Module homomorphism

In algebra, a module homomorphism is a function between modules that preserves module structures. Explicitly, if M and N are left modules over a ring R, then a function f: M \to N is called a module homomorphism or a R-linear map if for any x, y in M and r in R,

f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y),
f(rx) = rf(x).

If M, N are right modules, then the second condition is replaced with

f(xr) = f(x)r.

The pre-image of the zero element under f is called the kernel of f. The set of all module homomorphisms from M to N is denoted by HomR(M, N). It is an abelian group but is not necessarily a module unless R is commutative.

The isomorphism theorems hold for module homomorphisms.


To define a module homomorphism

In practice, one often defines a module homomorphism by specifying its values on a generating set of a module. More precise, let M and N be left R-modules. Suppose a subset S generates M; i.e., there is a surjection F \to M with a free module F with a basis indexed by S and kernel K (i.e., the free presentation). Then to give a module homomorphism M \to N is to give a module homomorphism F \to N that kills K (i.e., maps K to zero).


If f: M \to N and g: M' \to N' are module homomorphisms, then their direct sum is

f \oplus g: M \oplus M' \to N \oplus N', \, (x, y) \mapsto (f(x), g(y))

and their tensor product is

f \otimes g: M \otimes M' \to N \otimes N', \, x \otimes y \mapsto f(x) \otimes g(y).

Let f: M \to N be a module homomorphism between left modules. The transpose of f is

f^*: N^* \to M^*, \, f^*(\alpha) = \alpha \circ f.

If f is an isomorphism, then the transpose of the inverse of f is called the contragredient of f.

Exact sequences

Main article: exact sequences

A short sequence of modules over a commutative ring

0 \to A \overset{f}\to B \overset{g}\to C \to 0

consists of modules A, B, C and homomorphisms f, g. It is exact if f is injective, the kernel of g is the image of f and g is surjective. A longer exact sequence is defined in the similar way. A sequence of modules is exact if and only if it is exact as a sequence of abelian groups. Also the sequence is exact if and only if it is exact at all the maximal ideals:

0 \to A_{\mathfrak{m}} \overset{f}\to B_{\mathfrak{m}} \overset{g}\to C_{\mathfrak{m}} \to 0

where the subscript {\mathfrak{m}} means the localization of a module at {\mathfrak{m}}.

Any module homomorphism f fits into

0 \to K \to M \overset{f}\to N \to C \to 0

where K is the kernel of f and C is the cokernel, the quotien of N by the image of f.

If f : M \to B, g: N \to B are module homomorphisms, then they are said to form a fiber square (or pullback square), denoted by M ×B N, if it fits into

0 \to M \times_{B} N \to M \times N \overset{\phi}\to B \to 0

where \phi(x, y) = f(x) - g(x).

Example: Let B \subset A be commutative rings, and let I be the annihilator of the quotient B-module A/B (which is an ideal of A). Then canonical maps A \to A/I, B/I \to A/I form a fiber square with B = A \times_{A/I} B/I.

Endomorphisms of finitely generated modules

Let \phi: M \to M be an endomorphism between finitely generated R-modules for a commutative ring R. Then

See also: Herbrand quotient (which can be defined for any endomorphism with some finiteness conditions.)


Additive relations

An additive relation M \to N from a module M to a module N is a submodule of M \oplus N.[3] In other words, it is a "many-valued" homomorphism defined on some submodule of M. The inverse f^{-1} of f is the submodule \{ (y, x) | (x, y) \in f \}. Any additive relation f determines a homomorphism from a submodule of M to a quotient of N

D(f) \to N/\{ y | (0, y) \in f \}

where D(f) consists of all elements x in M such that (x, y) belongs to f for some y in N.

A transgression that arises from a spectral sequence is an example of an additive relation.

See also


  1. Bourbaki, § 1.14
  2. Matsumura, Theorem 2.4.


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