Zachariah Matthews

Dr. Zachariah Matthews
Born Johannesburg, South Africa
Residence Sydney, Australia
Occupation Islamic speaker/daee
Religion Sunni Islam

Zachariah Matthews was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he studied Qur'an and Islamic studies as well as secular subjects. Matthews' secular education was in Pharmacy, in which he completed B.Pharm, BSc (Hon) and Pharm.D degrees in South Africa and the United States before migrating to Australia, where he now lives.

Matthews has appeared at a number of Islamic forums and conferences, published several papers and given media interviews on Islamic topics. He works actively with Australian youth, is involved with/on the board of several community-based and national organizations and has contributed to various civic initiatives. Notably, he has helped to co-ordinate national statements in regard to the Australian government’s Muslim Community Reference Group, the pro-hijab campaign and others.

Matthews has lectured part-time for several years at the University of Sydney and is currently the chief pharmacist of Canterbury Hospital, Sydney, NSW Australia.

He previously served as the president of the Australian Islamic Mission (AIM) and is a board member of the Australian Muslim Civil Rights & Advocacy Network (AMCRAN).

Matthews is the director of Just Media Advocacy.

Education and community work


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