
Winterplay is a pop-jazz group from South Korea consisting of two members: Juhan Lee as producer, song writer and trumpet player, and Haewon on Vocals. Juhan created the project in November 2007 and by 2008, Juhan succeeded signing with Universal Music Japan for worldwide distribution.

Since their first international debut in Japan in 2009 with their Songs of Colored Love album, they have released worldwide to 26 countries, with an international release showcase in London in 2010. Currently they hold 2 Gold Records in the Category of Jazz in Korea for “Hot Summerplay” and in Hong Kong for their second album Sunshines.

Their latest third album titled Two Fabulous Fools was released in Korea on July 17, 2013. As of October, 2013, Universal Music Hong Kong has also signed with Winterplay for their release of Two Fabulous Fools in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Macau, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia.