaxən to take an object under something
to go away from чӏэкӏын t͡ʂʼat͡ʃʼən to come out under something
to put under чӏэлъхьэн t͡ʂʼaɬħan to put an object under something or someone
to stand under чӏэуцон t͡ʂʼawt͡sʷan to stand under something
to fall from under чӏэзын t͡ʂʼazən to fall from under something
кӏэлэцӏыкӏор ӏанэм чӏэс
кӏэлэцӏыкӏо-р ӏанэ-м чӏэс
[t͡ʃʼaɮat͡sʼəkʷʼar ʔaːnam t͡ʂʼas]
the little boy (abs.) the table (erg.) (s)he is sitting under
"the little boy is sitting under the table."
кӏалэр унэчӏэгъым чӏахьэ
кӏалэ-р унэчӏэгъ-ым чӏа-хьэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar wənat͡ʂʼaʁəm t͡ʂʼaːħa]
the boy (abs.) under house (erg.) (s)he is entering under
"the boy is entering under the house."
сэ чъыгым тӏэкӏурэ сычӏэгъулъхьэщт
сэ чъыгы-м тӏэкӏу-рэ сы-чӏэ-гъулъхьэ-щт
[sa t͡ʂəɣəm tʼakʷʼəra sət͡ʂʼaʁʷəɬħaɕt]
I the table (erg.) for a little while I will lay under
"I will lay under the tree for a little while."


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw among хэдзэн xad͡zan to throw an object among some objects or people
to go among хэхьэн xaħan to go to an area with a lot people or plants
to look among хэплъэн xapɬan to look among some people or objects
to fit among
to fall among
хэфэн xafan to fit among some people or objects
an object to fall among people or objectss
to take from хэхын xaxən to take an object among objects
to go away among хэкӏын xat͡ʃʼən to get away from people or objects
to put among хэлъхьэн xaɬħan to put an object among other objects
to stand among хэуцон xawt͡sʷan to stand among objects or other people
to fall among хэзын xazən to be dropped from a group of objects or people
кӏалэр цӏыфыхэмэ яхэт
кӏалэ-р цӏыфы-хэ-мэ я-хэт
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡sʼəfəxama jaːxat]
the boy (abs.) the people (erg.) (s)he is standing among
"the boy is standing among the people."
лӏыр мэзым изакъоу хахьэ
[ɬʼər mazəm jəzaːqʷaw xaːħa]
the man (arg.) in the forest (erg.) lonely (s)he is entering
"the man is entering the forest alone."
джэгуалъэр адрэ джэгуалъэмэ яхалъхь
джэгуалъэ-р адрэ джэгуалъэ-мэ я-ха-лъхь
[d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬar aːdra d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬama jaːxaːɬħ]
the toy (abs.) other (abs.) toys (erg.) put it among
"put the toy among the other toys."
Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw into хэдзэн xad͡zan to throw an object into some mass
to go into хэхьэн xaħan to enter an area with some mass
to look into хэплъэн xapɬan to look into an area with some mass
to fit into
to fall into
хэфэн xafan to fit inside an area with some mass
an object to fall to an area with some mass
to take from хэхын xaxən to take an object form an area with some mass
to get out from хэкӏын xat͡ʃʼən to get out from an area with some mass
to put into хэлъхьэн xaɬħan to put an object into an area with some mass
to stand in хэуцон xawt͡sʷan to stand in an area with some mass
to stand on a surface with some mass (like dirt or liquid)
to fall from хэзын xazən to fall from an area with some mass
машӏом пхъэхэ хамыдзэх
машӏо-м пхъэ-хэ ха-мы-дзэ-х
[maːʃʷʼam pχaxa xaːməd͡ʒax]
the fire (erg.) woods don't throw them into
"don't throw woods into the fire."
кӏалэм мыжъор хым къыхехыжьы
кӏалэ-м мыжъо-р хы-м къы-хе-хы-жьы
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam məʒʷar xəm qəxajxəʑə]
the boy (erg.) the rock (abs.) the sea (erg.) (s)he is taking it from
"the boy is taking the rock out of the sea."
мыджишыныр дэпкъым хэкӏышъущта?
мыджишыны-р дэпкъы-м хэ-кӏы-шъу-щт-а?
[mədʒɪʃənər dapqəːm xat͡ʃʼəʃʷəɕtaː]
magician (arg.) wall (erg.) can (s)he go through
"can the magician go through the wall?"

Within some area

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw into дэдзэн dad͡zan to throw an object on a definite territory
to go into дэхьэн daħan to enter a definite territory
to look into дэплъэн dapɬan to look at a definite territory
to fit into
to fall into
дэфэн dafan to be fit is a definite territory
an object to fall into a definite territory
to take from дэхын daxən to take an object from a definite territory
to get out from дэкӏын dat͡ʃʼən to get our from a definite territory
to put inside дэлъхьэн daɬħan to put an object into a definite territory
to stand in дэуцон dawt͡sʷan to stand in a definite territory
to fall from дэзын dazən to fall from a definite territory
кӏалэр щагум дахьэ
кӏалэ-р щагу-м да-хьэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕaːɡʷəm daːħa]
the boy (abs.) the yard (erg.) (s)he is entering
"the boy is entering the yard."
кӏалэр чылэм дэсыгу
кӏалэ-р чылэ-м дэ-сы-гу
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡ʃəlam dasəɡʷ]
the boy (abs.) the village (erg.) (s)he is sitting for now
"the boy is in the village for now."
шъуздэхьагъэм шъукъыдэкӏ псынкӏэу
шъу-з-дэ-хьа-гъэ-м шъу-къы-дэ-кӏ псынкӏэу
[ʃʷəzdaħaːʁam ʃʷəqədat͡ʃʼ psənt͡ʃʼaw]
the place you (plural) entered get out from the place (said to plural) quickly
"get away from the place you (plural) entered quickly."
Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw into дэдзэн dad͡zan to throw an object inside another object
to go into дэхьэн daħan to enter inside another object
to look into дэплъэн dapɬan to look inside another object
to fit into
to fall into
дэфэн dafan to fit inside another object
an object to fall inside another object
to take from дэхын daxən to take an object from inside another object
to get out from дэкӏын dat͡ʃʼən to get our from inside another object
to put inside дэлъхьэн daɬħan to put an object inside another object
to stand on дэуцон dawt͡sʷan to stand inside another object
to fall from on дэзын dazən to fall from inside another object
джанэхэр дэлъыпӏэм дэлъых
джанэ-хэ-р дэлъыпӏэ-м дэ-лъы-х
[d͡ʒaːnaxar daɬəpʼam daɬəx]
the shirts (abs.) closet (erg.) they are laying inside
"the shirts are inside the closet."
компютэрым диск дэлъэп
компютэры-м диск дэ-лъэ-п
[kompjuːtarəm diːskʲ daɬap]
the computer (erg.) a disk not laying inside
"there is no disk inside the computer."
кӏалэм тхылъыпӏэр тхылъым дрелъхьэ
кӏалэ-м тхылъыпӏэ-р тхылъы-м дре-лъхьэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam txəɬəpʼar txəɬəm drajɬħa]
the boy (erg.) the paper (abs.) book (erg.) (s)he is putting it inside
"the boy is putting the paper inside the book."

Near or around

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw around ӏудзэн ʔʷəd͡zan to throw an object around or near something
to go around ӏухьэн ʔʷəħan to approach something or someone
to look around ӏуплъэн ʔʷəpɬan to look around or near something or someone
to fit around
to fall around
ӏуфэн ʔʷəfan to fit around or near something
an object to fall around or near something
to take from ӏухын ʔʷəxən to take an object from around something
to go away from ӏукӏын ʔʷət͡ʃʼən to get away from
to put around ӏулъхьэн ʔʷəɬħan to put an object around or near something
to stand near ӏууцон ʔʷəwt͡sʷan to stand near or around something
to fall from near ӏузын ʔʷəzən to fall from near or around something
кӏалэр тучаным ӏухьагъ
кӏалэ-р тучан-ым ӏу-хь-агъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar təwt͡ʃaːnəm ʔʷəħaːʁ]
the boy (abs.) shop (erg.) (s)he is approaching
"the boy approached the shop."
ӏэгуаоу чъыгым ӏулъэр къэсфэхь
ӏэгуао-у чъыгы-м ӏу-лъ-эр къэ-с-фэ-хь
[ʔaɡʷaːwaw t͡ʂəɣəm ʔʷəɬar qasfaħ]
the ball (abs.) the tree (erg.) the thing near it (abs.) bring it for me
"bring me the ball near the tree."
мы джэгуалъэхэр ӏушъухыжьых
мы джэгуалъэ-хэ-р ӏушъухыжьых
[mə d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬaxar ʔʷəʃʷxəʑəx]
this toys (abs.) take these away (said to plural)
"take theses toys away (said to plural)"


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw inside идзэн jəd͡zan to throw an object inside something
to enter ихьэн jəħan to enter somewhere
to look inside иплъэн jəpɬan to look inside something
to fit inside
to fall inside
ифэн jəfan to fit inside something
an object to fall inside something
to take from ихын jəxən to take an object from inside something
to exit икӏын jət͡ʃʼən to exit from somewhere
to put inside илъхьэн jəɬħan to put an object inside something
to stand inside иуцон jəwt͡sʷan to stand inside something
to fall from inside изын jəzən to fall from inside something
ныор унэм ис
ныо-р унэ-м и-с
[nəwar wənam jəs]
the old woman (abs.) house (erg.) (s)he is sitting inside
"the old woman is sitting inside the house."
мыер матэм илъхь
мыер матэ-м и-лъхь
[məjar maːtəm jəɬħ]
the apple (abs.) basket (erg.) put it inside
"put the apple inside the basket."
мары, унэм сихьэни скъикӏыжьыщт
мары унэ-м с-и-хьэн-и с-къ-и-кӏы-жьы-щт
[maːrə wənam səjħanəj sqəjt͡ʃʼəʑəɕt]
a moment house (erg.) I will enter then I will exit
"A moment, I will enter the house and will exit it."
кӏалэм унэм ӏанэр рилъхьи пхъэнтӏэкӏор рихыжьэгъ
кӏалэ-м унэ-м ӏанэ-р ри-лъхь-и пхъэнтӏэкӏо-р ри-хы-жь-эгъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam wənam ʔaːnar rəjɬħəj pχantʼakʷʼar rəjxəʑaʁ]
the boy (erg.) house (erg.) table (abs.) (s)he put it inside chair (abs.) (s)he took it away from inside
"the boy placed the table inside the house and took the chair."

Hanged or attached

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw at пыдзэн pəd͡zan to throw an object on a hanger
to attache to пыхьэн pəħan to attache to somewhere
to look at пыплъэн pəpɬan to look inside a tree
to fit at
to fall at
пыфэн pəfan to fit on a hanger
an object to fall on a tree
to take from пыхын pəxən to take an object from a hanger or tree
to unplug
to come down from пыкӏын pət͡ʃʼən to get off a hanger or tree
to pick a fruit from a tree
to separate from
to put at пылъхьэн pəɬħan to put an object on a hanger or tree
to stand on пыуцон pəwt͡sʷan to stand on a tree
to fall from пызын pəzən to fall from a hanger or tree
ныор джэнэпылъапӏ ис
ныо-р унэ-м и-с
[nəwar wənam jəs]
the old woman (abs.) house (erg.) (s)he is sitting inside
"the old woman is sitting inside the house."
сиджанэ джэнэпылъапӏэм пылъ
си-джанэ джэнэпылъапӏэ-м пы-лъ
[səjd͡ʒaːna d͡ʒanapəɬaːpʼam pəɬ]
my shirt clothes hanger (erg.) it is handing on
"my shirt is hanging on the clothes hanger."
тиӏэгуаор чъыгы лъагэм къыпыпхышъущта?
ти-ӏэгуао-р чъыгы лъагэ-м къы-пы-п-хы-шъу-щт-а?
[təjʔaɡʷaːwar t͡ʂəɣə ɬaːɣam qəpəpxəʃʷəɕtaː]
our ball (abs.) long tree (erg.) can you take it from
"can you take the ball from the tree?"
пхъэ унэ чъыгым пыфэщтэп
пхъэ унэ чъыгы-м пы-фэ-щт-эп
[pχa wəna t͡ʂəɣə pəfaɕtap]
a tree house tree (erg.) it won't fit on
"a tree house won't fit on the tree."


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw at годзэн ɡʷad͡zan to throw an object on a steed or someone's neck
to merge to гохьэн ɡʷaħan to merge with an object
to look at гоплъэн ɡʷapɬan to look at a steed or someone's neck
to fit at
to fall at
гофэн ɡʷafan to fit on a steed or someone's neck
an object to fall on a steed or someone's neck
to take from гохын ɡʷaxən to take an object a steed or someone's neck
to come down from гокӏын ɡʷat͡ʃʼən to get off a steed or someone's neck
to put at голъхьэн ɡʷaɬħan to put an object on a steed or someone's neck
to stand on гоуцон ɡʷawt͡sʷan to beat up someone
to fall from гозын ɡʷazən to fall from the body of something or someone
цум бжъитӏу гот
цу-м бжъ-итӏу го-т
[t͡sʷəm bʐəjtʷʼ ɡʷat]
ox (erg.) two horns it have on his body
"the ox have two horns."
шыор шым гос
шыо-р шы-м го-с
[ʃəwar ʃəm ɡʷas]
the horseman (abs.) horse (erg.) (s)he is sitting on a body
"the horseman is sitting on the horse."
лӏыжъым зылъакъо готэп
лӏыжъы-м зы-лъакъо го-тэ-п
[ɬʼəʐəm zəɬaːqʷa ɡʷatap]
the old man (erg.) one leg (s)he doesn't have on his body
"the old man doesn't have one leg."
шым зеохьыжьым кӏалэу госэр гозэгъ
шы-м зеохьы-жь-ым кӏалэ-у го-сэ-р го-зэ-гъ
[ʃəm zajwaħəʑəm t͡ʃʼaːɮaw ɡʷasar ɡʷazaʁ]
house (erg.) to get out of control boy (adv.) the one on the body (s)he fell off the body
"when the horse got out of control the boy sitting on it fell."

Corner or behind

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw to behind къодзэн qʷad͡zan to throw an object behind something or to the corner
to approach behind къохьэн qʷaħan to approach behind something or to the corner
to look behind a къоплъэн qʷapɬan to look behind something or to the corner
to fit behind
to fall behind
къофэн qʷafan to fit behind something or to the corner
an object to fall behind something or to the corner
to take from behind a къохын qʷaxən to take an object behind something or from the corner
to come out behind къокӏын qʷat͡ʃʼən to come out behind something or to get away from the corner
to put behind къолъхьэн qʷaɬħan to put an object behind something or to the corner
to stand behind къоуцон qʷawt͡sʷan to stand on behind something or to the corner
to fall from behind къозын qʷazən to fall from behind something or to the corner
тыгъэр къокӏы
тыгъэ-р къо-кӏы
[təʁar qʷat͡ʃʼə]
the sun (abs.) it is getting out
"the sun is getting out."
бзылъфыгъэм кӏалэр къурнэм къуигъэхьагъ
бзылъфыгъэ-м кӏалэ-р къурнэ-м къу-и-гъэ-хь-агъ
[bzəɬfəʁam t͡ʃʼaːɮar qʷərnam qʷəjʁaħaːʁ]
the woman (erg.) boy (abs.) corner (erg.) (s)he made him go to
"the woman made the boy go to the corner."
уцым кӏалэр къопкӏэгъ
уцы-м кӏалэ-р къо-пкӏэ-гъ
[wət͡səm t͡ʃʼaːɮar qʷapt͡ʃʼaʁ]
grass (erg.) the boy (abs.) (s)he jumped from behind
"the boy jumped from behind the bushes."
дыу ӏанэм къуаплъи си къэлэм ӏулъмэ еплъ
дыу ӏанэ-м къу-аплъ-и си къэлэ-м ӏу-лъ-мэ еплъ
[dəw ʔaːnam qʷaːpɬəj səj qalam ʔʷəɬəma japɬ]
that over there table (erg.) look behind it and my pencil if it is near it look
"look behind that table and see if my pencil is there."


Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw aside бгъодэдзэн bʁʷadad͡zan to throw an object on the side of something or someone
to approach aside бгъодэхьэн bʁʷadaħan to approach by the side of something or someone
to look aside бгъодэплъэн bʁʷadapɬan to look aside something or someone
to fit aside
to fall aside
бгъодэфэн bʁʷadafan to fit aside something or someone
an object to fall aside something or someone
to take from бгъодэхын bʁʷadaxən to take an object from aside something or someone
to move away бгъодэкӏын bʁʷadat͡ʃʼən to go away from aside something or someone
to put aside бгъодэлъхьэн bʁʷadaɬħan to put an object aside something or someone
to stand aside бгъодэуцон bʁʷadawt͡sʷan to stand aside someone or something
to fall aside бгъодэзын bʁʷadazən to fall aside someone or something
кӏалэр шым бгъодэт
кӏалэ-р шы-м бгъодэ-т
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar ʃəm bʁʷadat]
the boy (abs.) horse (erg.) (s)he is standing aside
"the boy is standing aside the horse."
кӏалэм бгъодэкӏ
кӏалэ-м бгъодэ-кӏ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam bʁʷadat͡ʃʼ]
the boy (abs.) go away from
"go away from the boy."
Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw by the side къыбгъодэдзэн qəbʁʷadad͡zan to throw an object from the side of something or someone
to approach by the side къыбгъодэхьэн qəbʁʷadaħan to approach from the side of something or someone
to look by the side къыбгъодэплъэн qəbʁʷadapɬan to look from the side of something or someone
to fit by the side
to fall by the side
къыбгъодэфэн qəbʁʷadafan to fit from the side something or someone
an object to fall from the side something or someone
to take by the side къыбгъодэхын qəbʁʷadaxən to take an object from the side of something or someone
to get away from the side къыбгъодэкӏын qəbʁʷadat͡ʃʼən to go away from the side of something or someone
to put on the side къыбгъодэлъхьэн qəbʁʷadaɬħan to put an object to the side of something or someone
to stand by the side къыбгъодэуцон qəbʁʷadawt͡sʷan to stand on the side of something or someone
to fall by the side къыбгъодэзын qəbʁʷadazən to fall from the side of something or someone
мащинэм къыбгъодахь
мащинэ-м къыбгъода-хь
[maːɕinam qəbʁʷadaːħ]
car (erg.) enter by the side of
"enter by the side of the car."
кӏалэр шым къыбгъодэт
кӏалэ-р шы-м къыбгъодэ-т
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar ʃəm qəbʁʷadat]
the boy (abs.) horse (erg.) (s)he is standing by the side
"the boy is standing by the side of the horse."
мы гущыӏэм къыбгъодатх
мы гущыӏэ-м къыбгъода-тх
[mə ɡʷəɕəʔam qebʁʷadaːtx]
this letter (erg.) write aside a
"write aside this word."

In front of

Meaning Adyghe Notes
Cyrillic IPA
to throw in front of пэӏудзэн paʔʷəd͡zan to throw an object in front of something or someone
to approach in front of пэӏухьэн paʔʷəħan to approach in front of something or someone
to look in front of пэӏуплъэн paʔʷəpɬan to look in front of something or someone
to fit in front of
to fall in front of
пэӏуфэн paʔʷəfan to fit in front of something or someone
an object to fall in front of something or someone
to take in front of пэӏухын paʔʷəxən to take an object from front of something or someone
to move away in front of пэӏукӏын paʔʷət͡ʃʼən to go away from from the front of something or someone
to put in front of пэӏулъхьэн paʔʷəɬħan to put an object in front of something or someone
to stand on пэӏууцон paʔʷəwt͡sʷan to stand against someone
to fall from on пэӏузын paʔʷəzən to fall in front of someone or something
тхьэлӏыкӏум пхъэхэр пэӏуалъхьагъэх бламыгъэкӏын фэшӏкӏэ
тхьэлӏыкӏу-м пхъэ-хэ-р пэӏуа-лъхь-агъ-эх бла-мы-гъэ-кӏын фэшӏкӏэ
[tħaɬʼəkʷʼəm pχaxar paʔʷaːɬħaːʁax bɮaːməʁat͡ʃʼən faʃʼt͡ʃʼa]
prophet (erg.) woods (abs.) they put in front of to not let someone pass for
"they put woods in front of the prophet to prevent him from passing."
кӏалэр къэспэӏууцуи сыблигъэкӏыгъэп
кӏалэр къэ-с-пэӏу-уцу-и сы-бли-гъэ-кӏы-гъэ-п
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qaspaʔʷəwt͡sʷəj səbɮəjʁat͡ʃʼəʁap]
the boy (abs.) (s)he stood in front of me (s)he didn't let me pass
"the boy stood if front of me and didn't let me pass."


Past tense

Type 1 :

The past tense of verbs of type 1 are formed by adding -aгъ /-aːʁ/. It indicates that the action took place, but with no indication as to the duration, instant nor completeness of the action.

Examples :

Plurality Person Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Singular First-person скӏуагъ, седжагъ skʷʼaːʁ, sajd͡ʒaːʁ I went, I [have] read
Second-person укӏуагъ, уеджагъ wkʷʼaːʁ, wajd͡ʒaːʁ You went, You [have] read
Third-person мэкӏуагъ, еджагъ makʷʼaːʁ, jad͡ʒaːʁ He went, He [has] read
Plural First-person ткӏуагъ, теджагъ tkʷʼaːʁ, tajd͡ʒaːʁ We went, We [have] read
Second-person шъукӏуагъ, шъуеджагъ ʃʷkʷʼaːʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaːʁ You (pl.) went, You [have] read
Third-person мэкӏуагъэх, еджагъэх makʷʼaːʁax, jad͡ʒaːʁax They went, They [have] read
Сиунэ сшышхагъ
[siwna sʃəɕxaːʁ]
my house I ate (in)
"I ate in my house"
тыгъусэ мые сшэфэгъ
[təʁʷaːsa məja sʃafaʁ]
yesterday an apple I bought
"yesterday I bought an apple"

Type 2 :

This is the past perfect or past perfect continuous tense. It is formed with the additional suffix -эгъагъ /-aʁaːʁ/. It indicates that the action took place formerly at some certain time.

Examples :

Plurality Person Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Singular First-person скӏогъагъ, седжэгъагъ skʷʼaʁaːʁ, sajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ I went, I read
Second-person укӏогъагъ, уеджэгъагъ wkʷʼaʁaːʁ, wajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ You went, You read
Third-person мэкӏогъагъ, еджэгъагъ makʷʼaʁaːʁ, jad͡ʒaʁaːʁ He went, He read
Plural First-person ткӏогъагъ, теджэгъагъ tkʷʼaʁaːʁ, tajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ We went, We read
Second-person шъукӏогъагъ, шъуеджэгъагъ ʃʷkʷʼaʁaːʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ You (pl.) went, You read
Third-person мэкӏогъагъэх, еджэгъагъэх makʷʼaʁaːʁax, jad͡ʒaʁaːʁax They went, They read
Сиунэ сшышхэгъагъ
[siwna sʃəɕxaʁaːʁ]
my house I had eaten (then) in
"I had eaten (then) in my house"
тыгъусэ мые сшэфгъагъ
[təʁʷaːsa məja sʃafʁaːʁ]
yesterday an apple I bought (then)
"yesterday I bought (then) an apple"

Present tense

Examples :

Plurality Person Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Singular First-person сэкӏо, седжэ sakʷʼa, sajd͡ʒa I go, I read
Second-person окӏо, уеджэ wakʷʼa, wajd͡ʒa You go, You read
Third-person макӏо, еджэ maːkʷʼa, jad͡ʒa He goes, He read
Plural First-person тэкӏо, теджэ takʷʼa, tajd͡ʒa We go, We read
Second-person шъокӏо, шъуеджэ ʃʷakʷʼa, ʃʷajd͡ʒa You (pl.) go, You read
Third-person макӏох, еджэх maːkʷʼax, jad͡ʒax They goes, They read
Сиунэ сшэшхэ
[siwna sʃaʃxa]
my house I eat in
"I eat in my house"
мые сэшэфы
[məja saʃafə]
an apple I am buying
"I am buying an apple"

Future tense

The future tense is normally indicated by the suffix ~(э)щт /(a)ɕt/ (close to future simple), reduced to ~т in some dialects, such as Bzhedug, Shapsug and Natukhai.

Examples :

Plurality Person Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Singular First-person скӏощт, седжэщт skʷʼaɕt, sajd͡ʒaɕt I will go, I will read
Second-person укӏощт, уеджэщт wkʷʼaɕt, wajd͡ʒaɕt You will go, You will read
Third-person мэкӏощт, еджэщт makʷʼaɕt, jad͡ʒaɕt He will go, He will read
Plural First-person ткӏощт, теджэщт tkʷʼaɕt, tajd͡ʒaɕt We will go, We will read
Second-person шъукӏощт, шъуеджэщт ʃʷkʷʼaɕt, ʃʷajd͡ʒaɕt You (pl.) will go, You will read
Third-person мэкӏощтых, еджэщтых makʷʼaɕtəx, jad͡ʒaɕtəx They will go, They will read
Сиунэ сшышхэщт
[siwna sʃəʃxaɕt]
my house I will eat in
"I will eat in my house"
мые сшэфыщт
[məja sʃafəɕt]
an apple I will buy
"I will buy an apple"

Future in the past

The future in the past tense is normally indicated by the suffix ~(э)щтыгъагъ /(a)ɕtəʁaːʁ/, reduced to ~тыгъагъ in some dialects, such as Bzhedug, Shapsug and Natukhai.

Examples :

Plurality Person Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Singular First-person скӏощтыгъагъ, седжэщтыгъагъ skʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ, sajd͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁ I was going to go, I was going to read
Second-person укӏощтыгъагъ, уеджэщтыгъагъ wkʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ, wajd͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁ You was going to go, You was going to read
Third-person мэкӏощтыгъагъ, еджэщтыгъагъ makʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ, jad͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁ He was going to go, He was going to read
Plural First-person ткӏощтыгъагъ, теджэщтыгъагъ tkʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ, tajd͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁ We was going to go, We was going to read
Second-person шъукӏощтыгъагъ, шъуеджэщтыгъагъ ʃʷkʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁ You (pl.) was going to go, You was going to read
Third-person мэкӏощтыгъагъэх, еджэщтыгъагъэх makʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁax, jad͡ʒaɕtəʁaːʁax They was going to go, They was going to read
сыкӏощтыгъагъ еджапӏэм укъэмыкӏуагъэу
сы-кӏо-щтыгъагъ еджапӏэ-м у-къэ-мы-кӏу-агъ-эу
[səkʷʼaɕtəʁaːʁ jad͡ʒaːpʼamwqaməkʷʼaːʁae]
I was going to the school (erg.) before you came
"I was going to go to school before you came."
сеощтыгъагъэп ау сыгъэгуабжи сеожьгъэнахь
с-ео-щтыгъагъ-эп ау сы-гъэ-гуабж-и с-ео-жь-гъэ-нахь
[sajwaɕtəʁaːʁap aːw səʁaɡʷaːbʒəj sajwaʑʁanaːħ]
I wasn't going to hit him but because (s)he make me angry I actually hit him
"I wasn't going to hit him, but he made me angry and I actually hit him in the end."

Tense examples

Root Tense Forms
Negative Positive (want) Positive Negative (don't want) Possible (Capable) If Even if
мэкIуагъ Past мэкIуагъэп мэкIорэгъуагъ мэкIорэгъуагъэп мэкIошъутэгъ мэкIуагъэмэ мэкIуагъэми
макIо Present макIорэп мэкIорагъу мэкIорагъоп мэкIошъу макIомэ макIоми
мэкIощт Future мэкIощтэп мэкIорэгъощт мэкIорэгъощтэп мэкIошъущт мэкIощтьмэ мэкIощтми
мэкIогъагъ Past 2 мэкIогъагъэп мэкIорэгъуэгъагъ мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэп мэкIошъутыгъагъ мэкIогъагъэмэ мэкIогъагъэми

Dynamic and steady-state verbs

Dynamic verbs express (process of) actions that are taking place (natural role of verbs in English).

Dynamic verbs are usually transitive verbs or intransitive verbs :

Steady-state verbs express the condition, they express states or results of actions. Also past, future and

far past tense verbs are usually Steady-state verbs.

Verbal Affixes

Verbal Prefixes

Discrete and opposite къэ~ (qa~)

For dynamic verbs: къэ~ (qa~), and for steady-state verbs: къы~ (qə~).

The doscrete prefix indicates that a process is terminated or occurs only once.

This prefix is also used when the verb was done in an opposite way. for example :

higher spot)"

Other cases:

уиунэ тыкъакIо
[wiwna təqakʷʼa]
your house we are coming
"we are coming to your house"
кӏалэм сеплъэ ау ежь къысэплъыжьрэп
[t͡ʃaːlam sepɬə aːʷ jaʑ qəsapɬəʑrap]
the boy (erg.) I am looking at him but (s)he doesn't look at me back
"I look at the boy, but he doesn't look at me back."
кӏалэхэмэ тауагъэп анахь ежьхэрары къытэуагъэхэр
[t͡ʃaːlaxama taːwaːʁap aːnaːħ jaʑxaraːrə qətawaːʁaxar]
the boys (erg.) we didn't hit them rather they are indeed the ones that hit us
"We didn't hit the boys, rather they were the ones that hit us."

The personality prefix is posited before or after the Discrete prefix. It indicates the agreement of a verb

with more than one of its arguments. The personality prefix can occur in the past or future tenses..

Singular form:

Prefix Meaning Example
dynamic verbs steady-state verbs dynamic verbs steady-state verbs
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA
1st person for intransitive verbs сэ- /sa-/ сы- /sə-/ "I" сэшхэ /saʃxa/ - i am eating, сэзао /sazaːwa/ - i am fighting, сэплъэ /sapɬa/ - i am looking сышхагъ /səʃxaːʁ/ - i ate, сызэот /səzawat/ - i will fight, сыплъэгъагъ /səpɬaʁaːʁ/ - i looked (then),

сыщыс /səɕəs/ – I sit

1st person for transitive verbs се- /saj-/ сы-, се- /sə-/, /saj-/ "I" сэшхы /saʃxə/ - i am eating it, сешхы /sajʃxə/ - he is eating me, сезао /sajzaːwa/ - i am fighting it,

сеплъы /sajpɬə/ - i am looking it

сыщхэгъ /səɕxaʁ/ - i ate it, сезэот /sajzawat/ - i will fight it, сеплъыгъагъ /sajpɬəʁaːʁ/ - i looked at it


2nd person for intransitive verbs о- /wa-/ уы- or п- /wə-/ or /p-/ "you" ошхэ /waʃxa/ - you are eating, озао /wazaːwa/ - you are fighting, оплъэ /wapɬa/ - you are looking уышхагъ /wəʃxaːʁ/ - you ate, уызэот /wəzawat/ - you will fight, уыплъэгъагъ /wəpɬaʁaːʁ/ - you looked

(then), уыщыс /wəɕəs/ – you sit

2nd person for transitive verbs уе- /waj-/ уы-, уе- /wə-/, /waj-/ "you" ошхы /waʃxə/ - you are eating it, уешхы /wajʃxə/ - he is eating you, уезао /wajzaːwa/ - you are fighting

it, уеплъы /wajpɬə/ - you are looking it

уышхэгъ /wəʃxaʁ/ - you ate it, уезэощт /wajzawaɕt/ - you will fight it, уеплъыгъагъ /wajpɬəʁaːʁ/ - you

looked at it (then)

3rd person for intransitive verbs ма- /maː-/ мэ- /ma-/ "he" машхэ /maːʃxa/ - he is eating, мэзао /mazaːwa/ - he is fighting, маплъэ /maːpɬa/ - he is looking мэшхагъ /maʃxaːʁ/ - he ate, мэзэощт /mazawaɕt/ - he will fight, мэплъэгъагъ /mapɬaʁaːʁ/ - he looked

(then), щыс /ɕəs/ – he sit

3rd person for transitive verbs э- or е- /a-/ or /ja-/ ы– or и- /ə-/ or /jə-/ "he" ешхы /jaʃxə/ - he is eating it, езао /jazaːwa/ - he is fighting it, езаох /jazaːwax/ - they are fighting it,

еплъы /japɬə/ - he is looking at it, еплъых /japɬəx/ - they are looking at them

ишхэгъ /jəʃxaʁ/ - he ate it, езэощт /jazawaɕt/ - he will fight it, еплъыгъагъ /japɬəʁaːʁ/ - he looked at it


сэ сэшхэ
[sa saʃxa]
I I eat
"I am eating."
кIалэр машхэ
[t͡ʃalar maːʃxa]
the boy (abs.) he eats
"the boy is eating."
сэ сэшхы хъуае
[sa saʃxə χʷaːja]
I I eat cheese
"I am eating cheese."
кIалэм ешхы хъуае
[t͡ʃalam jaʃxə χʷaːja]
the boy (erg.) he eats cheese
"the boy is eating a cheese."

