You can click, but you can't hide

You can click, but you can't hide is a publicity campaign run jointly by several international associations, most notably the MPA, the MPAA, and the GVU, as part of the larger "Respect Copyrights" campaign against peer-to-peer file sharing of motion pictures. The associations have long alleged that Internet file sharing, or maintaining a file sharing tracker, network or search engine, constitutes copyright infringement because the practice hurts their profits.

The phrase is an adaptation of the phrase "You can run but you can't hide," a statement attributed to American boxer Joe Louis. The "Illegal Downloading: Inappropriate for all ages" campaign logo is based on the MPAA Rating System logos.

In addition to a print and billboard campaign, BitTorrent tracker websites closed between October 2004 and May 2005 due to legal action by the associations have replaced their front page with the campaign's logo and an accompanying message:

There are websites that provide legal downloads. This is not one of them. This website has been permanently shut down by court order because it facilitates the illegal downloading of copyrighted motion pictures. The illegal downloading of motion pictures robs thousands of honest, hard-working people of their livelihood, and stifles creativity. Illegally downloading movies from sites such as these without proper authorization violates the law, is theft, and is not anonymous. Stealing movies leaves a trail. The only way not to get caught is to stop.

LokiTorrent controversy

The associations have also obtained records from some closed tracker sites, which could be used to trace individual users. The administrator of one such site, LokiTorrent, closed the site and turned over its logs, amidst controversy, as part of a settlement ending a 2005 copyright infringement lawsuit filed by MPAA studios against him.[1] The anti-"piracy" campaign's signature replaced the content of the website upon its shutting down.[2]

Comparison to Other Campaigns

The arresting nature of the graphics, and the use of scare tactics in this campaign is a marked difference from previous large-scale copyright-promotion campaigns such as Home Taping is Killing Music and Who Makes Movies?, which appealed to the consumer's interest in the art form and the consumer's compassion for movie industry workers. John G. Malcolm, former Senior Vice President and Director of Worldwide Anti-Piracy for the MPAA, has been quoted saying that the goal of the campaign is to "make an example of" internet movie thieves and other pirates.[3] Former MPAA chief Dan Glickman insisted in a statement to film P2P traders that the MPAA "will find you, and you will be held responsible".[4]

Update on campaign

In 2010 they conducted survey and found out as the years progressed more and more people continued to find more ways and websites to download illegal music. Troels Møller from pro-"piracy" group Piratgruppen stated, "The advertising campaigns used to prevent illegal downloads have been a waste of money and have in general been a cop-out from the record industry". He believes that these campaigns are useless and have no real major effect on the daily consumer of music. This scare tactic is not a significant factor and has little to no success for music listeners.

See also
