
Initial release March 14, 2013
Stable release 0.1 (pre-alpha)
Development status active
Written in Python2
Operating system Cross-platform, GNU
Available in English
Type Course management system
License AGPL3
Website github.com/edX/XBlock

XBlock is the SDK for the edX MOOC platform, written in Python2, and announced and released publicly on March 14, 2013.[1][2][3][4] It aims to enable the global software development community to participate in the construction of the edX educational platform and the next generation of online and blended courses.

XBlock is a component architecture that enables developers to create independent course components, or XBlocks, that are able to work seamlessly with other components in the construction and presentation of an online course. Course authors are able to combine XBlocks from a variety of sources — from text and video to sophisticated wiki-based collaborative learning environments and online laboratories — to create rich engaging online courses.


Documentation for the XBlock SDK is currently in an ″extremely preliminary″ state, and developers are encouraged to communicate directly and interactively with the XBlock authors before proceeding to build something new with it.[5]

Developers distinguish XBlock from existing industry standards such as LTI and SCORM as follows:

How does this differ from existing industry standards like LTI and SCORM? On a high level, XBlocks is a Python language-level API, and it provides sensible defaults for things like storing data. XBlocks could be wrapped up in LTI, and one could make an LTI XBlock. The core reason to write an XBlock is that it is deployable. You can give us the code to an XBlock, and we can embed it in our courseware. LTI would require you to give us a virtual machine image which ran it.

See also


  1. "edX Takes First Step toward Open Source Vision by Releasing XBlock SDK". MarketWatch. Retrieved 2013-08-25.
  2. Nelson, Sharleen. "EdX Releases Open Source Tool For Building Interactive MOOC Courseware". Campus Technology. Retrieved 2013-08-25.
  3. "EdX Opens Up Online Learning Platform, Releases Source Code". Technapex. 2013-03-19. Retrieved 2013-08-25.
  4. "XBlock — XBlock 0.1 documentation". Xblock.readthedocs.org. Retrieved 2013-08-25.

External links