Plural form:

Prefix Meaning Example
dynamic verbs steady-state verbs dynamic verbs steady-state verbs
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA
1st person for intransitive verbs тэ- /ta-/ ты- /tə-/ "I" тэшхэ /taʃxa/ - we are eating, тэзао /tazaːwa/ - we are fighting, тэплъэ /tapɬa/ - we are looking тышхагъ /təʃxaːʁ/ - we ate, тызэот /təzawat/ - we will fight, тыплъэгъагъ /təpɬaʁaːʁ/ - we looked (then),

тыщыс /təɕəs/ – we sit

1st person for transitive verbs те- /taj-/ ты-, те- /tə-/, /taj-/ "we" тэшхы /taʃxə/ - we are eating it, тещхы /tajɕxə/ - he is eating us, тезао /tajzaːwa/ - we are fighting it,

теплъы /tajpɬə/ - we are looking it

тышхэгъ /təʃxaʁ/ - we ate it, тезэот /tajzawat/ - we will fight it, теплъэгъагъ /tajpɬaʁaːʁ/ - we looked at it


2nd person for intransitive verbs шъо- /ʂʷa-/ шъу- /ʂʷə-/ "you" (plural) шъошхэ /ʂʷaʃxa/ - you are eating, шъозао /ʂʷazaːwa/ - you are fighting, шъоплъэ /ʂʷapɬa/ - you are


шъушхагъ /ʂʷəʃxaːʁ/ - you ate, шъузэот /ʂʷəzawat/ - you will fight, шъуплъэгъагъ /ʂʷəpɬaʁaːʁ/ - you

looked (then), шъущыс /ʂʷəɕəs/ – you sit

2nd person for transitive verbs шъуе- /ʂʷaj-/ шъу-, шъуе- /ʂʷə-/, /ʂʷaj-/ "you" (plural) шъошхы /ʂʷaʃxə/ - we are eating it, шъуешхы /ʂʷajʃxə/ - he is eating us, шъуезао /ʂʷajzaːwa/ - we are

fighting it, шъуеплъы /ʂʷajpɬə/ - we are looking it

шъушхэгъ /ʂʷəʃxaʁ/ - we ate it, шъуезэот /ʂʷajzawat/ - we will fight it, шъуеплъэгъагъ /ʂʷajpɬaʁaːʁ/ - we

looked at it (then)

3rd person for intransitive verbs ма- /maː-/ мэ- /ma-/ "they" машхэх /maːʃxax/ - they are eating, мэзаох /mazaːwax/ - they are fighting, маплъэх /maːpɬax/ - they are


мэшхагъэх /maʃxaːʁax/ - they ate, мэзэощтых /mazawaɕtəx/ - they will fight, мэплъэгъагъэх

/mapɬaʁaːʁax/ - they looked (then), щысых /ɕəsəx/ – they sit

3rd person for transitive verbs а- or я- /aː-/ or /jaː-/ а- or я- /aː-/ or /jaː-/ "they" яшхы /jaːʃxə/ - they are eating it, язао /jaːzaːwa/ - he is fighting them, язаох /jaːzaːwax/ - they are

fighting them, яплъы /jaːpɬə/ - he is looking at them, яплъых /jaːpɬəx/ - they are looking at them,

яшхэгъ /jaːʃxaʁ/ - they ate it, язэощт /jaːzawaɕt/ - he will fight them, язэощтых /jaːzawaɕtəx/ - they will

fight them, яплъыгъагъ /jaːpɬəʁaːʁ/ - he looked at them (then), яплъыгъагъэх /jaːpɬəʁaːʁax/ - they

looked at them (then)

тэ тэшхэ
[ta taʃxa]
we we eat
"we are eating."
кIалэхэр машхэх
[t͡ʃʼalaxar maːʃxax]
the boys (abs.) they eats
"the boys are eating."
тэ тэшхы хъуайэ
[ta taʃxə χʷaːja]
we we eats cheese
"we are eating cheese."
кIалэхэмэ яшхы хъуайэ
[t͡ʃalaxama jaːʃxə χʷaːja]
the boys (erg.) they eats cheese
"the boys are eating cheese."
Verbs that consist two subjects

In Adyghe, the transitive verbs are usually consisted with two subjects. The two subjects are indicated with the personality prefixes.

Examples with the words еплъын /japɬən/ "to look at" and гъэкӏон /ʁakʷʼan/ "to make someone go" :

When a singular 1st person does the verb :

When a singular 2st person does the verb :

When a singular 3st person does the verb :

When a plural 1st people does the verb :

When a plural 2st people does the verb :

When a plural 3st people does the verb :

Verbs that consist three subjects

In Adyghe, some transitive verbs can consist three subjects. For example :

Verbs that consist four subjects

In Adyghe, some transitive verbs can consist four subjects. For example :


The causative form is indicated by the prefix гъа- (ʁaː-), which is shortened for non-presen tenses to гъэ- (ʁa-). Intransitive verbs can be turned into transitive with -гъэ- (meaning "to force, to make, to allow").Template:What type For example:

Examples :

кIалэм иянэ къугъом къуигъэуцуагъ
кIалэ-эм и-янэ къугъэ-эм къу-и-гъэ-уцу-агъ
[t͡ʃaːlam jəjaːna qʷəʁʷam qʷiʁawt͡sʷaːʁ]
the boy (erg.) his mother the corner (erg.) he made him put it in the corner
"the boy's mother made him to stand in the corner"
"the boy's mother allowed him to stand in the corner"
"the boy's mother forced him to stand in the corner"
кIалэм иятэ дучанэм игъэкIот
[t͡ʃaːlam jəjaːta dukaːnam jəʁakʷʼat]
the boy (erg.) his father shop (erg.) he will make him walk
"the boy's father will make him go to the shop"
"the boy's father will allow him to go to the shop"
"the boy's father will force him to go to the shop"
Ныо цIыкIум игъэшхагъ пшъашъэ цIыкIор
[nəwa t͡sʼəkʷʼəm jəʁaʃxaːʁ pʂaːʂa t͡sʼəkʷʼar]
old woman the little (erg.) made to eat (past tense) girl the little (abs.)
"the old woman fed the little girl"
"the old woman allowed the little girl to eat"
"the old woman made the little girl eat"
"the old woman forced the little girl to eat"
кIалэм лӀыжъэр егъэкӀошъут
[t͡ʃaːlam jəjaːta jaʁakʷʼaʂʷət]
the boy (erg.) the old man (abs) he is capable to make him go
"the boy can make the old man go."

By adding prefix гъэ- (ʁa-), it is possible to create transitive verbs from nouns, adjectives, adverb and intransitive verbs.

Examples :

санэ псым хапкӀэмэ егъэплъыжьыщт
[saːna psəm xaːpt͡ʃama jaʁapɬəʑəɕt]
grape water (erg.) if you pour it he will make it red
"If you spill grape on water it will make it red"
Time З- (z-)

To indicate the time a certain verb was done has the prefix з- (z-) and the suffix -гъэ (-ʁa). To indicate the time the verb gonna happen it has the prefix prefix з- (z-) and the suffix -щтэ (-ɕta). For example :

кӏалэр чэщыр залъэгъугъэр
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡ʃaɕər zaːɬaʁʷəʁar]
the boy (abs.) the night (abs.) the time they saw him
"The time they saw the boy was the night."
Time and result

To indicate an event that happened after a certain verb on a certain time was done the prefix з- (z-) and suffix -эм (-am) are added. For example :

кӏалэр тучаным зэкӏом силъэгъогъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar pɕəna zewarar səjɬaʁʷaʁ]
the boy (abs.) to the shop (erg.) when (s)he went (s)he saw me
"When the boy went to the shop he saw me."
кӏалэр зэгуабжым къэтлъежагъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar zaɡʷaːbʒəm qatɬeʒaːʁ]
the boy (abs.) when (s)he got angry (s)he chased after us
"When the boy got angry he chased after us."

To indicate an event that will happen after a certain verb will be done the prefix з- (z-) and the instrumental case suffix -кӏэ (-t͡ʃʼa) (-гьэ in Shapsug dialect and -джэ in Bzhedugh dialect) are added. For example :

банкэр затыгъукӏэ пулисым феу
[baːnkar zaːtəʁt͡ʃʼa pulisəm few]
the bank (abs.) when they steal it from the police (erg.) call him
"When they rob the bank call the police."
уиянэ зыгорэ къузиӏокӏэ уедэӏун фай
[wijaːna zəɡʷara qəzəjʔʷat͡ʃʼa wajdaʔʷən] faːj]
your mother something when (s)he tells you you (to) listen need
"When your mother tells you something you need to listen to her."
кӏалэр къызаубытыкӏэ шӏуеджэж
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qəzaːwbətət͡ʃʼa ʃʷʼed͡ʒaʒ]
the boy (abs.) when they catch him run away from him
"When they catch the boy run away from him."
Motion (directed) inside

The prefix кӏоцӏы~ (kʷʼat͡sʼə) designates motion (directed) inside, or from within (something.), through (something.); for example :

It also designates location of somebody., something., somewhere.; or inside something., or extraction of somebody., something. from somewhere., or from inside something.; for example :

сабыим пӏэтехъор кӏоцӏылъхьэн
[saːbəjəm pʼateχʷar kʷʼat͡sʼəɬħan]
the child (erg.) blanket to put on
"to wrap up the child in the blanket"

A verb that one does to himself has the prefix зыгъэ- /zəʁa-/

Examples :

кукунэгъэбылъымкӏэ кӏэлэцыкӏухэмэ загъэбылъы
[kʷəkʷnaʁabəɬəmt͡ʃʼa zajʁadaːxa d͡ʒaːnaxamt͡ʃa]
hide and seek (ins.) the little boys (erg.) they are hiding them self
"In hide and seek, the little boys are hiding them self."
кIалэм зегъэдахэ джанэхэмкӀэ
[t͡ʃaːlam zajʁadaːxa d͡ʒaːnaxamt͡ʃa]
the boy (erg.) he is making himself pretty with (using) the clothes (ins.)
"the boy is making himself look pretty using the clothes"
Sociative suffix -дэ (-da)

To indicate a verb that was done by someone with someone else has the prefix -дэ (-da). The prefix

designates action performed jointly with somebody, or stay/sojourn with somebody.

кӏалэр пшъашъэм дакӏо
кӏалэ-р пшъашъэ-м д-макӏо
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar pʂaːʂam daːkʷʼa]
the boy (abs.) the girl (erg.) he is going with
"the boy is going with the girl"
шхынэр къэсдэшх
шхын-эр къэ-с-дэ-шх
[ʃxənar qasdaʃx
the food (abs.) eat it with me
"eat the food with me"
кӏалэр лӏыхэмэ ядэлажьэ яӏофкӏэ
кӏалэ-р лӏы-хэ-мэ я-дэ-лажьэ я-ӏоф-кӏэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɬʼəxama jaːdaɮaːʑa jaːʔʷaft͡ʃʼa]
the boy (abs.) the old men (erg.) he is working with them with their works (ins.)
"the boy is working with the old men with their work."
Favourably фэ- (fa-)

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the sufix -ф (-f) and suffix (-дэ) (-da). When a certain verb is done by someone for someone else, the suffix -фэ (-fa) is added.

Verbs that are done by absolutive nouns for ergative nouns

A verb that was done for a single absolutive noun has the prefix (фэ-) (fa-) for past and future tense, and

for present tense (фа-) (faː-).

A verb that was done for a plural absolutive nouns has the prefix (яфэ-) (jaːfa-) for past and future tense,

and for present tense (яфа-) (jaːfaː-).

кIалэр бзылъфыгъэхэмэ дуканэм яфакӏо
[t͡ʃaːlar bzəɬfəʁaxama dukaːnam jaːfaːkʷʼa]
the boy (abs.) the women (erg.) the shop (erg.) he is going for them
"the boy is going to the shop for the women"
кIалэр томым фэлажэ
[t͡ʃalar toməm falaːʒa]
boy (Abs.) Tom (Erg.) he works for him
"the boy is working for Tom."
Verbs that are done by ergative nouns for ergative nouns

A verb that was done for a single ergative noun by a single has the prefix (фи-) (fi-) for past and future

tense and (фе-) (fe-) for present tense.

A verb that was done for a single ergative noun by a plural has the prefix (фа-) (faː-).

A verb that was done for a plural ergative nouns by a single has the prefix (яфи-) (jaːfi-) for past and

future tense and (яфе-) (jaːfe-) for present tense.

A verb that was done for a plural Ergative nouns by a plural has the prefix (яфа-) (jaːfaː-).

кIалэм фещхы бэнанэр пшъашъэм
[t͡ʃaːlam feɕxə banaːbar pʂaːʂam]
the boy (erg.) he eats for him a/the the banana (abs.) the girl (erg.)
"the boy is eating the banana for the girl"
бэнанэр сэ къэсфешхы
бэнанэр сэ къэс-фе-шхы
[banaːbar sa qasfeʃxə]
banana (abs.) I he eats it for me
"he is eating the banana for me"
Root Tense Forms
Negative Positive (want) Can If Even if Because
фишхэгъ Past фишхэгъэп фишхырэгъуагъ фишхышъутэгъ фишхыгъэмэ фишхыгъэми фишхыгъи
фешхы Present фешхырэп фешхырагъу фешхышъу фешхымэ фешхыми фешхи
фишхыщт Future фишхыщтэп фишхырэгъощт фишхышъущт фишхыщтмэ фишхыщтми фишхыщти
фишхыгъагъ Past 2 фишхыгъагъэп фишхырэгъуэгъагъ фишхышъутыгъагъ фишхыгъагъэмэ фишхыгъагъэми фишхыгъагъи
Against (шӏо-) (ʃʷʼ-)

To indicate a verb that was done against someone else's will, the prefix (шӏо-) (ʃʷʼa-) is added. The verb can also indicate that the subject took something (like an object or opportunity) from the object. For example in the word къэсшӏуишхэгъ /qasʃʷʼəjʃxaʁ/ "(s)he ate it against me" will mean that the subject "(s)he" ate it to take away my opportunity to ate it myself.

A verb that was done against a single ergative noun by a single has the prefix (шӏуи-) (ʃʷʼi-) for past and future tense and (шӏуе-) (ʃʷʼe-) for present tense.

A verb that was done against a single ergative noun by a plural has the prefix (шӏуа-) (ʃʷʼaː-).

A verb that was done against a plural ergative nouns by a single has the prefix (яшӏуи-) (jaːʃʷʼi-) for past and future tense and (яшӏуе-) (jaːʃʷʼe-) for present tense.

A verb that was done against a plural Ergative nouns by a plural has the prefix (яшӏуа-) (jaːʃʷʼaː-).

сишхын къэсшӏобэшхыжьы
си-шхын къэ-с-шӏо-бэ-шхы-жьы
[siʃxən qasʃʷʼabaʃxəɕə]
my food you are eating it instead of me
"You are eating my food!"
Видео джэгумкӏэ сицӏыф кӏалэм къэсшӏуиукӏэгъ
Видео джэгу-мкӏэ си-цӏыф кӏалэ-м къэ-с-шӏуи-укӏэ-гъ
[vɪdioʊ d͡ʒaɡʷəmt͡ʃʼa səjt͡sʼəf t͡ʃʼaːɮam qasʃʷʼəjwt͡ʃʼaʁ]
with the video game (ins.) my human the boy (erg.) (s)he killed it against me
"(S)he killed my human in the video game."
мыеу чъыгым къыпызгъэтэкъухэрэр къэсшӏобэщтэжьых
мые-у чъыгы-м къы-пы-з-гъэ-тэкъу-хэ-рэ-р къэ-с-шӏо-бэ-щтэ-жьы-х
[məjaw t͡ʂəɣəm qəpəzʁataqʷxarar qasʃʷʼabaɕtaʑəx]
apple (adv.) the tree (erg.) the ones that I drop from (hanging) you are taking them from me
"You are taking the apples I drop from the tree from me"
(ре-) (raj-)

To describe a verb that was done using something, the prefix (ре-) (raj-) is added for present tense and

the prefix (ри-) (ri-) is added for past and future tense.

