Yangko drama, or Yangko opera (秧歌剧 pinyin Yangge-ju), is a form of Chinese sung theatre.[1] An example is the founding piece of the China National Opera when it was founded in Yan'an in 1942, which was with a performance of a Yangko drama Brothers and Sisters Opening up the Wasteland (《兄妹开荒》). The Yangko owed something to normal huaju spoken drama, but with dance, and songs added.[2]
- ↑ China monthly review - Volumes 120 à 121 - Page 17 1951 ONCE liberation the long suppressed desire of the people's artists to reform the opera has had an opportunity for expression. With the freeing of ... The yangko opera usually consists of a quatrain of seven stanzas or long and short sentences.
- ↑ Contemporary Chinese theatre - Page 8 Roger Howard - 1978 "1 The yangko dramas Brothers and Sisters Open up Wasteland and The White-haired Girl were produced by the Lu Hsun Academy in Yenan. These musical plays owed something to the modern drama (huachu) — in particular in their more ."