Zahra Freeth

Zahra Dickson Freeth is a British author, the daughter of H. R. P. Dickson (died 1959) and Dame Violet Dickson (died 1991), who has written several books on the Middle East.

Zahra Dickson grew up in Kuwait and later attended boarding schools in England. Her first book, Kuwait Was My Home, was published in 1956. She accompanied her husband to the bauxite mining town of Mackenzie, now known as Linden, in British Guiana (now Guyana) and wrote Run Softly, Demerara (1960) about her experiences there.

Her later writings have been on Middle Eastern topics, including a children's book, Rashid of Saudi Arabia (2001). She lives in Essex. Her brother, Saud Dickson, died in May 2005.

Books by Zahra Freeth

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