Zur Sprache bringen. Eine Kritik der Architekturkritik

Zur Sprache bringen. Kritik der Architekturkritik

Front cover of the 2003 edition
Author Ulrich Conrads , Eduard Führ , Christian Gänshirt (Editors)
Country Germany
Language German, English
Series Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Architektur, Vol. 4
Subject Critical research on architecture criticism
Publisher Waxmann Verlag
Publication date
Media type Print Paperback
Pages 264
ISBN 978-3-8309-1304-7
OCLC 54928718

Zur Sprache bringen. Eine Kritik der Architekturkritik (German: Grasping Architecture - A Critique of Architecture Criticism) was the title of an international conference organized from October 31 through November 2 of 2002 by the Internet architecture journal Cloud Cuckoo Land at the Brandenburg University of Technology (Cottbus, Germany).[1][2][3][4][5]


The conference had been organized in honor of Ulrich Conrads (1923-2013), who was one of the most important German architecture critics of the second half of the 20th century.[6] Conrads himself, 79 years old at the time, delivered an opening and a closing address and contributed to the discussions during the conference.

In his opening address The Last Word as Prologue, delivered at the Branitz Palace in the Branitzer Park , Conrads recommend seven procedures (he called them seven virtues) as best practice for an architecture critic:[7]


Almost the same title has subsequently been used for the book containing the conference proceedings,[8] which occasionally has been used as a recommended reading at universities.[9][10]


  1. Conference review by Werner Jakob: Eine Bewertung des Baumarktes ist sehr zu begrüßen. Die Universität Cottbus veranstaltet Ulrich Conrads zu Ehren ein Kolloquium über Architekturkritik, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 3.1.2003
  2. Conference review by C. A. Petrow: Architekturkritik heißt: Baukultur zur Sprache bringen. Tagung an der BTU Cottbus, in: Garten und Landschaft, No. 1/2003
  3. Conference review by Achim Pietzker: Zur Sprache bringen. Kritik in Cottbus, in Arch+ No. 163, Ausbildung, Aachen: December 2002, p. 12
  4. Conference review by Ulf Meyer: Zur Sprache bringen. Die BTU Cottbus und „Wolkenkuckucksheim“ widmen sich der Architekturkritik, in: Deutsches Architektenblatt No. 12/2002, p. 17
  5. Conference review by Roman Hillmann: Zur Sprache bringen – Eine Kritik der Architekturkritik, in: http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/kunsttexte/download/denk/r-hillmann1.pdf , No. 4/2002
  6. Peter Neitzke and Ursula Baus: UC (1923-2013) – Gedenken an Ulrich Conrads' Courage, online at: http://www.german-architects.com/de/pages/hauptbeitrag/41_13_conrads , retrieved Feb. 11, 2014
  7. See video at: http://www.tu-cottbus.de/einrichtungen/index.php?id=5674 , retrieved Feb. 14, 2014
  8. Book review by Hans Friesen: Zur Sprache bringen. Kritik der Architekturkritik, at: http://six4.bauverlag.de/sixcms_4/sixcms/detail.php?object_id=38&area_id=1656&id=115845
  9. Matthias Schirren: Seminar bibliography at: http://www.uni-kl.de/FB-ARUBI/gta/Lehrveranstaltungen_WS_2008-09/Seminar_Architekturkritik_Literaturliste.htm
  10. Sylvia Claus: Seminar "Über Architektur schreiben", at http://www.gta.arch.ethz.ch/kolloquien/ueber-architektur-schreiben/programm

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