World Hijab Day

World Hijab Day is an annual event that takes place on February 1. The very first World Hijab Day was celebrated in 2013. Founded by Nazma Khan, it is a worldwide event that encourages Muslim and non-Muslim women to wear the hijab, and experience life of a Hijabi woman. This event showcases freedom and traditional aspect of hijab to the women of the 116 participating countries. In short, World Hijab Day is a way for the non-Hijabi woman to experience hijab from the other side.


World Hijab Day is a result of misinterpretation of hijab around the world. In some countries hijab is viewed as a method of oppression. It is believed that women are being forced to wear hijab, and continue their traditions. These beliefs led to the ill-treatment of woman wearing hijab in many societies. It took away women’s voices and added to their suffering. Many example of these mistreatments of hijabi women can be found worldwide. For example:

France: France is one of the key example of how hijab leading to mistreatment of women, and violation their rights. In 2004, France banned religious symbol from schools. It deprived the female student of their right to express themselves and their practice of religious beliefs. A chronological study of French laws suggest that it was aimed at the practice of hijab as it was seen as a tool of oppression. These studies led up to the law of banning hijab in public life, which was enforced in 2010. These laws violated hijabi women rights of freedom of religion and freedom of expression. (Institutionalize oppression)

U.S.: Even in a diverse and free country like the United States, hijabi women here faced many challenges. In the post 9/11 era, Hijabi women around the US were victims of cruelty, and oppression. Hijabi wearing women were victimized due to the religious value of the hijab. They were bullied, robbed, beaten, abused and so on. This situation was another key example of how hijab was misinterpreted and hijabi’s were mistreated. One of the victims of these hate crimes was Nazma Khan, who later created World Hijab Day.

Egypt: In countries where most woman practice hijab, they are still victimized. In Egypt, 90% of the female population practice wearing hijab, but they are under represented in the country. Despite having such a large population of hijabi women, Egypt's first hijabi wearing news broadcaster was only first aired in 2002. Hijabi women were also undermined when it came to foreign missions, because the country wanted to be represented as modern,and the covering of the hair worked as a disadvantage for the hijabi women in Egypt.

This ill-treatment of hijab and hijabi women had no boundaries. These example can be found in many regions of the world, despite their differences. This is why World Hijab Day was created, to support women and their freedom to express themselves via the practise of hijab.


World Hijab Day was inspired by Nazma Khan. She experienced the negative side of practicing hijab after 9/11. She faced various kind of bullying, and decided to stand against this oppression. She created World Hijab Day, and tried to encourage non-hijabi women to wear hijab. She wanted non-hijabi women to experience what hijabi women went through daily. The oppression, and the stereotypical judgment that are associated with hijab. At the same time, hijab day also aims to stop the physical judgment of the women, and promote judgment based on intellectual abilities. World Hijab Day achieve these goals by giving women an opportunity to wear hijab for a day, and get real life experience of hijab for themselves. It also creates a connection between hijabi and non-hijabi women. In others words, it provides support for the hijabi girls, which they lack in many societies. The World Hijab Day also is a source for the hijabi women to vocalize their opinion.


World Hijab Day reaches out to 116 countries, and so the official website provides steps which people can follow to be part of World Hijab Day. The website provides location (worldwide) where the event is taking place, and the participant can go to be a part of the World Hijab Day. The website also gives information about how someone can organize hijab day in their own cities if their cities don’t have an event location. It provides brochures, videos and articles which an event organizer can use to organize the event.

The World Hijab Day organizer also take advantage of social media as they post videos and pictures to promote the event. In addition, the organizer get sponsor, and media coverage. In short, World Hijab Day is celebrated globally, but organized locally.


  1. Grima, Nathalie. "An Affair of the Heart": Hijab Narratives of Arab Muslim Women in Malta." Implicit Religion 16, no. 4 (December 2013): 461-481. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.
  2. Jones, Nicky. "BENEATH THE VEIL: MUSLIM GIRLS AND ISLAMIC HEADSCARVES IN SECULAR FRANCE." Macquarie Law Journal 9, (May 2009): 47-69. Academic Search Complete,EBSCOhost.
  3. Prusher, Ilene. "World Hijab Day: Muslims debate where the headscarf belongs." Christian Science Monitor, September 4, 2012. N.PAG, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
  4. Vyas, Sapna. "Identity Experiences of Young Muslim American Women in the Post 9/11 Era." Encounter 21, no. 2 (Summer2008 2008): 15-19. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.
  5. ZAHEDI, ASHRAF. "Muslim American Women in the Post-11 September Era." International Feminist Journal of Politics 13, no. 2 (June 2011): 183-203. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.

See also