Xbase++ is an object oriented programming language which has multiple inheritance and polymorphism. It is based on the XBase language dialect and conventions. It is 100% Clipper compatible language supporting multiple inheritance, polymorphism, object oriented programming. It supports the xBase data types, including Codeblocks. With Xbase++ it is possible to generate applications for Windows NT, 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, VISTA and Windows 7.
Clipper Support
XBase++ supports the old commands @SAY/GET to define data entry forms as well as a graphic editor to create data entry forms similar to Visual FoxPro. It also has a visual development environment, support for OEM files (DOS format) and ANSI (Windows), an integrated debugger and a resource compiler to add icons and graphics to the application. It can generate EXE or DLL files.
Xbase++ supports the Replaceable Database Drivers (RDD, which provide access to multiple database formats) of Clipper through the DatabaseEngines (DBEs). The basic package includes support for DBF, FOX, NTX, CDX, SDF and DEL(delimited). It also supports CORBA 2.0, Visual FoxPro 3.0 to 5.0 database formats, and access to SQL servers.
XBase++ was born after the decision of Computer Associates to abandon Clipper to develop Visual Objects. The failure of Visual Objects as Clipper substitute empowered the creation of third party libraries and the creation of Clipper syntax compilers.
Source Code samples
#include "class.ch" // // This program prints: // // Missy Meow! // Mr. Bojangles Meow! // Lassie Bark! // Press any key to continue... // ///////////////////////////// // PROCEDURE Main() // ///////////////////////////// LOCAL aAnimals := Array(3) LOCAL i aAnimals[1] := Cat():New("Missy") aAnimals[2] := Cat():New("Mr. Bojangles") aAnimals[3] := Dog():New("Lassie") FOR i:=1 TO LEN(aAnimals) ? aAnimals[i]:Name + " " + aAnimals[i]:Talk() NEXT i WAIT RETURN ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: VAR Name READONLY METHOD Init DEFERRED CLASS METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Animal:Init( cName ) ::Name := cName RETURN Self ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Dog FROM Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Dog:Talk() RETURN "Bark!" ///////////////////////////// // CLASS Cat FROM Animal // ///////////////////////////// EXPORTED: METHOD Talk ENDCLASS METHOD Cat:Talk() RETURN "Meow!"
External links
- Xbase++ web page
- SQLExpress for Xbase++ Object-Oriented ODBC and SQL interface for Xbase++ | www.sqlexpress.net
- Xb2.NET Xbase++ web server & Internet development tool (TCP/IP, HTTP, SOAP, FTP, SSL, XML) | www.xb2.net
- ot4xb Open Source Tools for Xbase++ ( ot4xb.dll ) www.xbwin.com
- The Oasis Clipper, FoxPro and xBase++ community repository
- xBase Dialects
- Diario ClarÃn Xbase++: a bridge towards Windows
- DS-Datasoft manufacturer of Xbase++ tools for developer: XClass++, AdsClass++, AFX++, Visual DBU
- Top-Down Library, X-DBU, X-Memo, Spell-X Development tools for the Xbase++ Programmer
- SD-SoftDesign Xbase++ Development Tools: Dynamic library, DBA