Yoel Lebowits

Yoel - Joel Lebovits
Born July , 1979
Harris, New York, U.S.
Occupation Actor, Comedian, Singer
Years active 1997–present

Yoel - Joel (Yoely) Lebowits (יואל לעבאוויטש ) is an American Hasidic entertainer, comedian, singer, and actor. Lebowits is the son of the Nikolsburger Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yechiel Mechel Lebovits, and lives in Monsey, New York. He is a popular figure in Hasidic Jewish communities, specifically the Yiddish-speaking communities.

Career history

Lebowits started as a Badchen in 1997, performing Comedy at friends' weddings. He gained popularity after acting the comedic role in the Yiddish play "Hamaloch Hagoel" in 1998.

He became known as the "Pester Rebbe" because of his talent of imitating the Hungarian Language, implying that he is from Budapest.

In 1999 Lebowits debuted his first comedy album "Purim Y2K" (produced by Yochi Briskman). This was followed by "Purim Station" in 2004.

As his popularity grew, Lebowits was hired to entertain at parties, dinners, Weddings and Sheva Brochos in the USA, Europe, Africa and Israel.

Lebowits has performed with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Lipa Schmeltzer, Mordechai ben David and Avraham Fried among others in various places as well as "The Prudential Center" in New Jersey.

Performance Style

While Lebowits is mainly a comic. He sings at hospitals, or for the homebound as well as for the people with special needs.

Recent Activity

Video clips posted on YouTube, received record breaking amount of hits in the Hasidic clips category. The clips include: "Pester Rebbe Inauguration", "Mayn Geller Bus" (My Yellow Bus) which is a parody of the "Yellow Submarine" by "The Beatles", "Thruway" and "Ad Deloy Yooda".

Lebovits has been featured on the cover of Popular Jewish magazines as Yediot Achronot, Hamodia, Ami, Jewish Lifestyle, Di Shtern, Der Blick, Ami and more[1] as well in Israeli Hebrew Magazines

He often performs with fellow badchen R' Yankel Miller, and comedian Hilly Hill (son of Steven Hill) as well as with other badchonim.

On the album Boondash, he features other famous performers such as, chatzatzke Rebbe, and Menashe Lustig, in the hit track "Where is the cover of the Grape juice". The album sold out in less than a week.

in 2013 Yoely and his wife Toby were featured in the National Geographic Channel on the Inside Hasidim Only for God Episode, which has been broadcast world-wide in many languages.



  1. "In The News". Badchen.com. Retrieved 16 August 2011.

External links