Year of Sorrow

The Year of Sorrow (Aam-ul-Huzn) is an Islamic term for a Hijri year that coincided with 619[1] or 623[2] CE. It is called so since both Abu Talib and Khadijah—the Islamic prophet Muhammad's uncle and first wife, respectively—died that year.

In Nur-ul-Absar, the author mentions the date of demise of Abu Talib to be the first of Zilqada after the removal of economic sanctions which lasted for 8 months and 21 days.[3]

The privations and hardships endured by the Muslims during the Meccan boycott of the Hashemites had gravely affected the health of both Khadija and Abu Talib. Khadija died within a few days, and Abu Talib's end came a month thereafter.[4]
