1984 in paleontology

List of years in paleontology
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Paleontology, palaeontology or [palæontology (from Greek: paleo, "ancient"; ontos, "being"; and logos, "knowledge") is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils.[1] This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because mankind has encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1984.


Newly named crustaceans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Pseudarmadillo cristatus[2]

Sp nov




Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A delatorreid isopod

Pseudarmadillo tuberculatus[2]

Sp nov




Dominican amber

 Dominican Republic

A delatorreid isopod


Newly named archosauromorphs

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen et sp nov




Bull Canyon Formation


Originally described as a fabrosaurid;
now Archosauriformes incertae sedis

Newly named dinosaurs

Data courtesy of George Olshevsky's dinosaur genera list.[4]

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images




Middle Jurassic

Lower Shaximiao Formation


A tetanuran theropod


Gen et sp nov


Dong & Tang

Middle Jurassic

Lower Shaximiao Formation


A Mamenchisaurid sauropod


Fam., gen et sp nov


Barsbold & Perle

Hauterivian to Barremian

Shinekhudug Formation


An ornithomimosaurian


Gen et sp nov



Middle Jurassic

Xiashaximiao Formation


A tetanuran theropod


Gen nov




Trossingen Formation


A coelophysoid


Gen nov

Jr. synonym of Coelophysis.



Gen et sp nov



Middle Jurassic

Lower Shaximiao Formation


A megalosauroid

Newly named birds

Name Status Novelty Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Anser thraceiensis [10]


Sp. nov.

Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich

Ivan M. Nikolov

Late Miocene or Early Pliocene

MN 11-15


An Anatidae.

Archaeopteryx recurva [11]


Sp. nov.

Michael E. Howgate

Late Jura




An Archaeopterygidae, the 5th specimen, this species becomes the type species of the new genus Jurapteryx Howgate, 1985.[12]

Bubo leakeyae [13]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Pierce Brodkorb

Cécile Mourer-Chauviré


Olduvai Gorge


A Strigidae.

Cursoricoccyx geraldinae [14]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Larry D. Martin

Robert M. Mengel

Early Miocene

Pawnee Creek Formation



A Cuculiformes, Neomorphidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Cygnopterus alphonsi [15]


Sp. nov.

Jacques Cheneval

Early Miocene

MN 2a


An Anatidae.

Dromaius baudinianus [16]


Sp. nov.

Shane A. Parker


Kangeroo Island


 South Australia

A Dromaiidae.

Eocypselus vincenti [17]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8



An Apodiformes, Eocypselidae Harrison, 1984, this is the type species of the new genus.

Fulmarus miocaenus [18]


Sp. nov.

Hildegarde Howard

Middle Miocene

Round Mountain Silt,




A Procellariidae.

Gansus yumenensis [19]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Hou Lianhai

Liu Zhicheng

Early Cretaceous

Xiagou Formation


An Ornithuromorphae Chiappe, Ji, Ji et Norell, 1999, Gansuiformes Hou et Liu, 1984, Gansuidae Hou et Liu, 1984, this is the type species of the new genus.

Gavia moldavica [20]


Sp. nov.

Jenö Kessler

Late Miocene;

Early Pliocene

MN 9?





A Gaviidae.

Kizylkumavis cretacea [21]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Lev A. Nessov

Late Cretaceous

Late Turonian-Coniacian



An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Alexornithiformes, Brodkorb, 1976, Alexornithidae Brodkorb, 1976, Alexornithinae Brodkorb, 1976, this is the type species of the new genus.

Larus udabnensis [22]


Sp. nov.

Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich

E. G. Gabashvili

Late Miocene



A Laridae.

Mioaegypius gui [23]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Hou LianHai

Middle Miocene

Xiacaowan Formation


An Accipitridae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Otus guildayi [24]


Sp. nov.

Pierce Brodkorb

Cécile Mourer-Chauviré


Cave deposits



A Strigidae.

Parahesperornis alexi [25]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Larry D. Martin

Late Cretaceous

Niobrara Chalk Formation



A Hesperornithiformes Fürbringer, 1888, Hesperornithidae Marsh, 1872, this is the type species of the new genus.

Parvirallus bassetti [26]


Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8-9



A Rallidae.

Parvirallus gassoni [26]


Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8-9



A Rallidae.

Parvirallus medius [26]


Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8-9



A Rallidae.

