Taurus (astrology)

Zodiac symbol Bull's full head
Duration (tropical, western) 19 April 20 May (2016, UTC)
Constellation Taurus
Zodiac element Earth
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Venus, Earth
Detriment Pluto, Mars
Exaltation Moon

Taurus (Latin for "the Bull"; symbol: , Unicode: ) is the second astrological sign in the present Zodiac. It spans the 30-60th degree of the zodiac, between 27.25 and 54.75 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropic zodiac, the Sun transits this area on average between April 21 and May 21 each year. Under the sidereal zodiac, the Sun transits the constellation of Taurus from May 15 (approx.) to June 21. People born between these dates, depending on which system of astrology they subscribe to, may be called Taureans.[1][2] The symbol of the bull is based on the Cretan Bull, the white bull that fathered the Minotaur who was killed by Theseus.[3]


Taurus was the second sign of the zodiac established among the ancient Mesopotamians — who knew it as the Bull of Heaven — because it was the sign through which the sun rose on the vernal equinox. Due to the precession of the equinox, it now follows Aries. The Bull represents a strong-willed character with great perseverance and determination. In Egypt, Taurus was seen as the cow goddess Hathor. Hathor was the goddess of beauty, love, and happiness, and she represented all of the riches seen in cattle as the providers of nourishment. Roman astrologers considered Taurus ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty.


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