53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division

Welsh Division
53rd (Welsh) Division
53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division

Insignia of the 53rd (Welsh) Division, Second World War
Active 1908–1919
Country  United Kingdom
Branch Territorial Army
Type Infantry
Size Division

First World War:

Second World War:

Disbanded 1968
Officer Commanding Major-General R.K. Ross (Second World War)

The 53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division was an infantry division of the British Army that fought in both World wars. The division saw service in World War I and fought at Gallipoli and in the Middle East. Remaining active in the Territorial Army during the interwar years as a peace-time formation, the division again saw action in World War II, fighting in North-western Europe from June 1944 until May 1945.

The 53rd Division was temporarily disbanded at the end of the war, but was reactivated in 1947 when the Territorial Army was reformed and reorganised. In 1968 the division was finally deactivated, but its 160th Brigade remains in service today. As the name suggests, the division recruited mainly in Wales but also in Herefordshire, Shropshire, Cheshire.


The division was raised in 1908 as part of the Territorial Force originally as the Welsh Division and had under command the North Wales Brigade, the Cheshire Brigade and the Welsh Border Brigade, together with support units of the Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, Royal Army Service Corps and Royal Army Medical Corps. In 1915, the division was later numbered the 53rd (Welsh) Division and the brigades became the 158th (North Wales) Brigade the 159th (Cheshire) Brigade and the 160th (Welsh Border) Brigade, respectively. In peacetime the South Wales Brigade was also attached.

First World War

53rd (Welsh) division commemoration plaque - Ramleh military cemetery.

The division sailed from Devonport, bound for Gallipoli via Imbros (now Gökçeada) on 19 July 1915 and landed at Suvla Bay on the Gallipoli Peninsula on 9 August 1915. The division was evacuated from Gallipoli during December 1915 and moved to Egypt.[1] The evacuation was forced by a combination of combat, disease and harsh weather which saw the division reduced to just 162 officers and 2428 men, approximately 15% of full strength.[2]

On 26 March 1917, the 53rd (Welsh) Division bore the brunt of the First Battle of Gaza where the three brigades, along with the 161st (Essex) Brigade of the 54th (East Anglian) Division, had to advance across exposed ground, withstanding shrapnel, machine gun and rifle fire, to capture the Turkish fortifications. Despite gaining the advantage towards the end of the day, the British commander called off the attack so that the division's casualties, close to 3,500, were suffered in vain.

Other division actions included the Battle of Romani in August 1916, the Battle of El Buggar Ridge in October 1917 and the Action of Tell 'Asur in March 1918, where it fought off several counter-attacks by the Ottoman forces.

First World War order of battle

The division comprised three infantry brigades. Some original battalions were detached early in the First World War to reinforce other divisions.[3]

158th (North Wales) Brigade

159th (Cheshire) Brigade

160th (Welsh Border) Brigade


Between the wars

The division was disbanded after the Great War, along with the rest of the Territorial Force which was reformed in the 1920s as the Territorial Army, and created on a similar basis to the Territorial Force and the 53rd Division was reformed and saw a great change in its units between the wars.[7]

Second World War

53rd Division Bren Gun Carrier bringing in German prisoners during Operation Market Garden, September 1944.

The Territorial Army and the 53rd (Welsh) Division, commanded by Major-General B.T. Wilson and serving under Western Command, was mobilised on 1 September 1939,[8] the day the German Army invaded Poland and two days later World War II officially began. The early days of the war for the division were spent in training the divisions' 2nd Line duplicate, the 38th (Welsh) Infantry Division, created earlier in the year, and containing many former members of the 53rd.[9] In October, just over a month after the war began, most of the 53rd Division was transferred to Northern Ireland, coming under command of British Troops Northern Ireland.[10] After the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) fighting in France and Belgium was evacuated from Dunkirk in mid-1940, the threat grew of a possible German invasion of Northern Ireland and so the 61st Infantry Division arrived to help defend it with the 53rd Division charged with responsibility for the Southern half (of Ulster) and the 61st Division the Northern.[11] They were both grouped together under command of III Corps.[12] In March 1941, the garrison was reinforced with the 5th Infantry Division,[13] a Regular Army formation that had fought in France in 1940. The 53rd Division took part in many numerous exercises, training by battalion, brigade, division or corps level. "It was a very different 53rd Division which returned to near its own countryside in November 1941, from the comparatively untrained one which had moved to Ireland in driblets between October 1939 and April 1940."[14]

Infantry of 53rd (Welsh) Division in a Kangaroo personnel carrier on the outskirts of Ochtrup, 3 April 1945.