Pediorallus hookeri [27]


Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene


London Clay B

MP 8-9



Described as a Rallidae, transferred to the genus Lithornis Owen, 1840 by Houde, 1988,[28] a Palaeognathae, Lithornithiformes Houde, 1988, Lithornithidae Houde, 1988.

Pediorallus nasi [27]


Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene


London Clay A

MP 8



Described as a Rallidae, transferred to the genus Lithornis Owen, 1840 by Houde, 1988,[28] a Palaeognathae, Lithornithiformes Houde, 1988, Lithornithidae Houde, 1988.

Phalacrocorax owrei [29]


Sp. nov.

Pierce Brodkorb

Cécile Mourer-Chauviré


Douglas Leakey Korongo


A Phalacrocoracidae.

Phalacrocorax serdicensis [10]

Valid ?

Sp. nov.

Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich

Ivan M. Nikolov

Late Miocene

MN 11-13


A Phalacrocoracidae, possibly a synonym of Phalacrocorax aristotelis.

Phasianus yanshansis [30]


Sp. nov.

Huang Wanpo

Hou Lianhai


Cave deposits


A Phasianidae.

Podiceps miocenicus [20]


Sp. nov.

Jenö Kessler

Late Miocene

MN 9



A Podicipedidae.

Scaniacypselus wardi [17]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8


An Apodidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Scopus xenopus [31]


Sp. nov.

Storrs L. Olson

Early Pliocene

Varswater Formation

 South Africa

A Scopidae

Stintonornis mitchelli [26]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Colin J. O. Harrison

Early Eocene

MP 8-9



Described as a Falconidae, placed in Aves Incertae Sedis by Mlíkovský, 2002.[32]

Zhyraornis kashkarovi [21]


Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.

Lev A. Nessov

Late Cretaceous


Bissekty Formation



An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Alexornithiformes, Brodkorb, 1976, Alexornithidae Brodkorb, 1976, Zhyraornithinae Nessov, 1984, this is the type species of the new genus.


