Zahir Pajaziti

Zahir Pajaziti
Born 1962
Podujevo, FPR Yugoslavia
Died 1997
Vučitrn, FR Yugoslavia

Zahir Pajaziti (born Podujevo, FPR Yugoslavia in 1962, died in Vučitrn, FR Yugoslavia[1] in 1997) was a commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army.


In 2008, the president of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, declared Pajaziti a Hero of Kosovo.[2]

After the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992, he remained in Kosovo while warfare raged in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1997, he joined the Kosovo Liberation Army. Later that year, he was killed in a gunfight in Vučitrn with the Yugoslav army.

He is commemorated by a statue in Pristina.


  1. James Pettifer, Kosova express: a journey in wartime
  2. Milazim Kadriu: Zahir Pajaziti është një nga themeluesit e Shtabit të Përgjithshëm të UÇK-së