Area code 264

Not to be confused with +264 country code for Namibia.

Area code 264 is the telephone area code of Anguilla in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). The area code was created in a split from the original area code 809 around March 1997. The area code is also represented on the telephone dial by the letter sequence ANG.

In Anguilla, a local telephone number is dialed using the seven digits of the telephone number. Calls from the United States or another NANP country one dials 1 264 and the seven digit number.

See also

External links

Anguilla area codes: 264
North: Atlantic Ocean
West: 284 Area code 264 East: Atlantic Ocean
South: Country code +590 in Saint Martin, area code 721 in Sint Maarten
British Virgin Islands area codes: 284

Coordinates: 18°12′N 63°03′W / 18.2°N 63.05°W / 18.2; -63.05

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