The 53rd returned to the Welsh Border counties again in November 1941, with the Divisional Headquarters based in Whitchurch, Shropshire.[15] The division was again serving under Western Command. In April 1942 the division was sent to defend Kent in South-Eastern Command, under Lieutenant-General Bernard Montgomery, between 1942–1943, joining XII Corps in an anti-invasion role, serving alongside both the 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division and 46th Infantry Division. The 53rd Division was later earmarked to form part of the British Second Army for the upcoming invasion of Europe.[16]

In September 1942, the division received a new GOC (General Officer Commanding), Major-General Robert K. Ross, an officer of the Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) who arrived to replace Gerard C. Bucknall. Like most senior British commanders of the Second World War, he was a veteran of the Great War, where he had been awarded the DSO and the MC. Before promotion to command of the 53rd, he had commanded the 160th Infantry Brigade and, before that, the 2nd Battalion, Queen's in Palestine. He would command the 53rd (Welsh) Division for almost three years until August 1945, training the division to a very high standard in England and Kent and leading them throughout the campaign in North-west Europe.[17]

On 17 May 1942 the 53rd (Welsh) Division was reorganised, its 159th Infantry Brigade detaching to help form the 11th Armoured Division ("The Black Bull"), with the 31st Tank Brigade taking its place as part of an experiment with 'New Model Divisions' (or 'Mixed Divisions') of one tank brigade and two infantry brigades.[18] However, the experiment was abandoned in late 1943 (being judged as unsuitable for the terrain in North-western Europe)[19] and the 31st Tank Brigade was replaced by the 71st Infantry Brigade (containing the 1st East Lancashire Regiment, 1st Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and 1st Highland Light Infantry, nicknamed the 'Foreign' or 'International' brigade),[20] from the disbanded 42nd Armoured Division,[21] in October. The division spent the remaining period in the build-up to the invasion of Normandy in intensive training.

Men of the 4th Battalion, Welch Regiment clean their weapons outside s'Hertogenbosch, Holland, 25 October 1944.

The 53rd (Welsh) Division landed in Normandy on 28 June 1944,[22] the second last infantry division to land, and was placed under command of XII Corps, now defending the Odon Valley position. The division was involved in heavy fighting in this area, with the 158th Brigade detached to fight with the 15th (Scottish) in the Second Battle of the Odon (Operation Greenline) in the days leading up to Operation Goodwood in mid-July. In August it began to push out of the Odon region and crossed the river Orne, helping to close the Falaise Pocket. It was during this fighting that Acting Captain, later major, Tasker Watkins, Officer Commanding B Company of the 1/5th Battalion, Welch Regiment was awarded the Victoria Cross, the first and only to be awarded to the regiment and division during the war, as well as the only Welshman of the British Army during the Second World War to be awarded the VC.[23]

On 2 August, the GOC, Major-General Ross, decided that, due to the casualties suffered by the division in Normandy and an acute lack of infantry replacements, the battalions of 158th Brigade (consisting of the 4th, 6th and 7th battalions of the Royal Welch Fusiliers) were replaced and sent to other brigades of the division, the 4th RWF transferring to 71st Brigade and 6th RWF to 160th Brigade while the 7th RWF remained in 158 Brigade.[24] "It was found that with three Battalions of one Regiment in the same Brigade – as in the case of the 158th Brigade with its three Battalions of Royal Welch Fusiliers – difficulties were experienced in providing reinforcements in the event of heavy casualties. This was particularly so with Officer reinforcements."[25] (Curiously though, this did occur with the 131st (Queen's) Brigade of the 7th Armoured Division). By 31 August 1944 the 53rd (Welsh) Division had suffered heavy casualties; in just over two months of fighting 52 officers and 533 other ranks were killed in action with a further 145 officers wounded and 18 missing and 2,711 other ranks wounded and 360 missing in action,[26] for a total of 3,819 casualties. However, the division had managed to capture over 3,800 prisoners of war.[27]

Memorial to the 53rd (Welsh) Division, 's-Hertogenbosch.

The division took part in the Swan (swift advance) through Northern France into Belgium where heavy fighting took place to secure an important bridgehead by crossing the Junction Canal near Lommel. The 53rd Division then fought hard to expand the salient south of Eindhoven in conjunction with the Market Garden offensive, which ended in disaster due to events at the Battle of Arnhem in late September, where the British 1st Airborne Division was virtually destroyed in severe fighting. Advancing into the Netherlands, 53rd (Welsh) Division liberated the city of 's-Hertogenbosch in four days of heavy fighting from 24 October.

In December 1944, attached now to XXX Corps,[28] it was one of the British divisions that took part in the mainly American Battle of the Bulge, helping to cut off the northern tip of the German salient. After the battle the division, for the next few weeks, began absorbing large numbers of replacements and training the newcomers. Still with XXX Corps, which was attached to the First Canadian Army, it was later sent north in front of the Siegfried Line to take part in Operation Veritable (also known as the Battle of the Reichswald Forest) in February 1945 where the division, supported by Churchill tanks of the 34th Armoured Brigade,[29] was involved in some of the fiercest fighting of the campaign thus far against determined German paratroopers and fighting in terrain similar to that found at Passchendaele 27 years before, but with the addition of the cold of "winter rain, mud and flooding",[30] where the mud was knee-deep. The Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel F.F.E. Allen, described the fighting in the forest as a "terribly wearing business for the men. Psychologically and mentally. It was nearly all bayonet, Sten and grenade fighting. The Bosch reserves fought very well, stubborn and had to be dug out with the bayonet."[31] Throughout Veritable the 53rd Division suffered almost 2,500 casualties (including psychiatric casualties), roughly a quarter of what they suffered throughout the entire campaign. However, they captured over 3,000 prisoners.[32]

The division, now under command of XII Corps under Lieutenant-General Neil Ritchie,[33] later crossing the Rhine and advancing into Germany, where they ended the war. Throughout its 10 months of almost continuous combat, the 53rd (Welsh) Division had suffered nearly 10,000 casualties:[34] 113 officers and 1,396 other ranks killed, 387 officers and 7,221 other ranks wounded and 33 officers and 1,255 other ranks missing. However, of these declared missing, 3 officers and 553 other ranks rejoined their units, bringing the total casualties for the division to 9,849 killed, wounded or missing.[35] As with most divisions, the majority of these casualties were sustained by the average "Tommy" in the infantry – also known as the "Poor Bloody Infantry" – who had sustained more than 80% of the losses. However, the division, throughout the entire campaign, had, according to Major-General 'Bobby' Ross, "captured some 35,000 Prisoners of War and probably accounted for the same amount in dead and wounded."[34]

Order of battle World War II

The 53rd Infantry Division was constituted as follows during the Second World War:[36]

158th Infantry Brigade[37]

159th Infantry Brigade (left 17 May 1942)[38]

160th Infantry Brigade[39]

31st Tank Brigade (from 17 May 1942, left 10 September 1943)[40]

71st Infantry Brigade (from 18 October 1943)[21]

Divisional Troops


The division ended the war in 1945 in Hamburg, it sustained 9,849 battle casualties killed, missing and wounded since landing in Normandy in June 1944. It served later as a peacekeeping force in the Rhineland, then disbanded to reform the 2nd Infantry Division in Germany in early 1947. It was reactivated later that year, serving as part of the peacetime Territorial Army. The 53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division was finally disbanded in 1968.

There remain a few remnants of the division in the Territorial Army. The 160th (Wales) Brigade is the regional brigade responsible for the administration of TA units in Wales, while 53 (Welsh) Signal Squadron are the descendant formation of 53rd (Welsh) Divisional Signal Regiment, and continues to serve in a very similar capacity, providing communications support to 160th Brigade.

Battle honours

First World War
Second World War


Victoria Cross recipients

See also


  1. 1 2 3 1/5th and 1/6th battalions of the Royal Welch Fusiliers were amalgamated on 3 August 1918 as the 5th/6th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers.[4]


  1. Baker, Chris. "The Royal Welsh Fusiliers". The Long, Long Trail. Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  2. "Royal Welsh Fusiliers". Forces War Records. Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  3. Baker, Chris. "The 53rd (Welsh) Division in 1914-1918". The Long, Long Trail. Retrieved 24 June 2015.
  4. 1 2 3 4 James 1978, p. 67
  5. James 1978, p. 117
  6. 1 2 3 4 Becke 1936, p. 121
  7. http://www.britishmilitaryhistory.co.uk/webeasycms/hold/uploads/bmh_document_pdf/53_Division__1930_38_.pdf
  8. Barclay, p. 26.
  9. http://www.britishmilitaryhistory.co.uk/webeasycms/hold/uploads/bmh_document_pdf/38-Infantry-Division-1939-.pdf
  10. Joslen, p. 88.
  11. Delaforce, p. 13.
  12. Barclay, p. 36.
  13. Delaforce, p. 15.
  14. Barclay, p. 41.
  15. Barclay, p. 42.
  16. http://www.britishmilitaryhistory.co.uk/webeasycms/hold/uploads/bmh_document_pdf/53-Infantry-Division-1939-.pdf
  17. http://www.queensroyalsurreys.org.uk/colonels_and_co/commanding_officers/queens_west_surrey/023.html
  18. Barclay, p. 47.
  19. Barclay, p. 52.
  20. Delaforce, p. 23.
  21. 1 2 Joslen, p. 302.
  22. Barclay, p. 60.
  23. http://ww2today.com/16-august-1944-tasker-watkins-first-welsh-vc-of-the-war
  24. Barclay, pps. 66-67.
  25. Barclay, p. 66-67.
  26. Delaforce, p. 85.
  27. Barclay, p. 69.
  28. Joslen, p. 87.
  29. Delaforce, p. 151.
  30. Barclay, p. 125.
  31. Delaforce, p. 160.
  32. Delaforce, p. 162.
  33. Barclay, p. 147.
  34. 1 2 Delaforce, p. 219.
  35. Barclay, p. 178.
  36. Joslen, pp. 87-88.
  37. Joslen, p. 346.
  38. Joslen, p. 347.
  39. Joslen, p. 348.
  40. Joslen, p. 204.
  41. Barclay, p. 199.


External links

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