къэлэмым шъуретхэ
[qalaməm ʂʷəretxa]
the pencil (erg.) you (plural) writing with it
"you (plural) are writing with a pencil"
къалэм срикӀорагъу
[qaːlam srikʷʼaraːʁʷ]
the wall (erg.) i want to go on it
"i want to go on the wall"
Root Tense Forms
Negative Positive (want) With For Possible (Capable) If Even if Infinitive
рикIуагъ Past рикIуагъэп рикIорэгъуагъ дрикIуагъ фрикIуагъ рикIошъутэгъ рикIуагъэмэ рикIуагъэми рикIогъэн
ремакIо Present рекIорэп рекIорагъу дрекIо фрекIо рекIошъу рекIомэ рекIоми рикIон
рикIощт Future рикIощтэп рикIорэгъощт дрикIощт фрикIощт рикIошъущт рикIощтмэ рикIощтми ?
рикIогъагъ Past 2 рикIогъагъэп рикIорэгъуэгъагъ дрикIогъагъ фрикIогъагъ рикIошъутыгъагъ рикIогъагъэмэ рикIогъагъэми рикIогъагъэн
After лъ-

To indicate a verb that was done after someone has the prefix лъ- (ɬ-), for example :

шъо кӏалэхэмкӏэ шъукъэслъыкӏу
шъо кӏалэхэ-мкӏэ шъу-къэ-с-лъы-кӏу
[ʃʷa t͡ʃʼaːɮaxamt͡ʃʼa ʃʷəqasɬəkʷʼ]
you (plural) from the boys (ins.) follow me (said to plural).
"You boys follow me (said to plural)."
кӏалэр мыжъокӏэ къэслъэгъуе
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam məʒʷat͡ʃʼa qasɬaʁʷəja]
the boy (abs.) using a rock (ins.) (s)he is throwing at me
"The boy is throwing at me rocks."
Directed at жьэ- (жьэхэ-) (ʑaxa-)

Designates action directed at something. for example.: жьэхэплъэн /ʑaxapɬan/: to look steadily (at), to

stare (at); жьэхэуэн /ʑaaxwan: to shove, to hit/strike somebody or something; to collide (with).

Toward the mouth жьэдэ- (ʑada-)

Designates action performed in or towards the mouth, for example : жьэдэдзэн /ʑadad͡zan: to throw

something in the mouth of someone else; жьэдэплъэн /ʑadapɬan/ : to look into somebody else' mouth.

Reflexive зэ- (za-)

To indicate a verb the subject does to himself has the suffix зэ- (za-). It can also be used to indicate a verb that a group does to themselves.

Шъузэзэонэу шъуфаемэ мэу шъузэмызау
[ʃʷəzazawanaw ʃʷəfaːjama maw ʃʷəzaməzaːʷ]
You (plural) (to) fight each other if you (plural) want here don't fight each other (said to plural)
"If you wanna fight each other, don't fight here"
Сыкъызэгъэлъэгъу уиджанэ кӏэхэ къупшыгъоу
[seqəzaʁaɬaʁʷ wəjd͡ʒaːna t͡ʃʼaxa qʷəpʃəʁaw]
Let me see you Your shirt news while you are wearing them
"Let me see you wearing your new shirts."
зэдэ- (zada-)

To indicate a verb that is done by some subjects (more than one) together, the suffix зэдэ- (zada-) is added.

Сиунэ тыкӏони анэм тызэдэшхэщт
[siwna təkʷʼani aːnam təzadaʃxaɕt]
my house we will go (in order something to happen) table (erg.) we will eat together
"We will go to my house and we will eat together on the table."
Томымрэ Джекобрэ тестэр зэдашӏы
[toməmra d͡ʒekobra testar zadaːʃʼə]
Tom and Jacob the test (arg.) they are doing it together
"Tom and Jacob are doing the test together."
Absolute negation

~хэ (verbal suffix) designates absolute negation; for example :

Verbal Infixes

Negative Prefix (мы~) (mə~)

It is posited most often before root of verb, after all other prefixes.

When to use this Prefix :

умыкӀомэ /wəmkʷʼama/ "if you don't go", умыкӀорагъоми /wəmkʷʼaraːʁʷami/ "even if you don't want to

go", мамкӀуу /maːmkʷʼəw/ "while he didn't want to go".

Ащтыу умышI!
[aːɕtu wməʂʼ]
like that don't do it
"Do not do this"
ау шъумыкӏу!
[aːw ʂʷəɕəmət]
there don't go (plural)
"Don't go there (Said to several people)"
зыгори ащ ешъумыӏу
[zəɡʷari aːɕ jaʂʷəməʔʷ]
something him/that don't tell him (plural)
"Do not tell him anything"

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the negative prefix (мы~) (mə~) and the negative suffix (-п)


Root Tense Forms
If Even if
мэкIуагъ Past мэмкIуагъэмэ мэмкIуагъэми
макIо Present мамкIомэ мамкIоми
мэкIощт Future мэмкIощтмэ мэмкIощтми
мэкIогъагъ Past 2 мэмкIогъагъэмэ мэмкIогъагъэми

Verbal Suffixes

Imperative mood

The imperative mood of the second person singular has no additional affixes:

When addressing to several people, The prefix шъу- /ʃʷə-/ is added:

Optative mood

Optative mood is expressed with the complex suffix -гъо-т: у-кIуа-гъо-т "would you go", п-тхы-гъа-

гъо-т "would you write".

Adverbial participle

Adverbial participles are formed from verbs with the suffixes -зэ (-za), -эу (aw): еджэ-зэ́ "reading",

щыт-э́у "standing", гущыIэ-зэ́ "speaking". Adverbial participles have different forms for different person:

Frequentative ~жь (~ʑ)

The frequentative is used to describe a verb that will happen again or repeated times, the suffix ~жь

(~ʑ) is added. It designates recurrence/repetition of the verb. It can also be used to indicate that someone that was doing a certain verb before, is now

continuing it or will continue it.

Examples :

уиунэ кIожьи уиIанэ лэжь
[wiwna kʷʼaʑi wiʔana laʑ]
your house go back (In order something to happen) your table color it again or continue

coloring it

"go back to your house and continue coloring your table"
къысапIорэ лIымэ яIожь
[qəsaːpʔʷara ɬʼəma jaːʔʷaʑ]
what you are telling me the men tell them again
"'tell the men what are you telling me"
Root Meaning Tense
Past tense Present tense Future tense Past 2 tense
макIо he is going мэкIожьэгъ мэкIожьы мэкIожьыщт мэкIожьгъагъ
сэкIо I am going скIожьэгъ сэкIожьы скIожьыщт скIожьгъагъ
еӀо he is saying иӀожьэгъ еӀожьы иӀожьыщт иӀожьгъагъ
Root Tense Forms
Negative Positive (want) Positive Negative (don't want) Possible (Capable) If Even if
мэкIожьэгъ Past мэкIожьгъэп мэкIожьрэгъуагъ мэкIожьрэгъуагъэп мэкIожьышъутэгъ мэкIожьмэ мэкIожьми
мэкIожьы Present мэкIожьрэп мэкIожьрагъу мэкIожьрагъоп мэкIожьшъу мэкIожьмэ мэкIожьми
мэкIожьыщт Future мэкIожьыщтэп мэкIожьырэгъощт мэкIожьырэгъощтэп мэкIожьышъущт мэкIожьыщтмэ мэкIожьыщтми
мэкIожьгъагъ Past 2 мэкIожьгъагъэп мэкIожьрэгъуэгъагъ мэкIожьрэгъуэгъагъэп мэкIожьшъутыгъагъ мэкIожьгъагъэмэ мэкIожьгъагъэми
Action process time connection -эу (-aw)

To indicate an event that is happening while a certain verb is done, the suffix -эу (-aw) or -ыу (-əw) is



сыкӏоу кӏалэр слъэгъогъ
[səkʷʼaw t͡ʃʼaːɮar sɬaʁʷaʁ]
while I am going the boy (erg.) I saw
"while (during the time) I am going I saw the boy"
седжэу къэлэмыр къэсыштагъэх
[sed͡ʒaw qalamər qasəʃtaːʁax]
while I am studying the pencil (abs.) I picked them up
"while (during the time) I was studying I picked the pencil up"
After the action connection suffix -эм (-am)

To indicate an event that happened after a certain verb was done, the Suffix -эм (-am) is added.


сэкӏом сшы къэслъэгъогъ
сэкӏо-м с-шы къэ-с-лъэгъу-эгъ
[sakʷʼam sʃə qasɬaʁʷaʁ]
when i went my brother i saw
"when i went i saw my brother"
пшъашъэр унэм ехьэм янэ IукIагъэ
пшъашъэ-р унэ-м ехьэ-м янэ IукIагъэ
[pʂaːʂar [wənam jaħam jaːna ʔʷət͡ʃʼaːʁa]
the girl (abs.) the house (erg.) when s(he) enter it his/her mother (s)he met him/her/it
"when the girl entered the house she met her mother"
лӏым едж къысеӏом седжагъ
лӏы-м едж къы-с-еӏо-м с-еджэ-агъ
[ɬʼəm jad͡ʒ qəsajʔʷam sajd͡ʒaːʁ]
man (erg.) study! when (s)he told me I studied
"when the man told me to study, I studied"
Until suffix -фэ (-fa)
Къэкӏожьыфэ шхэ
Къэ-кӏо-жьы-фэ шхэ
[qakʷʼaʑəfa ʃxa]
Until he is coming back eat
"Eat until he is coming back"
Сышхэфэ къэспаплъ
Сы-шхэ-фэ къэ-с-паплъ
[səʃxafa qaspaːpɬ]
Until I done eating wait for me
"Wait for me until I done eating."
Often -расэ (-raːsa)

To indicate a noun that is being used usually or often, has the suffix -расэ (-raːsa). One condition is that the indicated noun has to be created from a verb.

непчыхьэ тызкӏорасэрэм тышъугъакӏу
не-пчыхьэ ты-з-кӏо-расэ-рэ-м ты-шъу-гъа-кӏу
[najpt͡ʃəħa təzkʷʼaraːsaram təʃʷʁaːkʷʼ]
tonight the place we often go (erg.) let/allow us to go (said to plural)
"Let us go to the place we usually go"
кӏалэм шоколадэхэр ишхырэсагъэх бэрэ
кӏалэ-м шоколад-эх-эр и-шхы-рэс-агъ-эх бэрэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam ʃokolaːdaxar jəʃxərasaːʁax bara]
the boy (erg.) chocolates (abs.) he used to eat them often a lot
"The boy used to eat chocolates a lot"
сэ къэлэмэу сызритхырасэр плъыжьы
сэ къэлэм-эу сы-з-ри-тхы-расэ-р плъыжьы
[sa qalamaw səzrəjtxəraːsar pɬəʑə]
I pencil (adv.) the thing I often write with (abs.) red
"The pencil I usually write with is red"

It is also possible to indicate a verb that is done often by adding the suffix -рас (-raːs).

сэ лимон сышхырасэрэп
сэ лимон сы-шхы-расэ-рэп
[sa limom səʃxəraːsarap]
I a lemon I don't eat it often
"I don't eat lemon often"
кӏалэр къэлэм плъыжьым ритхэрас
кӏалэ-р къэлэм плъыжьы-м ри-тхэ-рас
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qalam pɬəʑəm rəjtxaraːs]
the boy (abs.) red pebcil (erg.) he often writes with
"The boy often writes with the red pencil"
About to -пэ- (-pa)

To indicate a verb the subject is about to do, the suffix -пэт- (-pat) is added. To indicate a verb that the subject just done, the suffix -гъап- (-ʁaːp) is added.

сыдэмыкӏыгъапэу къэгъэухьэзыр сишхын
сы-дэ-мы-кӏы-гъап-эу къэ-гъэ-у-хьэзыр си-шхын
[sədamt͡ʃʼəʁaːpaw qaʁawħazər səʃxən]
before I go out prepare / make it ready my food
"Before I go out prepare my food."
кӏэлэцӏыкӏор ӏанэм къепкӏэпэт
кӏэлэцӏыкӏо-р ӏанэ-м къе-пкӏэ-пэт
[t͡ʃʼaɮat͡sʼəkʷʼar ʔaːnam qet͡ʃʼapat]
the little boy (abs.) the table (erg.) (s)he is about to jump from
"The little boy is about to jump from the table."
Almost -пэт (-pat)

To indicate a verb that almost happened, the suffix -пэты (-patə) is added for present tense, -пэтыгъ (-patəʁ) for recent past tense, -пэтыгъагъ (-patəʁaːʁ) for far past tense and -пэтыщт (-patəɕt) for future tense.

сыкъаубытыпэтыгъ кӏалэхэмэ
сы-къа-убыты-пэтыгъ кӏалэхэмэ
[səqaːwbətəpatəʁ t͡ʃʼaːɮaxama]
they almost caught me the boys (erg.)
"The boys almost caught me."
псым уицуакъэкӏэ ухауцопэтыгъ
псы-м уи-цуакъэ-кӏэ у-ха-уцо-пэтыгъ
[psəm wəjt͡sʷaːqat͡ʃʼa wəxaːwt͡sʷapatəʁ]
water (erg.) using your shoes (ins.) you almost stepped into it
"You almost stepped into the water with your shoes."
сэ себэджыпэтыгъэп
сэ се-бэджы-пэтыгъ-эп
[sa sajbad͡ʒəpatəʁap]
I didn't almost fell on the ground
"I didn't almost fell on the ground."
Just recently -гъакӏ (-ʁaːt͡ʃʼ)

To indicate a verb that happened just recently, the suffix -гъакӏ (-ʁaːt͡ʃʼ) is added.

ушхэгъакӏ нэӏэ ушхэжьырагъуа?
у-шхэ-гъакӏ нэӏэ у-шхэ-жьы-рагъу-а?
[wəʃxaʁaːt͡ʃʼ naʔa wəʃxaʑəraːʁʷaː]
you just ate recently only do you want to eat again
"You just ate recently, you wanna eat again?"
класым иджы скъихьэгъакӏ
класы-м иджы с-къи-хьэ-гъакӏ
[klaːsəm jəd͡ʒə sqəjħaʁaːt͡ʃʼ]
class (erg.) now I just came in
"I just came into the class right now."

When speaking on the past, to indicate a verb that happened just recently at that time, the suffix -гъэкӏагъ (-ʁat͡ʃʼaːʁ) is added.

класым тыгъуасэ сихьэгъэкӏагъ тестэр къызеублэм
класы-м тыгъуасэ си-хьэ-гъэкӏагъ тестэ-р къы-зе-ублэ-м
[klaːsəm təʁʷaːsa səjħaʁat͡ʃʼaːʁ] testar qəzajwbɮam
class (erg.) yesterday I just entered recently (in the past) test (arg.) the time it started
"Yesterday after recently entering the class the test began."
Should have -пхъагъ (-pχaːʁ)

To indicate an event that the subject should have done and haven't, the suffix -пхъагъ (-pχaːʁ) is added

to the verb. This suffix can only be added to verbs in the past tense.

сиунэ укъакӏом сидиск къэпхьыпхъагъ
[siwna wqaːkʷʼam sidisk qaphəpχaːʁ]
my house when you came my disk you should have brought it.
"When you came to my house, you should have brought my disk with you"
къэпӏопхъагъ зэрэуимӏэ гущыӏалъэ
[qapʔʷapχaːʁ zarawimʔa ɡʷəɕəʔaːɬa]
you should have said so that you don't have it a dictionary
"You should have said that you don't have a dictionary."


In Adyghe suffixes and prefixes can be add to verbs, nouns and adjectives to describe them for different cases.


Opinion Prefix (шӏо-) (ʃʷʼa-)

To indicate an opinion of someone the prefix (шӏо-) (ʃʷʼa-) is added to the adjective. This is used very rarely on nouns and are not used on adverbs at all.


пшъашъэм кӏалэр шӏодах
пшъашъэ-м кӏалэ-р шӏо-дах
[pʂaːʂam t͡ʃʼaːlar ʂʷadaːx]
the girl (erg.) the boy (abs.) it's pretty for him/her
"the boy is pretty for the girl."
кӏалэхэмэ яшъодахэп сиджанэ
кӏалэ-хэ-мэ я-шъо-дахэ-п си-джанэ
[t͡ʃaːlaxama jaːʃʷadaːxap sid͡ʒaːna]
the boys (erg.) it was not pretty for them my shirt
"my shirt was not beautiful for the boys."
мы бэнанэм иуасэ пшӏолъапӏа?
мы бэнанэ-эм и-уасэ п-шӏо-лъапӏэ-а?
[mə banaːnam jəwaːsa pʃʷaɬaːpʼaː]
this banana (erg.) its cost is it expensive for you?
"Is this banana expensive for you?"
мы мыер сышӏоӏашӏоп
мы мые -эр сы-шӏо-ӏашӏо-эп
[mə məjar səʃʷaʔaːʃʷap]
this apple (arg.) Is not tasty for me
"This apple is not testy for me."

