Womankind Worldwide

Womankind Worldwide is an international women’s rights charity working to support women and girls to improve their lives and communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They partner with women’s rights organisations on the ground, which are working to tackle the issues that affect women’s lives.In 25 years they have reached 18 million women and girls, their families and communities across more than 70 countries.

They support women directly – from providing refuges and counselling for survivors of violence, to leadership and business skills training. They also support women, their families and communities indirectly – by raising awareness of women’s rights and working to change legislation, policies and practice. In 2013-2014 Womankind and their partners directly supported 119,878 women and girls. And they provided indirect support to 5.9 million women, girls, men and boys.

Mission and values

Womankind's vision

A fair world where being a woman does not limit choices, opportunities or rights.

Womankind's mission

Womankind works in partnership with women’s rights organisations to support women in Africa, Asia and Latin America to transform their lives and communities. They also work collectively to influence the policies and practices of government and non-governmental organisations through sharing our knowledge and experience.

Womankind's aims

  1. An end to violence against women and girls
  2. To increase women’s civil and political participation
  3. Equal access to and control over economic resources

They are able to pursue these aims through their partners and thanks to the people and organisations who provide them with financial support.

In addition to providing support for partners Womankind lobbies the UK government, donors, the UN, international agencies and the EU to develop policies and services which promote and protect women’s rights and development.

Since 1989 Womankind has reached 10 million women and their families.

Projects and Partners

The charity currently works in partnership with 31 women’s rights organisations to challenge discrimination, end violence and improve the rights and choices of women and girls. With their partners they are reaching women and girls in 13 countries –


Womankind’s patrons include Kate Adie OBE, Helena Kennedy QC, Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC, Professor Amartya Sen, Dr Kate Young.

Womankind Worldwide was the subject of the BBC Radio 4 Appeal in February 2011, presented by Sandi Toksvig.[1]


External links