Wolof Wikipedia

The Wolof Wikipedia is the edition of Wikipedia in the Wolof language.

The Wikipedia was started in the beginning of 2005, along with the Bambara Wikipedia and the Fula Wikipedia. Kasper Souren, a Dutchman who worked with Geekcorps, wrote in a report to an open source conference that until 2006 "not much happened" on the Wolof Wikipedia.[1] The Wikipedia had 543 articles in June 2008.[1] That year many small articles with very little content were posted. In April 2007 Ibou, a Senegalese student living in Italy, began adding substantial content to that Wikipedia.[1] The Wolof Wikipedia had 500 articles in November 2007. The Wikipedia had 543 articles in June 2008.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Lih, p. 158.

External links

Wolof edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia