Yser Front

Depiction of the Yser Front by the Belgian artist Georges-Émile Lebacq (1917)

The Yser Front (French: Front de l'Yser, Dutch: Front aan de IJzer), also known as the West Flemish Front, was a section of the Western Front during World War I held by Belgian troops from October 1914 until 1918. The front ran along the Yser (IJzer) river in the far north-west of Belgium and defended a small strip of the country which remained unoccupied. The front was established following the Battle of the Yser in October 1914, when the Belgian army succeeded in stopping the German advance after months of retreat.


During the early campaigns of 1914, the Belgian army had been pushed out of the fortified cities of Liège, Namur and Antwerp by the German advance. Although they succeeded in delaying the Germans at some actions, they were forced to withdraw, first to Antwerp, and into the far north-west of Belgium. By October 1914, the Belgian forces were holding a position along the Yser and Ieperlee canal. After months of retreat, the Belgians forces were considerably reduced and were exhausted. They flooded a large expanse of territory in front of their lines, stretching as far south as Diksmuide. Between 16 and 31 October, the Belgians held off the German army at the Battle of the Yser, suffering 3,500 killed and 15,000 wounded.[1] The Battle of the Yser established a front line which would endure until 1918.


The Yser Front stretched along a distance of around 30 kilometres (19 mi)[2] from the Belgian North Sea coast between Nieuwpoort and Westende, stretching south-east along the Ieperlee, encompassing both Ramskapelle and Pervijze. From Pervijze, the line then arched south-east between the Yser and Ieperlee, down to Oudekapelle and Reninge. Diksmuide had fallen to German forces shortly before the Battle of the Yser.

The front protected a small region of north-west Belgium which remained unoccupied. King Albert I, commander-in-chief of the Belgian Army, established his headquarters in Veurne, one of the salient's only towns.[3]


Belgium's diplomatic and strategic policy

A Belgian soldier by a dugout on the Yser Front

The Belgian High Command, under King Albert I, vetoed Belgian involvement in Allied offensives, which he felt to be both costly and unlikely to achieve any decisive outcome:[1]

I main that as long as I am here I will oppose everything which spills the blood of our soldiers so uselessly on bloody and repetitive experiences which seem doomed to failure. I do not hesitate to say that...I find this current of ideas which lead to war of excess, risking the sacrifice of thousands of men without gain, dangerous...
Albert I, in conversation with his ministers, 2 December 1916[4]

Consequently, the Yser front remained generally static until 1918, while the commanders waited for a decisive offensive elsewhere.[5] After the failure of the Ludendorff Offensive in 1918, the Belgian Army did, however, participate in the Hundred Days Offensive and made some successful advances into German-occupied Belgium.

On 28 September 1918, in the Fifth Battle of Ypres, the Groupe d'Armées des Flandres ("Flanders Army Group" or GAF), under the command of Albert I with the French General Jean Degoutte as Chief of Staff, composed of 12 Belgian divisions, 10 British divisions of the Second Army and 6 French divisions of the Sixth Army attacked the Germans and advanced up to 6 miles (9.7 km). After the following Battle of Courtrai, the GAF advanced some 40 miles (64 km) more.

Daily life

A Belgian soldier on the Yser Front in 1918

The front was held uniquely by Belgian forces, which numbered around 221,000 men by September 1918.[2] Throughout the war, the Belgian Army was supplemented by escapees of military age (évadés) from German-occupied Belgium.[4] All together, around 20,000 Belgian soldiers died on the Yser during the war.[4] In 1914, the Christmas truce was observed in a number of parts of the line and a few Belgian and German troops met in no-man's land between the trenches.

Life on the front line was poor, with soldiers forced to live and sleep in unsanitary trenches, in mud ploughed up by artillery fire.[4] Typhus was a major problem among Belgian troops on the Yser Front, where up to 7,000 soldiers died from diseases contracted there.[4]

Politics within the Belgian army and the Flemish Movement

Within the Belgian army, the experience of the Yser Front had led to political upheaval. Of the Belgian soldiers on the Yser, between 65 and 80 percent were Flemish, speaking Dutch, while many of the Walloons spoke dialects such as Gaumais or Walloon.[6] The language of command, however, was French and many felt patronized by the French-speaking officer class.[6] For the Flemish troops, the disquiet culminated in 1916 with the establishment of the Frontbeweging ("Front Movement") which gained a membership of 5,000 soldiers.[7] Although part of the Flemish Movement, the Frontbeweging called for greater regional autonomy in Belgium rather than Flemish independence.[7]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 De Schaepdrijver 2006, p. 171.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dumoulin 2010, p. 137.
  3. Dumoulin 2010, p. 110.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Dumoulin 2010, p. 138.
  5. Dumoulin 2010, pp. 137-8.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dumoulin 2010, p. 140.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dumoulin 2010, p. 141.


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Yser Front.