зэрэ- (zara-)

When used on nouns and adjectives the prefix зэрэ- (zara-) is added. when used on verbs the prefix зэрэ- (zara-) and suffix -рэ /-ra/ is added

кӏалэр псынкӏэу зэрэмачъэрэ олъэгъуа?
кӏалэ-р псынкӏэ-у зэрэ-мачъэ-рэ о-лъэгъу-а?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar psənt͡ʃʼaw zaramaːt͡ʂara waɬaʁʷaː]
the boy (abs.) quickly the way (s)he runs do you see it?
"do you see the way the boy runs fast?"
нечэпэ зэрэчъыӏэр, сэкъы
нечэпэ зэрэ-чъыӏэ-р, сэ-къы
[net͡ʃapa zarat͡ʂəʔar saqə]
tonight the way it's cold i am freezing
"how it's cold tonight, i am freezing."
унэшӏуа? ор зэрэплъыжьэ улъэгъурэба?
у-нэшӏу-а? ор зэрэ-плъыжьэ у-лъэгъу-рэ-ба?
[wənaʃʷʼaː war zarapɬəʑa wəɬaʁʷərabaː]
are you blind? that (arg.) the way it's red don't you see it?
"are you blind? don't you see that it's red"

зэрэ- (zara-) and -эу (-aw)

To indicate an event that happened instantly at the beginning of a certain verb, the prefix зэрэ- (zara-) and the suffix -эу/-ыу (-aw/-əw) is added. Can only be used on verbs and nouns.

кӏалэр псы зэрешъоу сыкъэсэгъ
кӏалэ-р псы зэрэ-ешъо-у сы-къэсы-эгъ
[t͡ʃaːlar psə zarajaʃʷaw səqasaʁ]
the boy (abs.) water once he started drinking I got here
"once the boy start drinking water I got here"
кӏалэр еджапӏэм зэрежьэу къещхэу къиублагъ
кӏалэ-р еджапӏэ-м зэрэ-ежь-эу къещхы-эу къеублэ-агъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar jad͡ʒaːpʼam zarajaʑaw qajɕxaw qəjwbɮaːʁ]
the boy (abs.) the school (erg.) once he started while it was raining (s)he/it started
"the moment the boy started to go to school, it started to rain."


Plural -хэ (-xa)

In addition to distinguishing between singular and plural nouns by marking the latter with the suffix '-хэ' /-xa/.

у мэлажьэхэрэр сишых
у мэлажьэ-хэ-рэ-р си-шы-х
[wə maɮaːʑaxarar səjʃəx]
those the ones that are working (abs.) they are my brothers
"Those guys that are working are my brothers"

To indicate a plural verb (verb that was done by more than one thing) also has the additional suffix '-хэ' /-xa/.

илъэсхэр псынкӏэу блэкӏых
илъэсхэ-р псынкӏэ-у блэкӏ-ых
[jəɬasxar psənt͡ʃʼaw bɮat͡ʃʼəx]
the years (abs.) fast (adv.) they are passing
"the years are passing fast"

The negative (~эп) (~ap)

The Negation suffix is ~п (~p) and it's ~рэп (~rap) when the verb is

in present tense:

Ахэр къэкIуагъэхэп!
Ахэ-эр къэ-кӀо-агъ-эх-эп!
[aːxar qakʷʼaːʁaxap]
the those (erg.) they didn't come
"they didn't come"
Кӏалэр иныбджэгъумэ ядэджэгурэп
[t͡ʃʼaːlar jənəbd͡ʒaʁʷəma jaːdad͡ʒaɡʷərap]
the boy (arg.) his friends (erg.) he doesn't play with them
"the boy doesn't play with his friends"
Пепэ чъыӏэп фабэнахь
[najpa t͡ʂəʔap faːbanaːħ]
today it is not cold it is actually hot
"Today is not cold, it's actually hot."

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the infinitive suffix -н (-n) and the negative suffix (-эп) (-ap).

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the negative suffix (-эп) and (-мэ) (-ми) (-и) suffixes.

Root Tense Forms
With Positive (want) For Possible (Capable)
мэкIуагъэп Past дэкIуагъэп мэкIорэгъуагъэп фэкIуагъэп мэкIошъутыгъэп
макIорэп Present дакIорэп мэкIорагъоп факIорэп мэкIошъурэп
мэкIощтэп Future дэкIощтэп мэкIорэгъощт фэкIощтэп мэкIошъущтэп
мэкIогъагъэп Past 2 дэкIогъагъэп мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэп фэкIогъагъэп мэкIошъутыгъагъэп

Desirement (~рагъу) (raːʁʷ)

To indicate something desired, the suffix (~рагъу) (~raːʁʷ) is added For example:

кӀалэр пшъашъэм иунэ мэкӀорагъоп
кӀалэ-эр пшъашъэ-эм и-унэ мэ-кӀо-рагъу-эп
[t͡ʃʼaːlar pʂaːʂam jəwna makʷʼaraːʁʷap]
the boy (abs.) the girl (erg.) his house he don't want to go
"the boy don't want to go to the girl's house"
дышъэм фэдыу пшъашъэр дэхэрагъу
[dəʂam fadəw pʂaːʂar daxaraːʁʷ]
the gold (erg.) like him the girl (abs.) he wants to be pretty
"the girl wants to be pretty like a gold"
лӀым фэдыу скIочIэрэгъуагъ
[ɬʼəm fadəw səkʷʼat͡ʃʼaraʁʷaːʁ]
the man (erg.) like him I wanted to be strong
"I wanted to be strong like the man"
Root Tense Forms
With For Negative Possible (Capable) If Even if
мэкIорэгъуагъ Past дэкIорэгъуагъ фэкIорэгъуагъ мэкIорэгъуагъэп мэкIорэгъошъутэгъ мэкIорэгъуагъэмэ мэкIорэгъуагъэми
мэкIорагъу Present дэкIорагъу фэкIорагъу мэкIорагъоп мэкIорэгъошъу мэкIорэгъомэ мэкIорэгъоми
мэкIорэгъот Future дэкIорэгъот фэкIорэгъот мэкIорэгъотэп мэкIорэгъошъут мэкIорэгъотмэ мэкIорэгъотми
мэкIорэгъуэгъагъ Past 2 дэкIорэгъогъагъ фэкIорэгъогъагъ мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэп мэкIорэгъошъутыгъагъ мэкIорэгъогъагъэмэ мэкIорэгъогъагъэми

Completion -гъах (-ʁaːx)

To indicate a completed verb, the suffix -гъах (-ʁaːx) is used. It designates absolute accomplishment/realization of the action.

кӏалэр мэкӏогъах
[t͡ʃaːɮar makʷʼaʁaːx]
the boy (abs.) he already went
"the boy already went"
"the boy done going"
тэ теджэгъах иунэкӏэ
[ta ted͡ʒaʁaːx jəwnat͡ʃa]
we we already studied with his house
"we already studied in his house"
"we done studding in his house"

To indicate an event that is happening while someone is finishing of doing a certain verb, the suffixes -

гъах (-ʁaːx) and -эу (-aw) are used together. For example:

сымышхэгъахэу лаж къысэмыӀу
сы-мы-шхэ-гъах-эу лаж къы-сэ-мы-Ӏо
[səməʃxaʁaːxaw laːʒ qəsaməʔʷ]
While I am not done eating Work! (Imperative mood) Don't tell me
"While I haven't done eating don't tell me to work"
скӀогъахэу къысаӀуагъ
[skʷʼaʁaːxaw qəsaːʔʷaːʁ]
i already done going i saw
"they told me after I already went"

To indicate an event that happened after a completion of a specific verb, it has the suffix -гъах (-ʁaːx)

and -эм (-am). For example:

сылэжэгъахэм сылъэгъогъ кIалэр
сы-лажэ-гъах-эм сы-лъэгъу-эгъ кIалэр
[slaʒaʁaːxam sɬaʁʷaʁ t͡ʃaːlar]
when i done working I saw the boy (abs.)
"When i done working I saw the boy"

To indicate a verb that still wasn't completed, it has the Suffix -гъах (-ʁaːx) and the Negative Suffix (~эп)

(~ap) together.

кIалэр мэкӀогъахэп
[t͡ʃaːlar makʷʼaʁaːxap]
the boy (abs.) he didn't done going
"the boy haven't done going"
сышхэгъахэп дэхьэ
[səʃxaʁaxap daħa]
I haven't done eating Still
"I still haven't done eating"

Capability -шъу (-ʃʷə)

To indicate the ability or capability to perform a certain verb, has the Suffix

-шъогъ (-ʃʷaʁ) for past tense, the Suffix -шъу (-ʃʷə) for present tense, the Suffix -шъущт (-ʃʷəɕt) for future

tense and the Suffix -шъугъагъ (-ʃʷtəʁaːʁ) for the Past 2 tense. The Suffix -шъутэгъ (-ʃʷtaʁ) is added in

case someone was capable of doing a certain verb but haven't done it.

лӏыжъэр ныбжьыкӏэм мэкӏошъогъ тэрэзэу
лӏыжъ-эр ныбжьыкӏ-эм мэкӏо-шъу-эгъ тэрэз-эу
[ɬʼəʐar nəbʑət͡ʃʼam makʷʼaʂʷaʁ tarazaw]
old man (abs.) when he was young (s)he could go/walk correctly
"When the old man was young he could go correctly"
унэм уехьэмэ псы къэсфэпхьышъута?
унэ-эм у-ехьэ-эм псы къэ-с-фэ-п-хьы-шъу-т-а
[wənam wajħam psə qasfapħəʃʷtaː]
house (erg.) when you enter the house a water could you bring it for me
"when you enter the house could you bring me a water."
кӏалэр мэджэгушъутыгъи мэджэгогъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar mad͡ʒaɡʷəʃʷtəʁi mad͡ʒaɡʷaʁ]
the boy (abs.) because he was capable of playing he played
"because the boy was capable of playing he played"
кӏалэм бэнанэр къыфэшхышъурэп
кӏалэ-эм бэнанэ-эр къы-фэ-шхы-шъу-рэп
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam banaːnar qəfaʃxəʂʷrap]
the boy (erg.) the banana (abs.) he is not capable of eating it anymore
"the boy is not capable of eating the banana anymore"
пшъашъэм зэпсэо къыщытхъушъутых дахэу мэзакӏомэ
пшъашъэ-эм зэпсэо къы-щытхъу-шъут-ых дахэ-эу мэзакӏо-мэ
[pʂaːʂam zapsawa qəɕətχʷəʂʷtəx daːxaw mazaːkʷʼama]
the girl (erg.) everybody/all they can be amazed from him/her beautifully/kindly If (s)he


"Everybody could be amazed if the girl behave kindly"
Root Tense Forms
Negative Positive (want) With For If Even if
мэкIошъутэгъ Past мэкIошъутыгъэп мэкIошъутэгъэрэгъуагъ дэкIошъутэгъ фэкIошъутэгъ мэкIошъутыгъэмэ мэкIошъутыгъэми
мэкIошъу Present мэкIошъурэп мэкIошъурэгъу дэкIошъу фэкIошъу мэкIошъумэ мэкIошъуми
мэкIошъут Future мэкIошъутэп - дэкIошъут фэкIошъут мэкIошъутымэ мэкIошъутыми
мэкIошъутыгъагъ Past 2 мэкIошъутыгъагъэп мэкIошъутырэгъуэгъагъ дэкIошъутыгъагъ фэкIошъутыгъагъ мэкIошъутыгъагъэмэ мэкIошъутыгъагъэми

Concessive mood -ми (-məj)

To indicate an event that will happen even if something/someone does a specific verb, has the Suffix -ми


кӏалэм епӏуагъэми къодэӏутэп
кӏалэ-м епӏо-агъэ-ми къодэӏу-т-эп
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam japʔʷaːʁaməj qʷadaʔʷtap]
the boy (erg.) even if you told him he will not listen to you
"even if you told the boy he will still not listen to you"
кӏалэр мэкӏошъутыми нэхьышӏу мамыкӏомэ
кӏалэ-р мэ-кӏо-шъу-ты-ми нэхьышӏу ма-мы-кӏо-мэ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar makʷʼaʂʷtəməj nahəʃʷʼə maːməkʷʼama]
the boy (abs.) even if he can go (capable of going) it's better if he don't go
"even if the boy is capable can go it's better if he don't go"
улажьэми ахъщэ къотыщтэп
у-лажьэ-ми ахъщэ къоты-щт-эп
[wəɮaːʑaməj aːχɕa qʷatətaɕp]
even if you work money they will not give it to you
"even if you work they will not give you money"
Root Tense Forms
Negative (мы) Positive (want) With For Possible (Capable)
мэкIуагъэми Past мэмкIуагъэми мэкIорэгъуагъэми дэкIуагъэми фэкIуагъэми мэкIошъутыгъэми
макIоми Present мамкIоми мэкIорагъоми дакIоми факIоми мэкIошъуми
мэкIощтми Future мэмкIощтми мэкIорэгъощтми дэкIощтми фэкIощтми мэкIошъутми
мэкIогъагъэми Past 2 мэмкIогъагъэми мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэми дэкIогъагъэми фэкIогъагъэми мэкIошъутыгъагъэми

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the infinitive suffix - н(-n) and the suffix -ми (-mi). Cannot be used simultaneously with both the suffix -мэ (-ma) and the suffix -ми (-mi).

Conditional mood -мэ (-ma)

To indicate a result of a certain verb that if someone/something done, doing or will do, has the Suffix

-мэ (-ma).

кӏалэр мэлажьэмэ ахъщэ къыратыщт
кӏалэ-р мэлажьэ-мэ ахъщэ къыраты-щт
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar maɮaːʑama aːχɕa qəraːtəɕt]
the boy (abs.) if he work money they will give him
"if the boy work they will give him money"
усымаджэу удэкӏымэ нахьиу усымэджэщт
у-сымаджэ-у у-дэкӏы-мэ нахьиу у-сымэджэ-щт
[wəsəmaːd͡ʒaw wədat͡ʃʼəma naːħjəw wəsəmad͡ʒaɕt]
while you are sick if you go out even more you will get sick
"if you go out while you are sick, you will get even more sick"
учъэрагъомэ унэм икӏи чъэ
у-чъэ-рагъо-мэ унэ-м икӏый чъэ
[wət͡ʂaraːʁʷama wənam jət͡ʃʼəj t͡ʂa]
if you want to run the house (erg.) get out (in order for something to happen) run!
"if you want to go, get out from the house and go"
Root Tense Forms
Negative (мы) Positive (want) With For Possible (Capable)
мэкIуагъэмэ Past мэмкIуагъэмэ мэкIорэгъуагъэмэ дэкIуагъэмэ фэкIуагъэмэ мэкIошъутыгъэмэ
макIомэ Present мамкIомэ мэкIорагъомэ дакIомэ факIомэ мэкIошъумэ
мэкIощтмэ Future мэмкIощтмэ мэкIорэгъощтмэ дэкIощтмэ фэкIощтмэ мэкIошъущтмэ
мэкIогъагъэмэ Past 2 мэмкIогъагъэмэ мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэмэ дэкIогъагъэмэ фэкIогъагъэмэ мэкIошъутыгъагъэмэ

Can not be used simultaneously both the suffix -мэ (-ma) and the suffix -ми (-mi).

Completion and its results -и (-əj)

To indicate an event that is occurring or will occur or occurred because of a certain verb, has the suffix

-и (-əj). In this case the verb is also the reason why the event occurred. When used in Imperative mood

(form of a command or request) it is to describe an event that will happen when the listener will do the

command or request.

