27th People's Choice Awards

27th People's Choice Awards
Date January 7, 2001
Location Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, California
Host Kevin James
Television/Radio coverage
Network CBS

The 27th People's Choice Awards, honoring the best in popular culture for 2000, were held on January 7, 2001 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. They were hosted by Kevin James, and broadcast on CBS.


Winners are listed first, in bold.
Favorite New TV Comedy Favorite Female Musical Performer
Favorite Drama Motion Picture Favorite Comedy Motion Picture
Favorite Male TV Performer Favorite Male Musical Performer
Favorite Musical Group Or Band Favorite Reality/Game Show
Favorite Female Performer In A New TV Series Favorite Female TV Performer
Favorite Motion Picture Actor Favorite TV Comedy
Favorite TV Drama Favorite Motion Picture Actress
Favorite Actor In A Comedy Motion Picture Favorite Male Performer In A New TV Series
Favorite New TV Dramatic Series Favorite Dramatic Motion Picture


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