New taxa

Name Status Authors Notes











  1. Gini-Newman, Garfield; Graham, Elizabeth (2001). Echoes from the past: world history to the 16th century. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. ISBN 9780070887398. OCLC 46769716.
  2. 1 2 Schmalfuss, H. (1984). "Two new species of the terrestrial isopod genus Pseudarmadillo from Dominican amber (Amber-Collection Stuttgart: Crustacea, Isopoda, Pseudarmadillidae)". Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde (B) 102: 1–14.
  3. Chatterjee, S (1984). "A new ornithischian dinosaur from the Triassic of North America". Naturwissenschaften 1: 630–631. doi:10.1007/bf00377897.
  4. Olshevsky, George. "Dinogeorge's Dinosaur Genera List". Retrieved 2008-08-07.
  5. 1 2 He, X. 1984. The Vertebrate Fossils of Sichuan. Sichuan Scientific and Technical Publishing House, Chengdu, Sichuan: 168 pages.
  6. Dong, Z. and Z. Tang. 1984. Note on the mid Jurassic sauropod (Datousaurus bashanensis gen. et sp. nov.) from Suchuan Basin, China. Vertebr. Palasiatica 22: pp. 69-75.
  7. Barsbold, R. and A. Perle. 1984. [On] The first finding of primitive ornithomimosaur from the Cretaceous of the [Mongolian People's Republic]. Paleontologischeskii Zhural 2: pp. 121- 123
  8. Welles, S.P. 1984. Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Dinosauria, Theropoda): osteology and comparisons. Palaeontographica 185, A: pp. 85-180.
  9. Dong, Z. 1984. A new theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Sichuan Basin. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 22: pp. 213-218.
  10. 1 2 Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich & Ivan M. Nikolov (1984). "Iskopayemmyye ptitsy Phalacrocorax serdicensis sp. n. i Anser thraceiensis sp. n. iz Bolgarii. [The fossil birds Phalacrocorax serdicensis sp. n. and Anser thraceiensis sp. n. from Bulgaria.] [in Russian, with English summ.]". Paleontologiya, Stratigrafiya i Litologiya 19: 23–34.
  11. Michael E. Howgate (1984). "The Teeth of Archaeopteryx and a Reinterpretation of the Eichstätt Specimen". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 82 (1-2): 159–175. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1984.tb00540.x.
  12. Michael E. Howgate (1985). M.K. Hecht, J.H. Ostrom, G. Viohl & P. Wellnhofer, ed. "Problems of the Osteology of Archaeopteryx Is the Eichstätt Specimen a Distinct Genus?". The Beginnings of birds (Eichstätt: Freunde des Jura-Museums Eichstätt): 105–112.
  13. Pierce Brodkorb & Cécile Mourer-Chauviré (1984). "Fossil Owls from Early Man Sites of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania" (PDF). Ostrich 55 (1): 17–27. doi:10.1080/00306525.1984.9634590.
  14. Larry D. Martin & Robert M. Mengel (1984). "A New Cuckoo and a Chachalaca from the Early Miocene of Colorado". Carnegie Museum of Natural History Special Publication 9: 171–177.
  15. Jacques Cheneval (1984). "The Les Oiseaux Aquataniques (Gaviiformes à Anseriformes) du Gisement Aquitanien de Saint-Gérard-Le-Puy (Allier, France). Révision Systématique". Palaeovertebrata 14 (2): 33–115.
  16. Shane A. Parker (1984). "The Extinct Kangaroo Island Emu, a Hitherto Unrecognized Species" (PDF). Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 104 (1): 19–22.
  17. 1 2 Colin J. O. Harrison (1984). "A Revision of the Fossil Swifts (Vertebrata, Aves, Suborder Apodi) with Descriptions of Three New Genera and Two New Species". Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie 21 (4): 157–177.
  18. Hildegarde Howard (1984). "Additional Avian Records from the Miocene of Kern County, California, with the Description of a New Species of Fulmar (Aves: Procellariidae)" (PDF). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 83: 84–89.
  19. Hou Lianhai & Liu Zhicheng (1984). "A New Fossil Bird from Lower Cretaceous of Gansu and Early Evolution of Birds". Scientia Sinica 27: 1296–1302.
  20. 1 2 Jenö Kessler (1984). "Noi Contributii Privind Studiul Avifaunelor din Paratethys". Crisia 14: 521–532.
  21. 1 2 Lev A. Nessov (1984). "Upper Cretaceous Pterosaurs and Birds from Central Asia". Paleontological Journal, USA 18: 38–49.
  22. Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich & E. G. Gabashvili (1984). "Fossil Gull Larus udabnensis sp. nov. in the Hypparion Fauna of Udabno". Vestnik Gosudartsvennogo Muzeya Gruzli 33A: 3–13.
  23. Hou LianHai (1984). "The Aragonian Vertebrate Fauna of Xiacaswan, Jang - 2. Aegypinae (Falconiformes, Aves)" (PDF). Vertebrata PalAsiatica 22 (1): 14–20.
  24. Pierce Brodkorb & Cécile Mourer-Chauviré (1984). Hugh H. Genowayf & Mary R. Dawson, ed. "Pleistocene Birds from Cumberland Cave, Maryland". Contributions in Quaternary Vertebrate Paleontology: A Volume in Memorial to John E. Guilday (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Special Publication) 8: 39–43.
  25. Larry D. Martin (1984). "A New Hesperornithid and the Relationships of the Mesozoic Birds". Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 87 (3-4): 141–150. doi:10.2307/3627850.
  26. 1 2 3 4 Colin J. O. Harrison (1984). "Further Additions to the Fossil Birds of Sheppey: A New Falconid and Three Small Rails". Tertiary Research 5 (4): 179–187.
  27. 1 2 Colin J. O. Harrison (1984). "Rail-like Cursorial Birds of the British Lower Eocene, with Descriptions of Two New Species". The London Naturalist 63: 13–23.
  28. 1 2 Peter W. Houde (1984). "Paleognathous Birds from the Early Tertiary of the Northern Hemisphere". Publication of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 22: 1–148.
  29. Pierce Brodkorb & Cécile Mourer-Chauviré (1984). "A New Species of Cormorant (Aves: Phalacrocoracidae) from the Pleistocene of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania". Geobios 17 (3): 331–337. doi:10.1016/s0016-6995(84)80098-4.
  30. Huang Wanpo & Hou Lianhai (1984). "Vertebrate Fossils from Yunshui Cave, Beijing" (PDF). Vertebrata PalAsiatica 22 (2): 117–122.
  31. Storrs L. Olson (1984). "A Hammerkop from the Early Pliocene of South Africa (Aves: Scopidae)" (PDF). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 97 (4): 736–740.
  32. Jíří Mlíkovský (2002). "Cenozoic Birds of the World Part 1: Europe" (PDF). Praha Ninox Press 2002: 1–407.
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