Woytchugga Lacuna

Cassini view of Titan's north polar seas and lakes in the near infrared.

Woytchugga Lacuna is one of the largest lakes of Titan.

It is located at 68°53′N and 109°00′W[1] on titans surface and at 449km in length it is the longest Titanean lake and third longest body of a number of "hydro-carbon Lakes" found on Saturn's Largest Moon". The lake is composed of liquid ethane and methane,[2] and was detected by the Cassini–Huygens space probe.
Indications are that it is an intermitant lake and so was named in 2013[3] after Lake Woytchugga near Wilcannia, Australia.


  1. Planetary names
  2. Athéna Coustenis, F. W. Taylor Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World. (World Scientific, 2008) pp. 154–155. ISBN 978-981-270-501-3.
  3. Five New Names Approved for Use on Titan