Imperative case examples :

кӏуи кӏалэр улъэгъущт
кӏо-и кӏалэ-р у-лъэгъу-щт
[kʷʼəj t͡ʃʼaːɮar wɬaʁʷəɕt]
go (in order for the event to occur) the boy (abs.) you will see it
"go and you will see the boy"
лажьи ахъщэ къуатыщт
лажь-и ахъщэ къуаты-щт
[ɮaːʑəj aːχt͡ʃa qʷaːtəɕt]
work (in order for the event to occur) money they will give you money
"work and they will give you money"

Other examples :

кӏалэр мэкӏощти цуакъэхэр щилъагъэх
кӏалэ-р мэкӏо-щти цуакъэ-хэ-р щылъ-агъ-эх
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar makʷʼaɕtəj t͡sʷaːqaxar t͡ʃaːlar]
the boy (abs.) because (s)he's going to go the shoes (abs.) (s)he wear them
"the boy put the shoes because he was going to go"
пшъашъэр дахи кӏалэхэр къеплъых
пшъашъэ-р дахэ-и кӏалэ-хэ-р къе-плъы-х
[pʂaːʂar daːxəj t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar qajpɬəx]
the girl (abs.) because he/she is pretty the boys (abs.) they are looking at it
"because the girl is pretty, the boys looking at her"
кӏалэр мэкӏожьи мые къэсфихьэгъ
кӏалэ-р мэкӏожь-и мые къэ-с-ф-ихь-эгъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar makʷʼaʑəj məja qasfəjħaʁ]
the boy (abs.) go back (in order for something to happen) an apple bring it for me
"the boy went back and brought me an apple"
кӏалэр макӏуи пшъашъэр илъэгъогъ
кӏалэ-р макӏо-и пшъашъэ-р и-лъэгъу-огъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar makʷʼəj pʂaːʂar jəɬaʁʷaʁʷ]
the boy (abs.) (s)he went and the girl (abs.) (s)he saw it
"The boy went and (then) saw the girl"
Root Tense Forms
Negative (мы) Positive (want) With For Possible (Capable)
мэкIуагъи Past мэмкIуагъи мэкIорэгъуагъи дэкIуагъи фэкIуагъи мэкIошъутыгъи
макIоми Present мамкIоми мэкIорагъоми дакIоми факIоми мэкIошъуми
мэкIощтми Future мэмкIощтми мэкIорэгъощтми дэкIощтми фэкIощтми мэкIошъущтми
мэкIогъагъэми Past 2 мэмкIогъагъэми мэкIорэгъуэгъагъэми дэкIогъагъэми фэкIогъагъэми мэкIошъутыгъагъэми

Actually -нахь (-naːħ)

To point out something that is unknown to the listener(s), the suffix -нэхь (-naħ) is added to a word. It can

also be used to indicate the opposite of what had earlier been assumed.

мафэнахь джы
мафэ-нахь джы
[maːfanaːħ d͡ʒə]
it's day now
"it's actually a day now"
кӏалэр мэчъэшъутынахь
кӏалэ-р мэчъэ-шъу-т-нахь
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar mat͡ʂaʃʷtənaːħ]
the boy (abs.) he is capable to run
"the boy actually can run"
пшъашъэр дахэнахь
пшъашъэ-р дахэ-нахь
pʂaːʂar] daːxanaːħ]
girl (abs.) it's actually pretty
"that girl is actually pretty"

Until -нэс (-nas)


Note that there is no future tense for this suffix.

Nouns and adjectives:

кӏалэр макӏонэс паплъ
кӏалэ-р макӏо-нэс паплъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːkʷʼanas paːpɬ]
the boy (abs.) until (s)he go wait
"wait until the boy goes"
кӏалэр къэсынэс зыб ригъэхьыра?
кӏалэ-р къэсы-нэс зыб ригъэхьыра?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qasənas zəb riʁaħraː]
boy (abs.) until (s)he arrive so much he is taking (time)
"it's taking so much time until the boy arrives"
чэщынэс лажьэгу
чэщы-нэс лажьэ-гу
[t͡ʃaɕənas ɮaːʑaɡʷ]
until it's night work for now
"work until it's night"

For a while (-гу) (-ɡʷ)

To indicate a verb that was done in some period of time has the suffix (-эгъагъэгу) (-aʁaːʁaɡʷ) for Past 2 tense, the suffix (-агъэгу) (-aːʁaɡʷ) for past tense, the suffix (-го) (-ɡʷa) for present tense and the

suffix (-тыг) (-təɡʷ) for future tense.

Example :



This also can be add to noun and adjective :

кӏалэр тучанэм мэкӏуагъэгу
кӏалэ-р тучанэ-м мэкӏо-агъэгу
[t͡ʃʼɮar təwt͡ʃaːnam makʷʼaːʁaɡʷ]
the boy (abs.) the shop (erg.) he went for a while
"the boy went to the shop for now"
Томэр еджэго къэджэгушъущтэп
Том-эр еджэ-го къэ-джэгу-шъу-щт-эп
[tomar jad͡ʒaɡʷa qad͡ʒaɡʷəʃʷəɕtap]
Tom (abs.) (s)he is studying for now (s)he can't play
"Tom is studying for now he can't play"
паркэм къэсыкӏохьыщтыгу
паркэ-м къэ-сы-кӏохьы-щтыгу
[paːrkar qasəkʷʼaħəɕtəɡʷ]
in the park (erg.) I will go around for a while
"I will go around for a while in the park."
джэгуалъэм сыриджэгурагъогу
джэгуалъэ-м сы-риджэгу-рагъо-гу
[d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬam sərəjd͡ʒaɡʷəraːʁʷaɡʷ]
the toy (erg.) I want to play it for now
"I want to play the toy for now"

All (-купэ) (-kʷəpa)

Can only be used on nouns and adjectives:

мыекупэр шхы
[məjakʷəpar ʃxə]
all the apples (abs.) eat
"eat all the apples"
пшъашъэкупэм еӏо ар
[pʂaːʂakʷəpam jaʔʷa ʔaːr]
all the girls (erg.) he is saying that
"all the girls are saying that"

Measurement -гъакӏэ (-ʁaːt͡ʃʼa)

To indicate a measure of a certain adjective, it has the suffix -гъакӏэ (-ʁaːt͡ʃʼa). In the Shapsug dialect it has the suffix -гъакӏьэ (-ʁaːkʲʼa). Usually it's used for measurable adjectives like length, height, weight, size, strength and speed but it can be used on any adjective.

пхъэм иӏужъугъакӏэ 65 сантиметр
[pχam jəʔʷəʒʷəʁaːt͡ʃʼa 65 saːntimetr]
the wood (erg.) its width 65 centimeters
"The wood's width is 65 centimeters"
кӏалэм кӏочӏэгъакӏэ хэлъ
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam kʷʼat͡ʃʼaʁaːt͡ʃʼa xaɬ]
the boy (erg.) strength he is laying among / has in him
"The boy has strength in him."

Surprise -уи (-wəːj)

To indicate a surprise because of a certain noun, adjective or verb has the suffix -уи (-wəːj).

мы унэр зишӏыгъэр шъузуи?
[mə wənar zəjʃʼəʁar ʃʷəzwəj]
this house (abs.) the one who made it is a woman?
"The one who made this house is a woman (surprised)?"
кӏалэм еуагъэр сэруи?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮam jawaːʁar sarwəj]
the boy (erg.) the one (s)he hit me?
"The one who hit the boy is me (surprised)?"
а кӏалэ кӏакор кӏуачӏэуи?
[aː t͡ʃʼaːɮa t͡ʃʼaːkʷar kʷʼaːt͡ʂʼawəj]
that boy the short one (abs.) is (s)he really strong?
"That short boy is strong (surprised)?"

Complex cases

In Adyghe verbs, nouns and adjectives can be described for different cases by adding suffixes and

prefixes to the described word, because of this some sentences in the Adyghe language can have very

complex words (usually verbs).

псы къэсфэпхьышъутыгуа?
псы къэ-с-фэ-п-хьы-шъу-ты-гу-а
[psə qasfapħəʃʷtəɡʷaː]
water can you bring me it for now
"can you bring me water for now?"
уздэджэгурагъоми уахътэ сиӏэп
у-с-дэ-джэгу-рагъо-ми уахътэ с-иӏэ-п
[wəzdad͡ʒaɡʷəraːʁʷaməj waːχta səjʔap]
even if you me to play with you time i don't have
"even if you want me to play with you i don't have time"
do you (plural) want to make me angry?
"do you (plural) want to make me angry?"


The Adverbs can be formed from different speech elements by gaining suffix ~эу (-aw) or ~у (-u): From verbs: ГумэкIын - beware, МыгумэкIыху - unflappable, Джэгун - Play, Джэгуну - playing, Щысын-

sits, Щысу - sitting. For example: Щысу илъэгъогъ - he saw white sitting, мэджэгуну мэчIагъ - he ran

white playing.

From adjectives: тэрэз - correct, Тэрэзэу тхы! - write correctly, рэхьат - calm, рэхьату - calmly, псынкIэ -

quick, псынкIу - quickly.

From other speech elements: ежь - itself (jaʑ), Ежь-ежьэрэу иIофыр къэгъэухыгъ – He (she) has

finished his (her) work by himself (herself).

The following adverbs are not formed from another words:

Place adverbs

Such as: мыдэ, mode, моджэ here, мыдыджэ here, мэу here.

удэ, удыджэ, ауджэ - (there, there) different with comparative vicinity degree: удэ къэкIорэр

тигъунэгъу - Here goes our neighbour (wda qakʷʼarar tiʁʷnaʁʷ).

Tense adverbs

непэ - today, тыгъубсэ or тыгъуасэ - yesterday, нэущы - tomorrow, едэдэм - presently, ыужым or

иужым or икънэуыж - after, етIубнэ or етIонэ – afterwards, жъу or пасу – early, лъэжъуагъу - late.

Нэпэ ap къэкIощтэп - Today he will not come, Тыгъуасэ тызытегущыIагъэм угу къэкIыжьа? – Do You

remember, what we talked about yesterday?, Неущы тыкIот ауджэ - Tomorrow we will go there,

Пчэджэм жъэу сэкъэтэджагъ – I got up early in the morning.

Number adverbs

мбкIэу or тэку or маӀу - few, бэ - much, a lot, бэр’э - often/long, бэщагъ’у - long ago.

МакIэу Iо, бэу шIэ – Talk less, do a more, Ащ бэрэ лъэхъугъ, ау къыгъотыжьыгъэп – I had been looking

for him for a long time, but I did not find him, Нахь бэрэ уIущхыпцыкIынэу сэфай - I want you to smile

more often, Бэшъагъу оу слъэгъугъэп - I have not seen you for a long time.


Personal pronouns

Case Singular Plural
First-person Second-person Third-person First-person Second-person Third-person
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA
Absolutive сэ sa о wa ар aːr тэ ta шъо ʃʷa ахэр aːxar
Ergative сэ sa о wa ащ aːɕ тэ ta шъо ʃʷa ахэмэ aːxama
Instrumental сэркӏэ sart͡ʃʼa оркӏэ wart͡ʃʼa ащкӏэ aːɕt͡ʃʼa тэркӏэ tart͡ʃʼa шъоркӏэ ʃʷart͡ʃʼa ахэмкӏэ aːxamt͡ʃʼa
Adverbial сэрэу saraw орэу waraw арэу aːraw тэрэу taraw шъорэу ʃʷaraw ахэрэу aːxaraw

Demonstrative Pronouns

Case Singular Plural
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA
Absolutive мыр, мор mər, mawr мыхэр, мохэр məxar, mawxar
Ergative мыщ, мощ məɕ, mawɕ мыхэмэ, мохэмэ məxama, mawxama
Instrumental мыщкIэ, мощкIэ məɕt͡ʃʼa, mawɕt͡ʃʼa мыхэмкIэ, мохэмкIэ məxamt͡ʃʼa, mawxamt͡ʃʼa
Adverbial мырэу, морэу məraw, mawraw мыхэрэу, мохэрэу məxaraw, mawxaraw

Other Pronouns

Case Singular Plural
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA
Absolutive джэр, ор, дыор, дымыр d͡ʒar, war, dəwar, dəmər джэхэр, охэр, дыухэр, дымхэр d͡ʒaxar, waxar, dəwxar, dəmxar
Ergative джэщ, ущ, дыущ, дымыщ d͡ʒaɕ, wəɕ, dəwəɕ, dəməɕ джэхэмэ, охэмэ, дыухэмэ, дымхэмэ d͡ʒaxama, waxama, dəwxama, dəmxama
Instrumental джэщкӏэ, ущкӏэ, дыущкӏэ, дымыщкӏэ d͡ʒaɕt͡ʃʼa, wəɕt͡ʃʼa, dəwəɕt͡ʃʼa, dəməɕt͡ʃʼa джэхэмэкӏэ, охэмэкӏэ, дыухэмэкӏэ, дымхэмэкӏэ d͡ʒaxamat͡ʃʼa, waxamat͡ʃʼa, dəwxamat͡ʃʼa, dəmxamat͡ʃʼa
Adverbial джэрэу, орэу, дыорэу, дымырэу d͡ʒaraw, waraw, dəwaraw, dəməraw джэхэрэу, охэрэу, дыухэрэу, дымхэрэу d͡ʒaxaraw, waxaraw, dəwxaraw, dəmxaraw

Like nouns, personal pronouns take one of the follow four cases: absolutive, ergative, instrumental, and adverbial.

сэ - I, сэркIэ - me, for me, by me, сэру - for me, by me, o/уэ - you, орыкIэ – for you, by you, ору - for

you, by you, ap – he (she), аркIэ, ащкIэ - for him (her), by him (her), ару - for him (her), by him (her), тэ -

we, тэркIэ – us, тэру - us, шъо шъощ – You (plural form), шъоркIэ you, for you, by you, шъору- for you,

by you, ахэр ахэмэ - they, ахэмкIэ – by them, аху - by them.

Examples: Сэ o къыосIуагъ - I said to you, Сэ ap къэсэлъэIугъ - I asked him (her), O уятэ къыоIуагъа? –

Did you say to your father? [You your-father once-you- say-did], Ащ еупчI – Ask him, Ащ ыIорэр сэркIэ

тIуейзы – All he says, is not important for me, Ахэр бо Iэшъу аIу – People say they are very tasty.

Dependent possessive pronouns

The nouns in Adyghe are different by their accessory signs, which are broken down into the natural attribute and the property attribute. The natural attribute is for body parts and kin relationships (e.g. 'son', 'sister'). All other words belong to the property attribute.

Prefix meaning example
Cyrillic IPA
Singular 1st person с- or сы- /s-/ or /sə-/ "my" сылъакъо /səɬaːqʷa/ - my leg; сшыпхъу /sʃəpχʷ/ - my sister
2nd person п- or у- /p-/ or /w-/ "your" плъакъо /pɬaːqʷa/ - your leg; ушыпхъу /wʃəpχʷ/ - your sister
3rd person ы- (ə-) /ə-/ "his" ылъакъо /əɬaːqʷa/ - his leg; ышы /əʃə/ - his brother
Plural 1st person тэ- or т- /ta-/ or /t-/ "our" тлъакъохэ /tɬaːqʷaxa/ - our legs; тшы /tʃə/ - our brother; тшыхэ /tʃəxa/ - our brothers
2nd person шъо- or шъу- /ʃʷa-/ or /ʃʷə-/ "your" шъулъакъохэ /ʃʷəɬaːqʷaxa/ - your legs; шъошыпхъу /ʃʷaʃəpχʷə/ - your sister; шъошыпхъухэ

/ʃʷaʃəpχʷəxa/ - your sisters

3rd person a- /aː-/ "their" алъакъохэр /aːɬaːqʷaxa/ - their legs; ашыпхъу /aːʃəpχʷə/ - their sister; ашыпхъухэ /aːʃəpχʷəxa/ - their


Prefix meaning example
Cyrillic IPA
Singular 1st person си- /səj-/ "my" сиунэ /səjwəna/ - my house; ситхылъ /səjtxəɬ/ - my book
2nd person уи- /wəj-/ "your" уиунэ /wəjwəna/ - your house; уитхылъ /wəjtxəɬ/ - your book
3rd person и- /jə-/ "his" иунэ /jəwəna/ - his house; итхылъ /jətxəɬ/ - his book
Plural 1st person ти- /təj-/ "our" тиунэ /təjwəna/ - our house; титхылъ /təjtxəɬ/ - our book
2nd person шъуи- /ʃʷəj-/ "your" шъуиунэ /ʃʷəjwəna/ - your house; шъуитхылъ /ʃʷəjtxəɬ/ - your book
3rd person я- /jaː-/ "their" яунэ /jaːwəna/ - their house; ятхылъ /jaːtxəɬ/ - their book

Significies the attribute of subject: сэсый - mine, оуий - yours, ащий – his, hers, тэтый - ours,

шъошъуий - yours, яий - theirs.

