
Introduced 1997
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Pitcairn Island Administration
Sponsor Pitcairn Island Administration
Intended use Entities connected with  Pitcairn Islands
Actual use Gets some use on the Pitcairn Islands and elsewhere
Registration restrictions None
Structure Registrations are made directly at the second level; there are also some third-level registrations, such as under second-level categories like .gov.pn and personal sites under firstname.lastname.pn (similar to .name)
Documents .pn policies
Dispute policies UDRP
Website .pn registry

.pn is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Pitcairn Islands.

The top-level domain was the subject of a dispute in 2000, between islander Tom Christian—who had been delegated with management of the domain by ICANN—and the government of the island. The dispute was resolved by ICANN ruling that the domain be re-delegated to the Pitcairn Island Council.

Subdomains under various two-letter .pn domains are offered as free redirections by popnic.com.

An official .pn domain costs $100/year from the registry. There are relatively few sites using these domains, but examples include ESPN (es.pn), C-SPAN (cs.pn), and Groupon (gr.pn), which each use the domain for URL shortening services.

The .pn domain is also used as part of a Lionsgate marketing campaign promoting the The Hunger Games film series, presenting it as the "official" country code of the fictional nation of Panem, with domains for the Capitol (thecapitol.pn) and the rebellion (revolution.pn).

Second-Level Domain Name

External links

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