Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
Motto (Chinese) 为之则易,不为则难
Established 1977
Type Public
Principal Shi Hengzhen (石恒真)
Administrative staff
Students 23,000
Location Zhengzhou, Henan,  People's Republic of China
Website www.zzuli.edu.cn

Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Chinese: 郑州轻工业大学; pinyin: zhèngzhōu Qīnggōngyè Dàxué) is a public university located in Zhengzhou, Henan, People's Republic of China.

Address: 5 DongFeng Road, Zhengzhou, Henan province, P.R.China (Simplified Chinese:中国河南省郑州市东风路5号), Post Code: 450002

Founded in 1977, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) was administered successively by the Ministry of Light Industry, the National Council of Light Industry, and the State Economic and Trade Commission until it was transferred to Henan Province as an institution co-administered by the central and local authorities in 1998. Presently it has evolved into a multi-disciplinary engineering focused university promoting coordinated development of other disciplines such as Sciences, Liberal arts, Economics, Management, Law and Pedagogy.

The University has accelerated its development at a breathtaking pace by educational reform and innovation, holding the educational philosophy of “putting students first, dedication to learning, improving the quality of teaching and serving society,” and acting on the university motto of “nothing is too difficult for the willing mind”. Consisting of 15 colleges or departments, ZZULI offers 47 undergraduate programs, 26 master programs and 2 programs in the Master of Engineering. It is also authorized to award Master’s Degrees to the applicants with the equivalent education of the postgraduates. At present, the enrollment of students has exceeded 15,000, which includes the undergraduates and postgraduates.

Education and Teaching

With teaching as the central concern, ZZULI attaches importance to development, taking effective measures to deepen educational reform and enhance teaching quality. There are 2 specialities with distinguishing features at national level and 6 at the provincial level; over 40 specialities have won the title of Excellent Course at the provincial or university level; over 30 teaching prizes have been awarded at the national or provincial level. The teaching staff of Tobacco Science and Engineering has been awarded as Excellent Teaching Staff at the provincial level in Henan Province. The Experiment Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the Experiment Center for Computer Science and the Experiment Center for Mechanical Engineering have been rated as the Model Centers at the provincial level. ZZULI has also been awarded the title of Advanced Unit of Employment in Henan Province for its high employment ratio for years. More than 60,000 graduates have been produced since the foundation of the University.

At present, ZZULI has secured a faculty of nearly 900, among whom over 400 are professors or associate professors, apart from a number of part-time professors who enjoy high reputation both at home and abroad. The University now offers 8 posts for provincial level Specially Employed Professors. Among the faculty members, more than 100 are entitled provincial Innovative Talents, Excellent Specialists, or Backbone Teachers. Currently, an outstanding academic team has formed with academician Jing Fuqian and the specially employed professors at the core, and professors, doctors and dedicated teachers as the backbone who have made brilliant achievements in the state or provincial scientific research projects.

Disciplinary Development and Scientific Research

ZZULI has strengthened its leading position in the disciplinary development. In recent years, a large amount of special funds has been poured into the construction of the key disciplines. As a result, there have been established 22 provincial Key Disciplines, 3 provincial Key Laboratories, 1 Engineering and Technology Center of Henan universities and over 20 scientific research institutions such as the Bioengineering and Technology Center of Henan Province.

The University has assumed about 2,000 major scientific research projects including those of the National Natural Science Foundation and Social Science Foundation. Over 50 scientific research awards at the provincial or above level have been acquired such as the Second Prize of the National Scientific and Technological Progress. In addition, it owns 2 Scientific and Research Innovation Teams of Henan Province and 1 of Henan Universities. Adhering to the principle of integrating production, study and research into one, ZZULI is strengthening its cooperation with large national or local enterprises such as the Hongta Group, the Haier Group, the Midea Group and the Shenma Group. An agreement of production, study and research integration has been signed with the Xuchang municipal government.

International Exchange and Cooperation

Making full use of international educational resources, ZZULI has developed extensive cooperation with dozens of universities who are from the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada and Korea. Frequent academic exchanges have been made with foreign universities. With the sole IELTS examination center in Henan province, ZZULI has been praised as “one of the best examination centers in China” by the Cultural Department of The British Embassy in China.

Campus Culture

Adhering to the doctrine of “moral education first”, the University pursues to develop a vital and healthy campus culture. To achieve this purpose, institutions have been set up such as the Communist Party School for Students, Seminar of Deng Xiaoping Theory. Educational bases have also been established including Henan Museum, Red Flag Channel and Jiao Yulu Memoriam. Great achievements have been made in the practice of the credit system in Henan universities. Thanks to the students’ fruitful social practice, ZZULI has been awarded many times as “the outstanding organization unit in college students’ social practice” by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of CPC and Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China. Varieties of activities such as the art festivals of scientific research supported by over 40 student associations are playing active roles in the cultivation of the students’ pioneering spirit and their innovative abilities, and the improvement of their overall qualities as well.

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