Yuei-An Liou

Yuei-An Liou, B.S. EE, National Sun Yat-Sen University, M.S.E., EE, University of Michigan, M.S. Atmospheric and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (EE) and Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences (AOSS), University of Michigan. Prof. Liou has been awarded Outstanding Alumni Award in National Sun Yat-Sen University(2008) and University of Michigan(2008), and a variety of international prestigious academic awards such as Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy (2007), Honorary Life Member, The Korean Society of Remote Sensing(2007), Foreign Member, Prokhorov Academy of Engineering Sciences, Russian Federation(2008), and Academician, International Academy of Astronautics(2009).

In 2001, Prof. Liou established the only “Graduate Institute of Hydrological Sciences”in Taiwan. During the time (2005–2006) being the Advisor and Division Director, Science Research Division, National Space Organization (NSPO), he was in charge of the satellite missions scientific research and development, and planning, including the Formosat-3 space mission. Prof. Liou has distinguished himself by significantly contributing to the Formosat-3 space mission and led the research team to advance the radio occultation theory and technique, which is effectively applied in monitoring atmospheric profiles and phenomena, such as gravity waves. With outstanding achievements and leadership, he was awarded the prestigious “Contribution Award to FORMOSAT3 National Space Mission” on July 20, 2006. At the later part of the year 2006, invited as the Dean of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Ching-Yun University by President Chieh-Hou, Yang, Prof. Liou was honored the first and the only Chair Professor at the very same University. Currently, Prof. Liou is the Distinguished Professor and Director at the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University. He has also established and chaired the Master of Science Program in Remote Sensing Science and Technology since 2008.

Prof. Liou specializes in Satellite Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Science. He has published more than 100 referral papers, and 200 conference papers, including 3 special referral journal special issues and one book:
1. GPS Solutions, vol. 9, 2005: GPS Radio Occultation (RO) Experiments
2. IEEE Tran. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, 2008: Meteorology, Climate, Ionosphere, Geodesy, and Reflections from the Ocean surfaces: Studies by Radio Occultation Methods
3. GPS Solutions, vol. 14, 2010: GPS Radio Occultation (RO) Experiments II
And 1 publication: Radio occultation method for remote sensing of the atmosphere and ionosphere, February, 2010

Prof. Liou has devoted himself for academic research, remote sensing science and technology promotion, remote sensing data application in disaster, advanced GPS theory, meteorological research and weather prediction…etc. In addition, he has also driven the cooperative program with Mandarin Daily News to promote science outreach with easily understood articles related to remote sensing science.

Prof. Liou has developed technology with sensibility and applied technology to a variety areas. Moreover, Prof. Liou has analyzed satellite images to provide assistance to international disasters during these years, including the big fire in Australia forest in February, the cyclone that devastated Myanmar and the Sichuan earthquake in May, 2008, and the flood disaster caused by Typhoon Morakot in August, 2009. As can be seen from these above achievements, Prof. Liou has been a model that has endeavored to establish national technology when human beings face global changes such as global warming, greenhouse effect, and polar conservation.


M.S. and Ph.D. Advisor: Dr. Anthony W. England (Professor, University of Michigan; Former NASA Astronaut.)


Special Honors


    • 劉說安博士
    • 劉說安接任中大太遙中心 ,中央大學新聞組,2007-08-09,原文轉載自【2007-08-09/台灣新生報/16版】
    • 獲頒中山大學傑出校友獎 ,國立中山大學中山新聞,2008-11-12
    • 傑出校友-劉說安主任 ,國立中山大學校友電子報,2008-11-02
    • 衛星影像做月曆 認識台灣變遷 ,人間福報,2007-12-04
    • 側面看台灣什麼模樣? 像條鱷魚 ,中國評論新聞網,2007-12-03
    • 中大太空遙測中心,推出衛星影像月曆 ,自由電子報,2008-11-05
    • 中大教授劉說安獲選俄聯邦工程科學院院士 ,中央社,2008-04-01
    • 劉說安獲選俄科學院士 籲政府挹注抗暖化 ,中央社,2008-04-05
    • 獲俄頒院士 劉說安光榮返鄉 ,自由電子報,2008-04-28
    • 外交部:俄國會成立友台小組 深化關係 ,中央社,2008-04-15
    • 組圖:福衛二號空拍北川山坡崩塌1442公頃 ,大紀元,2008-05-16
    • 福衛二號照片顯示 傘兵救援危險性高 ,自由電子報,2008-05-15
    • 汶川變形山路位移五十米河寬五倍 ,中國時報,2008-05-20 
    • 福衛影像顯示 堰塞湖有潰決危險 ,中廣,2008-05-20
    • 中大太遙中心 成立碩士班 ,中央大學新聞組,2008-05-29,原文轉載自【2008-05-29/聯合報/C2版】
    • 福衛二號 觀測溫室效應 一目了然 ,人間福報,2009-01-23
    • 福衛三號不遑多讓 可同步觀測全球氣象 ,人間福報,2009-01-23
    • 極地解析》冰縫照得住 「福衛」最利天眼 ,聯合報,2008-12-10
    • 北極冰原裂縫變化 福衛二號「照」得住 ,中央大學新聞網,原文轉載自 2006-03-31日自由時報A8
    • 消失中的白色大地—全球暖化與極地保育國際研討會
    • 專題講座:從福爾摩沙二號觀測談全球暖化下消失中的白色大地!
    • 我兩太空學家獲國際院士殊榮 為國爭光 ,中央大學新聞網,2009-10-26,原文轉載自【2009-10-16/中國廣播公司全球資訊網】
    • NSPO/NARL FORMOSAT2 Image Release for International Relief Efforts Sparkled in ISRS2006PORSEC ,2006.11.12,

    External links