Zvi Elpeleg

Zvi Elpeleg (born 1926 in Poland[1]) is an Israeli academic, currently a senior researcher at the Dayan Institute, part of Tel Aviv University.[2] He served as a colonel in the Israeli army,[3] and later received an ambassadorial appointment. He is an academic and author.

In the mid-1950s, he was the military governor of the Triangle and later the military governor of Gaza from 1956 to 1957.[3][4] He became Israel's first military governor of the West Bank in 1967.[2] He would repeat the role during the Israeli occupation of Fayid in Egypt in 1973, and again in occupied South Lebanon in 1982.[3]

He served as Israel's ambassador to Turkey from 1995 to 1997.[5]

He entered academia as an Arabist and, since 1972, he has been attached, as senior researcher, to the Dayan Institute[3] He has authored a biography of Haj Amin al-Husseini,[6] which is considered one of the standard works on the man.

Zvi Elpeleg serves as Turkey-Israel Friendship Association chairman and has been appointed as Turkey's honorary consul to Tel Aviv by the former Turkish president Süleyman Demirel [7] in gratitude for the role he played in overseeing Israeli IDF Aid for Turkish Earthquake Victims in August 1999.[8]


  1. Herz, Dietmar; Jetzlsperger, Christian; Ahlborn, Kai, eds. (2003). Der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt: Hintergründe, Dimensionen und Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. p. 227. ISBN 3-515-08259-X.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Teitelbaum, Sheldon (January 2000). "One on One: Portrait of Michal Snunit". Hasassah Magazine.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Elpeleg, Zvi (2002). "Respect their philosophy of survival (end note bio)". Bitterlemons.org / Media monitors.
  4. Fisk, Robert (2001-06-01). "Obituary: Faisal Husseini". The Independent (London).
  5. Nachmani, Amikam (2003). Turkey: Facing a New Millennium : Coping With Intertwined Conflicts. Manchester University Press. p. 209. ISBN 0-7190-6370-1.
  6. Zvi Elpeleg, The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement, Frank Cass Publishers, 1991. ISBN 0-7146-4100-6.
  7. "Today's Zaman". Today's Zaman. 2006.
  8. "Israeli IDF Aid for Turkish Earthquake Victims". Israeli Foreign Ministry. 1999.

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