
Possible location of Zoara.

Zoara, the biblical Zoar, previously called Bela (Genesis 14:8), was one of the five (Pentapolis) cities of the plain of Jordan[1] in Genesis, which escaped the "brimstone and fire" which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, for having sheltered Lot and his daughters.[2] It is mentioned by Josephus;[3] Ptolemy (V, xvi, 4); and by Eusebius and Saint Jerome in the Onomasticon.

In the Bible

Zoara-, meaning "small" or "insignificance" in Hebrew (a "little one" as Lot called it), was a city east of Jordan in the vale of Siddim, which later became the Dead Sea. Along with Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, Zoar was one of the 5 cities slated for destruction by God; but Zoar was spared at Lot's plea as his place of refuge. (Genesis 19:20-23)

Other ancient references

The Notitiae Dignitatum, 72, places at Zoara, as a garrison, the resident equites sagitarii indigenae; Stephen of Byzantium (De urbibus, s.v. Addana) speaks also of its fort, which is mentioned in a Byzantine edit of the 5th century (Revue biblique, 1909, 99); near the city was a sanctuary to Saint Lot. Hierocles (Synecdemus) and George of Cyprus[4] both mention it.[5]

In the Madaba Map, of the sixth century, it is represented in the midst of a grove of palm trees under the names of Balac or Segor (the Septuagint form of "Zoar"), now Zoara.[6]

At the end of the fourth century a bishop of Zoara accompanied the western pilgrim, wrongly named Silvia. The pseudo-Antonius in the sixth century describes its monks, and extols its palm trees. Owing to its tropical climate and to the waters coming down from the mountains of Moab, Zoara is a flourishing oasis where the balsam, indigo, and date trees bloom luxuriantly. During the French occupation it took the name of Palmer, or of Paumier. William of Tyre (XXII, 30) and Foulcher of Chartres (Hist. hierosol., V) have left beautiful descriptions of it, as well as the Arabian geographers, who highly praise the sweetness of its dates.[7] It is not known when the city disappeared;[5]


Zoara was part of the late Roman province of Palaestina Tertia.

It became a bishopric and is included in the Catholic Church's list of titular sees.[8]

Le Quien gives the names of three of its bishops;[9]

Other references to Zoara

The Syriac Chronicles of Michael the Syrian (twelfth century) and of Bar Hebraeus (thirteenth century) contain some obscure traditions regarding the founding of some of the "cities of the plain". According to these accounts, during the lifetime of Nahor (Abraham's grandfather), a certain Canaanite named Armonius had two sons named Sodom and Gomorrah, for whom he named two newly built towns, naming a third (Zoara) after their mother.


Prior to the major archaeological excavations in the 1980s and 1990s that took place in Zoara, scholars proposed that several sites in the area of Khirbet Sheikh 'Isa and al-Naq' offered further evidence of Zoara's location and history. Further information regarding Zoara in different historical epochs were obtained through the descriptions of Arabian geographers, suggesting that Zoara served as an important station in the Akkabah-to-Jericho trade route, and through Eusebius's statement that the Dead Sea was situated between Zoar and Jericho. Researchers who have studied ancient texts portray Zoara as a town erected in the middle of a flourishing oasis, watered by rivers flowing down from the high Moab Mountains in the east. The sweet dates that grew abundantly on the palm trees surrounding Zoara are also mentioned in some historical texts.

Several excavation surveys have been conducted in this area in the years 1986-1996. Ruins of a basilical church that were discovered in the site of Deir 'Ain 'Abata ("monastery at the Abata Spring" in Arabic), were identified as the Sanctuary of Agios (Saint) Lot. An adjacent cave is ascribed as the location where Lot and his daughters took refuge during the overthrow of Sodom. About 300 engraved funerary steles in the Khirbet Sheikh 'Isa area in Ghor al-Safy were found in 1995. Most gravestones were inscribed in Greek and thus attributed to Christian burials, while several stones were inscribed in Aramaic, suggesting that they belong to Jewish burials. These gravestones were therefore traced back to the fourth-fifth centuries AD, when Zoara was an important Jewish center.


Wikisource has the text of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia article Zoara.
  1. Genesis 14:2-8
  2. Genesis 19:22-30
  3. Ant. Jud., XIII, xv, 4; Bell. Jud., IV, viii, 4
  4. Description of the Roman World
  5. 5.0 5.1 Siméon Vailhé, "Zoara" in Catholic Encyclopedia (New York 1912)
  6. The Madaba Mosaic Map, Balak also Segor, now Zoara
  7. Guy Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 289
  8. Annuario Pontificio 2013 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013, ISBN 978-88-209-9070-1), p. 1013
  9. Michel Lequien, Oriens christianus, Tomus III, coll. 737-746

Coordinates: 31°02′49″N 35°30′09″E / 31.04694°N 35.50250°E