Varied on the same principle, as noun, verbs, adjectives etc.: Мы ощыр сэсый - this axe is mine, Мы

унэр тэтый - this house is ours, Мы къамыр оуий - this dagger is Yours, Мы лагъэхэр шъошъуиех -

these plates are Yours.

The indefinite pronoun

In Adyghe whole one - зыгорэ. Serves for indication of all notions

corresponding to English words "someone", "something", "someone", "something", "sometime",

"somewhere", etc.

Changes either as noun – in number and in cases:

Case Ending Singular form Plural form
Absolutive -r зыгорэ /zəɡʷara/ зыгорэхэр /zəɡʷaraxar/
Ergative -m зыгорэм /zəɡʷaram/ зыгорэхэм /zəɡʷaraxam/
Instrumental -kӀэ -t͡ʃa or -мkӀэ -mt͡ʃa зыгорэ(м)кIэ /zəɡʷara(m)t͡ʃa/ зыгорэхэ(м)кIэ /zəɡʷaraxa(m)t͡ʃa/
Adverbial -эу -aw зыгорэу /zəɡʷaraw/ зыгорэхэу /zəɡʷaraxaw/

Зыгорэ къэшъотх – Write something, Зыгорэ къэкIуагъ – Someone has come, Зыгорэм уеупчIын фае

– You need to ask somebody, Зыгорэм сэкъэкIощт - I will come someday, НекIоба, зыгорэм тыкIощт –

Come on, we’ll go somewhere, Непэ ap тадэжи къэкIощт. - Today he (she) will come to us.

зыгорэ макIоу слъэгъогъ
[zəɡʷara maːkʷʼaw sɬaʁʷaʁ]
someone (abs.) while he is going I saw
"I saw someone going"
кIалэгорэм бэнанэр ешхы
[t͡ʃaːlaɡʷaram banaːna jaʃxə]
some boy (erg.) the banana (abs.) he eats
"some boy is eating the banana"
пшъэшъэ дахэгорэм мэр къысиIуагъ
[pʂaʂa daːxaɡʷaram mar qəsiʔʷaːʁ]
girl some pretty (erg.) this he/she told me
"some pretty girl told me this"

Generalization pronouns

сыдри сыди (Abadzekh), лъэури лъэуи (some Shapsugs), шъыдри шъыди (Bzhedug): each

(not about human), хэтри хэти - each (about human), зэкIэ or зэпсэо - all, ежь - itself, ежьхэ - themself.

Хэтри инасып ежежэу хехы - Each one chooses his fate by himself, Сыдри цIыфри дэгъурэ дэйрэ

епIолъэн плъэкIыщт - About each person it’s possible to say as bad as good.


Adyghe has six demonstratives that vary between dialects: а /ʔaː/, джэ /d͡ʒa/, у /wə/, дыу /dəw/, мыдэ /dəm/ and мы /mə/.

а /ʔaː/

  1. that
    а бэнанэthat banana
    а пшъашъэthat girl
    а кӀалэм еӀоthat boy is saying

джэ /d͡ʒa/ (гьэ /gʲa/ in the Shapsug dialect)

  1. that
    джэ бэнанэthat banana
    джэ пшъашъэthat girl
    джэ кӀалэм еӀоthat boy is saying

у /wə/

  1. that
    у бэнанэthat banana
    у пшъашъэthat girl
    у кӀалэм еӀоthat boy is saying

удыу /wədəw/ or дыу /dəw/

  1. that (over there)
    дыу бэнанэthat banana over there
    дыу пшъашъэthat girl over there
    дыу кӀалэм еӀоthat boy over there is saying
    дыу цӀыфэр улъэгъуа? — Do you see that person over there?

мыдэ /mədəm/ or дымы /dəmə/

  1. this (over here)
    дымы бэнанэthis banana over here
    дымы пшъашъэthis girl over here
    дымы кӀалэм еӀоthis boy over here is saying
    дымы цӀыфэр улъэгъуа? — Do you see this person over here?

мы /mə/

  1. this
    мы бэнанэthis banana
    мы пшъашъэthis girl
    мы кӀалэм еӀоthis boy is saying
    мы мэгъэthis year

тэ (ta)

  1. which
    тэ бэнанэ?which banana?
    тэ пшъашъэ?which girl?
    тэ кӀалэм еӀо?which boy is saying?


For Ergative case. ащ /ʔaːɕ/ (he, she, it), гьэщ /gʲa/) (he, she, it), ущ /wəɕ/ (that person), дыущ /dəwəɕ/ (that person over there), дымыщ /dəməɕ/ (this person over here), мыщ /məɕ/ (this person),тэщ /taɕ/ (which person?).

Instrumental case has the suffix -щгьэ or -щкӀэ. ащгьэ (ʔaːɕgʲa) (using that), гьэщгьэ (gʲaɕgʲa) (using

that),уыщгьэ (waəɕgʲa) (using that), дыуыщгьэ (dəwəɕgʲa) (using that thing over there), дымыщгьэ

(dəməɕgʲa) (using this thing over here), мыщгьэ (məɕgʲa) (using this),тэщгьэ (tawgʲa) (with what?).

а кIалэм къысиIуагъэр ащ есIощт
[ʔaː t͡ʃaːlam qəsiʔʷaːʁar ʔaːɕ jasʔʷaɕt]
that the boy (erg.) the thing he told me he, she, it, that I will tell him
"I will tell the thing that boy told me to him"
мыщ еIорэ ушIэн фай
[məɕ jaʔʷara wʃʼan faːj]
this (person or object) the thing he is saying (you) to know/do must/want
"you must do as this person says"
"you must know the things this person says"


For Absolutive case. ар (ʔaːr) (he, she, it), гьэр (gʲar) (he, she, it), ор (war) (that person), дыор (dəwar)

(that person over there), дымэр (dəmaɕ) (this person over here), мэр (mar) (this person),тэр (tar) (which


ар тиунэ къэкIощт
[ʔaːr tiwna qakʷʼaɕt]
he my house he will come
"he will come to my house"
гьэр къащти къэсфэхь
[ɡʲar qaːɕti qasfaħ]
that (object) pick it up (in order to something to happen) bring it to me
"lift that and bring it to me"


Plural form. ахэ (ʔaːxa) (they, those), гьэхэ (gʲaxa) (they, those), охэ (waxa) (those people), дыухэ (dəwxa)

(those people over there), дымэхэ (dəmaxa) (these people over here), мэхэ (maxa) (they, these),тэхэ

(taxa) (which people or object?).

For Ergative case it has the suffix -эхэмэ. ахэмэ (ʔaːxama) (those), гьэхэмэ (gʲaxama) (those), охэмэ

(waxama) (those), дыухэмэ (dəwxama) (those over there), дымэхэмэ (dəmaxama) (those over here),

мэхэмэ (maxama) (these),тэхэмэ (taxa) (which people or object?).

For Absolutive case it has the suffix -эхэр. ахэр (ʔaːxar) (those), гьэхэр (gʲaxar) (those), охэр (waxar)

(those), дыухэр (dəwxar) (those over there), дымэхэр (dəmaxar) (those over here), мэхэр (maxar)

(these),тэхэр (taxar) (which people or object?).

Instrumental case has the suffix эхэмгьэ or -эхэмкӀэ

дыухэмэ яшIагъхэр ошIа?
[dəwxama jaːʃʼaːʁxar waʃʼaː]
those over there the things they done do you know?
"do you know the things those (people) done?"
мэхэр тиунэ илхьэх
[maxar tiwna jəlħax]
these my house put it inside it
"put these into my house"


арэ (ʔaːra) (that too), гьэрэ (gʲara) (that too), орэ (wara) (that too), дыурэ (dəwra) (that person or object

over there too), дымэрэ (dəmara) (this person or object over here too), мэрэ (mara) (this too),тэрэ (tara)

(which people or object too?).

гьэрэ уатэрэ къэсфэхь
[ɡʲara waːtara qasfaħ]
that too/that and a hammer too bring it to me
"bring me that and the hammer."


аддэ (ʔaːdda) (there), уыддэ (wədda) (there), дыуыддэ (dəwədda) (that place or spot over there),

дымэддэ (dəmadda) (this place or spot over here), мыддэ (mədda) (here),тэдэ (tada) (where?).

мыддэ ушIагъэ
[mədda wəʃʼaːʁa]
here you done
"look what you done here"
гьэр уыддэ гъэтылъ
[ɡʲar wədda ʁatəɬ]
that there put it down
"put that down there"


адрэ (ʔaːdra) (that other), уыдрэ (wədra) (that other), дыуыдрэ (dəwədra) (that other person or object

over there), дымэдрэ (dəmadra) (this other person or object over here), мыдрэ (mədra) (this

other),тэдрэ (tadra) (what other?).

For Ergative case it has the suffix -дрэм. адрэм (ʔaːdram) (that other), уыдрэм (wədram) (that other),

дыуыдрэм (dəwədram) (that other person or object over there), дымэдрэм (dəmadram) (this other

person or object over here), мыдрэм (mədram) (this other),тэдрэм (tadram) (which other?).

For Absolutive case it has the suffix -дрэр. адрэр (ʔaːdrar) (that other), уыдрэр (wədrar) (that other),

дыуыдрэəр (dəwədrar) (that other person or object over there), дымэдрэр (dəmadrar) (this other

person or object over here), мыдрэр (mədrar) (this other),тэдрэр (tadrar) (which other?).

Instrumental case has the suffix эдрэмгьэ or -эдрэмкӀэ

Instrumental case and plural has the suffix эдрэхэмгьэ or -эдрэхэмкӀэ

мэ уатэрэп къэсфэпхьынэу сфэйагъэ, адрэ уатэ рары
мэ уатэ-рэп къэс-фэхь-п-нэу с-фэй-агъэ, адрэ уатэ рары
[ma waːtarap qasfapħənaw səfajaːʁa aːdra waːta


this not the hammer the thing you to bring me the thing i wanted the other thing hammer that is
"it's not this hammer I wanted you to bring me, it's the other hammer"
адрэ пакIэм тгъакIу
[aːdra paːkam tʁaːkʷʼ]
that other the way (erg.) let us go
"let us go to that other way"


ау (ʔaːw) (over there), гьэу (gʲaw) (over there),оу (waw) (over there), дыоу (dəwaw) (over there), дымэу

(dəmaw) (over here), мэу (mədaw) (over here),тэу (taw) (over where?).

ау укIомэ къэбгъэзэщтэп
[aːw wkʷʼma qabʁazaɕtap]
over there if you go you will not manage to return
"if you go there you will not manage to return back"
мэу бэнанэр щышх
[maw banaːnar ɕəʃx]
over here the banana (abs.) eat it there
"eat the banana here"


аурэ (ʔaːwra) (over there too), гьэурэ (gʲawra) (over there too),оурэ (wawra) (over there too), дыоурэ

(dəwawra) (over there too), дымэурэ (dəmawra) (over here too), мэурэ (mədawra) (over here too),тэурэ

(tawra) (over where too?).

Instrumental case has the suffix -эугьэ. аугьэ (ʔaːwgʲa) (using that way), гьэугьэ (gʲawgʲa) (using that

way),оугьэ (wawgʲa) (using that way), дыоугьэ (dəwawgʲa) (using that way over there), дымэугьэ

(dəmawgʲa) (using this way over here), мэугьэ (məwgʲa) (using this way),тэугьэ (tawgʲa) (using which



ары (ʔaːrə) (that is), гьары (gʲaːrə) (that's it), уары (waːrə) (that is), дыуары (dəwaːrə) (that person or

object over there), дымары (dəmaːrə) (this person or object over this), мары (maːrə) (this is),тары (taːrə)

(which thing or person?).

ары къысиIуагъэ
[aːrə qəsiʔʷaːʁa]
that is the thing he told me
"that is what he told me"
дыуары кIалэу сфэсIуагъэ
[dəwaːrə t͡ʃaːlaw səfasʔʷaːʁa]
that is over there boy (adv.) the thing i talked about
"here is the boy i talked about"


ащто (ʔaːɕtaw) (like that), гьэщто (gʲaɕtaw) (like that), уыщто (wəɕtaw) (like that), дыуыщто (dəwəɕtaw)

(like that over there), дымыщто (dəməɕtaw) (like this over here), мыщто (məɕtaw) (like this),тэщто

(taɕtaw) (like what?).

Instrumental case has the suffix щтогьэ or -щтокӀэ.

ащто умышI
[ʔaːɕtaw wnəʃʼ]
like that don't do
"don't do like that"
дыуыщто кIалэр макIо
[dəwəɕtaw t͡ʃaːlar mːkʷʼa]
like that over there boy (abs.) he is going
"the boy is going like that (over there)"


афэдэ (ʔaːfada) (like that), гьэфэдэ (gʲafada) (like that), уфэдэ (wəfada) (like that), дыуфэдэ (dəwfada)

(like that over there), дымфэдэ (dəmfada) (like this over here), мыфэдэ (məfada) (like this),тэфэдэ

(tafada) (like what?).

гьэфэдэ уатэ сэри сфай
[ɡʲafada waːta sari sfaːj]
like that hammer me too i want
"I want a hammer like that too"


ащфэдэ (ʔaːɕfada) (like him, it), гьэщфэдэ (gʲaɕfada) (like him, it), ущфэдэ (wəɕfada) (like that person),

дыуыщфэдэ (dəwəɕfada) (like that person over there), дымыщфэдэ (dəməɕfada) (like this person over

here), мыщфэдэ (məɕfada) (like this),тэщфэдэ (taɕfada) (like what?).

For Ergative case it has the suffix -щфэдэм

For Absolutive case it has the suffix -щфэдэр

Instrumental case has the suffix -щфэдэгьэ or -щфэдэкӀэ.

ащфэдэу умышI
[ʔaːɕfada wnəʃʼ]
like that/him don't do
"don't do it like him"


армэ (ʔaːrma) (if that), гьармэ (gʲaːrma) (if it's that), уармэ (waːrma) (if that), дыуармэ (dəwaːrma) (if

that over there), дымармэ (dəmaːrma) (if this over here), мармэ (maːrma) (if this).

Plural: ахэрмэ (ʔaxarma) (if those), гьэхэрмэ (gʲaxarma) (if it's those), охэрмэ (waxarma) (if those),

дыохэрмэ (dəwaxarma) (if those over there), дымэхэрмэ (dəmaxarma) (if these over here), мэхэрмэ

(maxarma) (if these).

армэ ушIэрэ узгъэлъэгъущт о
[ʔaːrma wəʃʼata wazʁaɬaʁʷəɕt wa]
if that the thing you are doing I will show you/I gonna make you see it you
"If that's what you doing then i gonna show you"


The functions of adjectives are distinguished through word order and conjugation.

Qualitative adjectives

Qualitative adjectives are paired with nouns and always follow them, as in Romance languages. They can be suffixed for comparison and superlativeness.

Quantitative adjectives

Adjectives can function as nouns in the quantitative form when suffixed for number with ~хэ. For example:

The relative adjectives are those that cannot have the comparative degrees. They are posited before the

defined word: ГъукIэ гъогур - railway [iron road], Пхъэ Iанэ - wooden table.

In both events when we change the form and number of structure "none + quality adjective" or "relative

adjectives + none" this leads to changing of the suffix of the last word in structure: Пшъэшъэ дах -

Beautiful girl, Пшъэшъэ дахэхэр - beautiful girls, ЦIыф Iуш - wise person, ЦIыф Iушхэр - wise people,

ГъукIэ гъогур - railway, ГъукIэ гъогухэр - railways.

Qualitative adjectives can have comparative and superlative degrees: The Comparative degree is formed

by auxiliary word нахь / анбхь (more).

Ар ощ нахь лъагэ – he is higher than you, Нахь ины хъугъэ – He became bigger [More big became],

Нахь лIэблан охъун фай - You must be braver.

For superlative degrees the structure зэкIэмэ анахь (more than all...) is used: Ар зэкIэмэ анахь дахэ –

She is the most beautiful, Ар зэкIэмэ анахь лъагэ - It is the highest, ЗэкIэми анахь дэгъу шхынкIэ

ыгъэшхагъ – She feeds him with the tastiest meal, Ар заужмэ анахь лъэщэ – He is the strongest.

Adjective suffixes

Too much -ашэ (-aːʃa)

дахэ [daːxa] - pretty, дахашэ [daːxaːʃa] - too much pretty, кӀэхьы [kʲaħə] - long, кӀэхьышэ [kʲaħəːʃa] - too

long, бэ [ba] - much, башэ [baːʃa] - too much.

