Aşağıgökçe, Mesudiye
Aşağıgökçe , Ordu in Mesudiye is a village in the province.
There is no information about the origin of the name of the village.The former name of the village 'green, meaning that a Faldaca'dır.A former Greek is a village. Greek s i was called by FALDACA-İ SÜFLA with.Mesudiye has also been referred to as the village of Faldaca Down Faldaca because of two.The new name of the village is Aşağıgökçe.Aşağıgökçe village The Turks 1775 - 1800 is said in the public as they settled down. Living here Greek s exchange results are not returned to their countries upon their request to leave our village.
- | Year | population | - | 2012 | 49 | - | 2011 | 55 | - | 2000 | 75 | - | 1990 | 109 | - | 1985 | 138 |
Rural people usually have migrated to Istanbul.
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