Zygote in My Coffee

Zygote in My Coffee
Web address http://www.zygoteinmycoffee.com
Type of site
Available in English
Launched December 2003
Current status Print & Online

Zygote in My Coffee (often referred to simply as "Zygote") was a popular underground independent print and online magazine that ran from December 31, 2003 until May 30, 2010, which dealt mostly in experimental and "street" poetry,[1] though it also published content such as short fiction, social commentary, political rants, one-act plays, erotica, and adult-oriented comic strips.[2] The magazine was started in San Jose, California by poet and cartoonist Brian Fugett, who later moved to and published out of Kettering, Ohio.[3] At one time, co-editors included Karl Koweski, Aleathia Drehmer, and C. Allen Rearick.[4]

Zygote in My Coffee released well over a hundred online issues and six print issues. After five years the magazine announced its defunct status in late 2008 but later resumed publication with a slightly limited schedule.[5]

Notes and references

  1. Duotrope Digest: http://www.duotrope.com/market_983.aspx
  2. Georgetown's Catalog of Journals: http://library.georgetown.edu/newjour/z/msg02167.html
  3. An Interview with Brian Fugett: http://www.laurahird.com/newreview/brianfugettinterview.html
  4. http://www.zygoteinmycoffee.com/80s/zygoteeditorsbfandkk.html
  5. The Zygote Is Dead, Word Riot Magazine (Retrieved 01/08/2009) http://www.wordriot.org/template_2.php?ID=1721

External links