Women in Venezuela

Women in Venezuela

A Venezuelan mother and her child, 1932
Gender Inequality Index[1]
Value 0.464 (2013)
Rank 96th out of 152
Maternal mortality (per 100,000) 92 (2010)
Women in parliament 17.0% (2013)
Females over 25 with secondary education 56.5% (2012)
Women in labour force 50.9% (2012)
Global Gender Gap Index[2]
Value 0.7060 (2013)
Rank 50th out of 136
A group of Venezuelan women, at Nibaldo, Rio Caribe, 1899.

Women in Venezuela are South American women who live in or are from Venezuela. The roles of Venezuelan women may differ in urban and rural areas. By tradition, women perform household work and they may accept jobs related to domestic services. In rural areas, Venezuelan women share "demanding physical labor" with men. Due to the rise of the beauty pageant industry, Venezuelan women have become "highly regarded" as objects of beauty and sexuality.[3]

Although women are legally equal to men in Venezuela, the women of Venezuela live in "very patriarchal society" that has "its own distinct national brand of machismo". However, in recent years, modern-day Venezuelan women are gradually becoming an essential part of the general Venezuelan workforce outside the confines of the home. The professional women and businesswomen of Venezuela generally "work hard at looking great" and they "dress to impress"; their business attire include wearing "feminine business suits, dresses, skirts and blouses".[4]

Venezuelan women are characteristically "outgoing and gregarious" by nature. Women greet men and each other by giving one kiss on the right cheek. On the other hand, due to Venezuelan men's "public expression of machismo", women in Venezuelan society are "customarily showered with remarks and gazes from men" as a form of displaying admiration of female beauty. Venezuelan women normally ignore such male behavior.[3]

See also


  1. "Table 4: Gender Inequality Index". United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 7 November 2014.
  2. "The Global Gender Gap Report 2013" (PDF). World Economic Forum. pp. 12–13.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Benavides, O. Hugo. "Venezuela". Advameg, Inc. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  4. "Venezuela". eDiplomat. Retrieved 21 October 2013.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Women of Venezuela.