
Zéphire (or Zéphyre) is an opera by Jean-Philippe Rameau in the form of a one-act acte de ballet. Nothing is known about the date of its composition and in all likelihood it was probably not performed in Rameau's lifetime. The name of its librettist is also unknown but may possibly have been Louis de Cahusac.

Rameau's handwritten score for Zéphire, like that for Nélée et Myrthis, was entitled Les Beaux Jours de l'Amour (The Beautiful Days of Love). (Nélée et Myrthis is similarly a one-act opera-ballet.) Zéphire and Nélée et Myrthis may thus have been two parts of the same work.

The first known performance of Zéphire did not take place until modern times when it was performed on 15 June 1967 at the Jubilee Hall in Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England.


Cast Voice type Premiere
Zéphyre soprano
Cloris soprano
Flore soprano
Diane (the goddess Diana) soprano




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