Adult daycare center

An adult day care center or adult day care centre is a non-residential facility that supports the health, nutritional, social, and daily living needs of adults in professionally staffed, group settings. They provide adults with transitional care and short-term rehabilitation following hospital discharge.[1][2] Many centers provide meals, meaningful activities, and general supervision. The care they provide is often a social model (focusing on socialization and prevention services) or a medical model (including skilled assessment, treatment and rehabilitation goals).[1]

Day care centers may focus on providing care only for persons with a specific chronic condition such as Alzheimer's disease and related forms of dementia, or their services may be available for any adult with disabilities. Many centers maintain a nurse on-site and devote a room for participants to have vital signs checked, and receive other health services from a medical assistant or nurse when needed. They may also provide transportation and personal care as well as support groups for caregivers.[1][3]

Attending adult day centers may prevent people from being re-hospitalized and may delay their admission to residential long-term care. For participants who would otherwise stay at home alone, the social stimulation and recreational activities may improve or maintain physical and cognitive function. For caregivers, adult day centers may provide respite care, enabling caregivers to work or have a break from their caregiving responsibilities.[3][4]

By country

United States

In 2013 more than 5,000 adult day centers were operating in the United States, providing care for more than 260,000 elderly Americans each day. 72% of centers were operating as nonprofit organizations, and 16% were affiliated with the public sector.[5] Daily fees may be less than a home health visit and half the cost of a skilled nursing facility, but vary depending on the services provided.[5] Funding comes from participant fees, third party insurance, and public and philanthropic sources.[5]

According to the 2010 MetLife National Study of Adult Day Services, US day care centers have one direct care worker for every six participants. Nearly 80% of adult day centers have a nurse on staff, nearly 50% have a social worker on staff, and approximately 60% offer case management services.[5] Industry research suggests centers with higher staff-to-patient ratios provide more individualized, person-centered care.[3][5]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 "About adult day services". US National Adult Day Services Association. Retrieved 12 May 2015.
  2. "Adult day care services". US National Adult Day Services Association. Retrieved 12 May 2015.
  3. 1 2 3 "Selecting a quality centre". Montgomery County MD. Montgomery County MD. Retrieved 12 May 2015.
  4. "Caring for the Elderly". Retrieved 15 June 2012.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 "Adult Day Services". Retrieved 2013-09-04.

External links

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