World Scout Moot

World Scout Moot
Country various (list below)
Date 1931 onwards
Scouts and Guides from different countries at World Scout Moot, Sweden, 1996.

The World Scout Moot is a gathering of older Scouts, mainly Rover Scouts, ages 18–26 (although there was no upper age limit for the earlier Moots) from all over the world. Moots are held every four years and are organized by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

The original name was World Rover Moot, which was later changed to World Moot (because the term Rover was less and less used) and later to World Scout Moot. Moot is also a generic term used for a gathering of any size for scouts of this age group. The word "moot" was Old English and originally meant a meeting or assembly.[1]

The World Scout Jamboree is a similar event, also organized by the WOSM, for Scouts aged 14–17.

The most recent World Scout Moot was held in Low, Quebec, Canada in 2013.[2] The next one will be in Ulfljotsvatn, Iceland in 2017.[3]

List of Moots

Year Number Location Participants Countries
19311st World Rover MootKandersteg, Switzerland3,00020
19352nd World Rover MootIngarö, Sweden3,00026
19393rd World Rover MootMonzie, Scotland3,50042
19494th World Rover MootSkjåk, Norway2,50040
19535th World Rover MootKandersteg, Switzerland4,168[4]41
19576th World Rover MootSutton Coldfield, U.K.3,50061
19617th World Rover MootMelbourne, Australia96915
1965-66Moot Year10 Events3,599
1969-70Moot Year26 Events7,250
1973-74Moot Year22 Events11,000
1977-78Moot Year23 Events14,560
1981-82Moot Year31 Events22,380
1990-918th World MootMelbourne, Australia1,00036
19929th World MootKandersteg, Switzerland1,40052
199610th World MootRansberg, Sweden2,60878
200011th World Scout MootMexico5,00071
200412th World Scout MootHualien, Taiwan2,500 85
201013th World Scout MootNairobi, Kenya 1,924[5] 66
201314th World Scout MootLow, Quebec, Canada[6]2,000 83
201715th World Scout MootUlfljotsvatn, Iceland
202116th World Scout MootLarch Hill, Ireland

See also

External links


  2. Australian Report on 14th Rover Scout Moot
  3. History of World Scout Moot
  4. Kandersteg, A Pictorial Record of the 5th World Rover Moot, page 70, Austrian Scout Archives, Vienna, Box: Rover Moots 1931/1953/1992
  5. Participant list for the 13th Moot
  6. Canadian notice of 14th World Scout Moot