пхъэу къэпхьыгъэ кӀэхьышэ
[pχaw qapħəʁa kʲaħəːʃa]
wood (adv.) what thing you bring too long
"The wood your bring is too long"
кӀалэм ахъчэ башэ иӀ
[t͡ʃaːlam aːχt͡ʃa baːʃa jəʔ]
the boy (erg.) money/cash too much he have
"The boy have too much money"
сиӀоф къинышэ
[siʔof qinəʃa]
my work too hard
"My work is too hard"

Very much -шъыпкъ (-ʂəpq)

дахэ [daːxa] - pretty, дэхэшъыпкъ [daːxaʂəpq] - really pretty, кӀэхьы [kʲaħə] - long, кӀэхьышъыпкъ

[kʲaħəʂəpq] - really long, бэ [ba] - much, бэшъыпкъ [baʂəpq] - a lot much/very much/very lot. The word

шъыпкъэ (ʂəpqa) means truth.

пхъэу къэпхьыгъэ кӀэхьышъыпкъ
[pχaw qapħəʁa kʲaħəʂəpq]
wood (adv.) what thing you bring really long
"The wood you brought is really long"
кӀалэм ахъшэ бэшъыпкъ иӀ
[t͡ʃaːlam aːχʃa baʂəpq jəʔ]
the boy (erg.) money/cash very lot of he have
"The boy have very lot of money"
сиӀоф къинышъыпкъ
[siʔof qinəʂəpq]
my work really hard
"My work is really hard"


0 зиӀ [ziʔ]
1 зы  [zə] 
2 тӀу  [tʷʼə] 
3 щы  [ɕə] 
4 плӀы  [pɬʼə] 
5 тфы  [tfə] 
6 хы  [xə] 
7 блы  [blə]  or  [bɮə] 
8 и  [jə] 
9 бгъу  [bʁʷə] 
10 пшӀы  [pʃʼə] 

unit digit:

11 пшӀыкӀуз  [pʃʼəkʷʼəz] 
12 пшӀыкӀутIу  [pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼ] 
13 пшӀыкӀущ  [pʃʼəkʷʼəɕ] 
14 пшӀыкӀуплI  [pʃʼəkʷʼəpɬʼ] 
15 пшӀыкӀутф  [pʃʼəkʷʼətf] 
16 пшӀыкӀух  [pʃʼəkʷʼəx] 
17 пшӀыкӀубл  [pʃʼəkʷʼəbl] 
18 пшӀыкӀуй  [pʃʼəkʷʼəj] 
19 пшӀыкӀубгъу  [pʃʼəkʷʼəbʁʷ] 
20 тӀокӀы [tʷʼat͡ʃə] (20)
21 тӀокӀырэ зырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃəra zəra] (20 and 1)
22 тӀокӀырэ тIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃəra tʷʼəra] (20 and 2)
23 тӀокӀырэ щырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃəra ɕəra] (20 and 3)
30 щэкӀы [ɕat͡ʃə] (30)
31 щэкӀырэ зырэ [ɕat͡ʃə zəra] (30 and 1)
32 щэкӀырэ тIурэ [ɕat͡ʃə tʷʼəra] (30 and 2)
40 тӀокӀитIу [tʷʼat͡ʃitʷʼ] (20 × 2)
41 тӀокӀитIурэ зырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃitʷʼəra zəra] (20 × 2 and 1)
42 тӀокӀитIурэ тIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃitʷʼəra tʷʼəra] (20 × 2 and 2)
50 шъэныкъо [ʂanəqʷa] (half-hundred)
51 шъэныкъорэ зырэ [ʂanəqʷara zəra] (half-hundred and 1)
52 шъэныкъорэ тIурэ [ʂanəqʷara tʷʼəra] (half-hundred and 2)
60 тӀокӀищ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕ] (20 × 3)
61 тӀокӀищырэ зырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕəra zəra] (20 × 3 and 1)
62 тӀокӀищырэ тIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕəra tʷʼəra] (20 × 3 and 2)
70 тӀокӀищырэ пшIырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕra pʃʼəra] (20 × 3 and 10)
71 тӀокӀищырэ пшIыкIузырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕra pʃʼəkʷʼəzəra] (20 × 3 and 11)
72 тӀокӀищырэ пшӀыкӀутIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃiɕra pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼəra] (20 × 3 and 12)
80 тӀокӀиплӀ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼ] (20 × 4)
81 тӀокӀиплӀырэ зырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼəra zəra] (20 × 4 and 1)
82 тӀокӀиплӀырэ тIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼəra tʷʼəra] (20 × 4 and 2)
90 тӀокӀиплӀырэ пшIырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼəra pʃʼəra] (20 × 4 and 10)
91 тӀокӀиплӀырэ пшIыкIузырэ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼəra pʃʼəkʷʼəzəra] (20 × 4 and 11)
91 тӀокӀиплӀырэ пшӀыкӀутIурэ [tʷʼat͡ʃipɬʼəra pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼəra] (20 × 4 and 12)

(-i-) and the multiplier digit root.

100 шъэ (ʂa)
101 шъэрэ зырэ (ʂara zəra) (100 and 1)
110 шъэрэ пшӏырэ (ʂara pʃʼəra) (100 and 10)
200 шъитӀу (ʂitʷʼ) (100 × 2)
201 шъитӀурэ зырэ (ʂitʷʼəra zəra) (200 × 2 and 1)
300 шъищ (ʂiɕ) (100 × 3)
400 шъиплӀ (ʂipɬʼ) (100 × 4)
500 шъитф (ʂitf) (100 × 5)
600 шъих (ʂix) (100 × 6)
700 шъибл (ʂibl) (100 × 7)
800 шъий (ʂij) (100 × 8)
900 шъибгъу (ʂibʁʷ) (100 × 9)

followed by -и- (-i-) and the multiplier digit root.

1000 мин (min)
1001 минрэ зырэ (minra zəra) (1000 and 1)
1010 минрэ пшӏырэ (minra pʃʼəra) (1000 and 10)
1100 минрэ шъэрэ (minra ʂara) (1000 and 100)
2000 минитӀу (minitʷʼ) (1000 × 2)
3000 минищ (miniɕ) (1000 × 3)
4000 миниплӀ (minipɬʼ) (1000 × 4)
5000 минитф (minitf) (1000 × 5)
6000 миних (minix) (1000 × 6)
7000 минибл (minibl) (1000 × 7)
8000 миний (minij) (1000 × 8)
9000 минибгъу (minibʁʷ) (1000 × 9)
10000 минипшӏ (minipʃʼ) (1000 × 10)
11000 минипшӀыкӀуз (minipʃʼəkʷʼəz) (1000 × 11)
12000 минипшӀыкӀутIу (minipʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼ) (1000 × 12)
20000 минитӀокӀы (minitʷʼat͡ʃə) (1000 × 20)
100000 минишъэ (miniʂa) (1000 × 100)
200000 минишъитӀу (miniʂitʷʼ) (1000 × 200)

When composed, the hundred word takes the -рэ (-ra) suffix, as well as the ten and the unit if any (e.g.:

шъэрэ зырэ (ʂara zəra) [101], шъэрэ тIурэ (ʂara tʷʼəra) [102], шъэрэ пшӀыкӀузырэ (pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼəra) [111],

шъитӀурэ щэкӀырэ плIырэ (ʂitʷʼəra ɕat͡ʃəra pɬʼəra) [234]).

-и- (-i-) and the multiplier digit root: минитӀу (minitʷʼə) [2,000], минищ (miniɕ) [3,000]…

минищ шъэ (miniɕ ʂa) [3,100], минищ шъитIу (miniɕ ʂitʷʼə) [3,200], миниплӀ (minipɬʼ) [4,000],

миниплӀы шъэ (minipɬʼəra ʂa) [4,100], минишъиплIтIу (miniʂipɬʼətʷʼ) [4,200], минишъиплӀщ

(miniʂipɬʼəɕ) [4,300], минитфы шъэ (minitfə ʂa) [5,100], минишъитфтIу (miniʂitfətʷʼ) [5,200]...

When there is a certain amount of the noun, the noun is followed by -и (-i) and the multiplier digit root.

for example: Зы кӀалэ - One boy (zə t͡ʃaːla), КӀалитӀу - two boys (t͡ʃaːlitʷʼ), КӀалиплӏ -

four boys (t͡ʃaːlipɬʼ), КӀалишъэ - 100 boys (t͡ʃaːliʂa), Зы мафэ - one day (zə maːfa),

МафитIу - two days (maːfitʷʼ), Мафищы (мафищ) - three days (maːfiɕ).

Ordinal numbers

example: ятIунэрэ - second (jaːtʷʼənara), ящынэрэ - third (jaːɕənara), яплIынэрэ - fourth (jaːpɬʼənara).

first - япэрэ [jːpara]
second - ятӀунэрэ [jaːtʷʼənara]
third - ящынэрэ [jaːɕənara]
fourth - яплӀынэрэ [jaːpɬʼənara]
firth - ятфынэрэ [jaːtfənara]
sixth - яхынэрэ [jaːxənara]
seventh - яблынэрэ [jaːblənara]
eighth - яинэрэ [jaːjənara]
ninth - ябгъунэрэ [jaːbʁʷənara]
tenth - япшӀынэрэ [jaːpʃʼənara]
eleventh - япшӀыкӏузынэрэ [jaːpʃʼəkʷʼəzənara]
twelfth - япшӀыкӏутӏунэрэ [jaːpʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼənara]
twenty th - ятӏокӏынэрэ [jaːtʷʼat͡ʃənara]
hundredth - яшъэнэрэ [jaːʂanara]

Япэрэ мафэ - First day (jaːpara maːfa), ЯтIонэрэ мафэ - second day (jaːtʷʼənara maːfa), ЯтIонэрэ цуакъо

- second shoe (jaːpara t͡ʃʷaːqʷa), Яхэнэрэ классым щэгъэжьагъу тутын сешъо~I have been smoking

since the sixth class.

Discrete numbers

о плIэрэ къосIогъах - I have told you four times already.

(psaw) (whole, whole), ренэ (pena) (whole, whole about length of time), ныкъо (nəqʷa) (the half).

щы /ɕə/ "three" - щанэ /ɕaːna/ "third", плӏы /pɬʼə/ "four" - плӏанэ /pɬʼaːna/ "fourth", хы "six" - ханэ

/xaːna/ "sixth" and so on. In a sentence: Чӏыгоу къытатыгъэм изыщанэ картоф хэдгъэтӏысхьа́гъ "On

one third of the allocated land we have planted potatoes", Хатэм изыщанэ помидор хэдгъэтIысхагъ-

third part of vegetable garden we used for the tomatoes, Ахщэ къыратыгъэм ыпӏланэ чыфэ ритыгъ –

The quarter of the money he received, he lent.

half (1÷2) - ныкъо [nəqʷa]
one third (1÷3) - щанэ [ɕaːna]
two thirds (2÷3) - щанитӏу [ɕaːnitʷʼ] (1÷3 × 2)
one fourth (1÷4) - плӀанэ [pɬʼaːna]
two fourths (2÷4) - плӀанитӏу [pɬʼaːnitʷʼ] (1÷4 × 2)
three fourths (3÷4) - плӀанищ [pɬʼaːniɕ] (1÷4 × 3)
one fifth (1÷5) - тфанэ [tfaːna]
one sixth (1÷6) - ханэ [xaːna]
one seventh (1÷7) - бланэ [blaːna]
one eighth (1÷8) - янэ [jaːna]
one ninth (1÷9) - бгъуанэ [bʁʷaːna]
one tenth (1÷10) - пшӀанэ [pʃʼaːna]
one eleventh (1÷11) - пшӀыкӏузанэ [pʃʼəkʷʼəzaːna]
one twelfth (1÷12) - пшӀыкӏутӏуанэ [pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼaːna]
one twentieth (1÷20) - тӏокӏанэ [tʷʼat͡ʃaːna]
one hundredth (1÷100) - шъанэ [ʂaːna]

morpheme -ры /-rə/: зырыз /zərəz/ "by one", тӏурытӏу /tʷʼərətʷʼ/ "by twos", щырыщ /ɕərəɕ/ "by threes",

плӏырыплӏ /pɬʼərəplʼ/ "by fours", тфырытф /tfərətf/ "by fives" and so on. In a sentence: Еджакӏохэр

экзаменым тӏурытӏоу чӏахьэщтыгъэх "Pupils entered the examination room by twos".

constructive numeral is, usually, the numeral зы "one". for example зыхыбл /zəxəbl/ зы-хы-бл "about six

or seven", зытӏущ /zətʷʼəɕ/ зы-тӏу-щ "about two or three" . In a sentence: Непэ садэжь нэбгырэ зыт1ущ

къы1ухьагъ "About two or three people have approached me today".


Postposition serve similar functions to prepositions in English, but are placed after the noun.

behind for

Ыпэ узытеплъэрэм машинэ дэгъу - At first you thought the car was good, Ар ыпэ къэчIэжьыгъэп - I

did not remember him at first, Чэтыур анэ чIэгъым чIэс – The cat sits under the table.

Садэжь - To me, beside me (saːdaʑ), Сидэжь - near me (sidaʑ), Тадэжь - To us,beside us (taːdaʑ),

Тидэжь - near us (tidaʑ).

Садэжь укъакIощта непэ? – Can you come to me today?, Тадэжь къакIоба! – Come to us!.

Лъэу ыджы къыпIотэщт? - What else will You say?, Ащ бэрэ лъэхъугъ, ау къыгъотыжьыгъэп – I was

looking for him for a long time, but I did not find, E улIэн, e улIын – Die or be a man! (Adyghe proverb).

ары – yes (arə), хьау – no (ħaːaw).

ЗэхэушыкIа? – Do you understand?; Ары. ЗэхэсэшыкIы - Yes, I understand; Хьау, ЗэхэсэшыкIэп - No, I

don’t understand.

Sentence structure

Пчэджэм жъэу сыхьатэблым сэкъэтэджагъ. - I got up at seven o’clock in the early morning.

Сэ тутынэр сешъону чIэсыдзыжьыгъ - I gave up smoking.


кӏалэр къэущыжьыгъа?
кӏалэ-р къэущыжь-агъ-а
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qawɕəʑəʁaː]
the boy (arg.) did (s)he woke up?
"Did the boy woke up?"
дэгуха мы унэм исыхэр?
дэгу-х-а мы унэ-м ис-ыхэ-р
[daɡʷəxaː wənam jəsəxar]
are they deaf? this house the people that are in
"Are the people that are in this house deaf?"

[that]?, укIожьрагъоба? - Don’t you want to go back?, къакIорагъоба - isn't he want to come?,

ушхэрагъоба - don't you want to eat?

boy eating?"

кӏалэр къэущыжьгъэба?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar qawɕəʑʁabaː]
boy (abs.) isn't he woke up?
"Has not the boy woke up?"
кӏалэр тиунэ къакӏорэба?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar tiwna qaːkʷarabaː]
boy (abs.) our house isn't he coming?
"Isn't the boy coming to my house?"
кӏалэр тиунэ къакӏоба?
[t͡ʃʼaːɮar tiwna qaːkʷabaː]
boy (abs.) our house he is coming to right?
"The boy is coming to my house right?"

(where), тары (which), хьэ or щтэ or сыда (why), these word are positioned in the sentence in that place,

where the word is supposed to be positioned, being answer to supplied question:

хэт къэкӏуагъэ?
[xat qakʷʼaːʁa]
who the person that came
"Who came?"
сыд кӏалэм ыцӏэ?
[səd t͡ʃʼaːɮam ət͡sʼa]
what the boy (erg.) his name
"What is the boy's name?"
непэ тыдэ ущыӏэщт?
[najpa təda wɕəʔaɕt]
today where you will be there
"Today where will you be?"



    сведения об адыгейском языке в кн.: "Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике

    адыгейского языка" под ред.: П. М. Аркадьев, А. Б. Летучий, Н. Р. Сумбатова, Я. Г. Тестелец. Москва:

    РГГУ, 2009 (Arkadiev, P. M.; Lander, Yu. A.; Letuchiy, A. B.; Sumbatova, N. R.; Testelets, Ya. G.

    Introduction. Basic information about Adyghe language in "Aspects of polysyntheticity: studies on

    Adyghe grammar" edited by: P. M. Arkadiev, A. B. Letuchiy, N. R. Sumbatova, Ya. G. Testelets. Moscow,

    RGGU, 2009) (in Russian) ISBN 978-5-7281-1075-0


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