World Business Forum

World Business Forum

World Business Forum Stage at Radio City Music Hall in New York
Begins October 7, 2014
Ends October 8, 2014
Frequency Annually
Location(s) Radio City Music Hall, New York City, NY
Inaugurated 2004
Participants over 5000 top-level business executives

The World Business Forum is an annual global business summit held in New York City. A 2008 Burson-Marsteller survey ranks the World Business Forum among the world's top five most influential venues for CEO's and C-Suite executives.[1] The event is organized by HSM, an executive education and management content firm.


The World Business Forum in New York City was officially launched in 2004.[2] The yearly summit brings together over 5,000 attendees, consisting mostly of senior executives, from over 60 countries to hear the debate and discussions of top political and business leaders as well as renowned intellectuals about the current issues and challenges of the world business environment and global economy.[3][4]


2014 Speakers include:

Past speakers in the World Business Forum included political figures such as Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan, Rudy Giuliani, Tony Blair and Colin Powell, CEOs such as Jack Welch, Richard Branson, Herb Kelleher and John Chambers, financial experts Alan Greenspan and Jeremy Siegel as well as management experts Tom Peters, Peter Drucker and Michael Porter among others.[5]

The 2012 World Business Forum included:

75% of attendees to the World Business Forum are at director level or above, and 30% are C-Suite executives.[7]


The event is organized by WOBI, an executive education and management content firm which has been holding business conferences globally for over 20 years under the names World Business Forum and ExpoManagement. In addition to the World Business Forum in New York, WOBI organizes business forums around the world as well as other forums including the WOBI On Innovation.[8][4]

2014 World Business Forum

ROBERT REDFORD A CONVERSATION ON CREATIVITY, TALENT AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING One of the most influential creative voices of our time, Robert is a film industry icon whose passion and independent spirit have driven a lifetime’s work dedicated to making films of social and cultural relevance.

MALCOLM GLADWELL THE ART OF BATTLING GIANTS One of the most influential writers of his generation, Gladwell’s work is characterized by his razor sharp, counter-intuitive insight and a standout gift for storytelling. He is a master of challenging assumptions and revealing hidden truths behind our everyday experiences. @Gladwell

DANIEL GILBERT MAKING DECISIONS THAT ARE RIGHT FOR YOU Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert, the bestselling author of Stumbling on Happiness, offers brilliant insights into how and how well the human brain can imagine its own future, and about our capacity to predict which of those futures it will most enjoy. @DanTGilbert

SIR KEN ROBINSON CULTIVATING CREATIVITY A globally recognized authority on creativity, Sir Ken Robinson pushes people to upend the status quo, rethink outdated assumptions about intelligence and innovation - and to launch a creative revolution that will unleash the real potential of people and organizations. @SirKenRobinson

PETER DIAMANDIS CREATING AN AGE OF ABUNDANCE Through his work as Chairman of both the X Prize Foundation and Singularity University, Peter Diamandis wants to find solutions to some of the world’s grand challenges as he focuses on driving breakthroughs in products, companies, industries - and humanity. @PeterDiamandis

BLAKE MYCOSKIE START SOMETHING THAT MATTERS Founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS, Blake Mycoskie is a visionary social entrepreneur, whose idea of One for One is changing how companies view their corporate social responsibilities and how consumers can use their purchasing power to make conscious and impactful choices. @BlakeMycoskie

IAN BREMMER WINNERS AND LOSERS IN A G-ZERO WORLD What happens when no one is running the world? Ian Bremmer is one of today’s shrewdest and sharpest analysts of political economy and the risks and opportunities associated with today’s rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, who will answer that question. @ianbremmer

SIMON SINEK WHY LEADERS EAT LAST A trained ethnographer and author of the bestselling book Start With Why, Simon is fascinated by the leaders and companies that make the greatest impact in the world, discovering some remarkable patterns of how they think, act and communicate. @simonsinek

CLAUDIO FERNÁNDEZ ARÁOZ IT’S NOT THE HOW OR THE WHAT BUT THE WHO Claudio is one of the world's most respected voices on identifying, developing and managing talent. He has worked with CEOs at some of the world’s largest companies and is the author of the highly acclaimed book Great People Decisions.

LINDA HILL LEVERAGING YOUR ORGANIZATION’S COLLECTIVE GENIUS A leadership scholar and professor at the Harvard Business School, Linda has been recognised as one of the world’s top management thinkers who will shatter myths around the art and practice of leading innovation.

RITA MCGRATH THE END OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE A Professor at Columbia Business School, Rita is a globally recognized expert on strategy in uncertain and volatile environments who will reveal how to forge a new path to winning based on capturing opportunities fast, exploiting them decisively, and moving on even before they are exhausted. @rgmcgrath

PHILIPPE STARCK DESIGN, CREATIVITY & OPENING THE DOORS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN A legend of modern design determined to participate in an ever-mutating world, Starck has devised thousands of products ranging from furniture and lemon squeezers, to revolutionary mega-yachts and wondrous hotels, never ceasing to push boundaries and challenge established criteria. @Starckofficial


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