Winter (Irish band)

Type of site
Music - Progressive Rock
Available in English
Owner Winter
Created by Winter
Launched 18 February 2008

Winter were an Irish progressive rock / metal band, who received critical acclaim for their live performances in the 1980s and 1990s. They released a debut EP titled Across The Circle's Edge which in both vinyl format (by Circle's Edge records in 1990) and in CD format (by SI Records in 1992).



Vinyl cover
CD cover
Digital E.P. cover

Across The Circle’s Edge

Released on Circle’s Edge Records in August 1990 in vinyl format, this was a six track EP. The artwork was created by Phil Murray and was deliberately left to appear like a rough, first draft image, since the EP was effectively a first vinyl demo designed to attract record company attention. The idea was that once a recording contract was in place, the artwork then to evolve into a fully illustrated final piece for the inaugural Winter album. The artwork was completed but never used because when the songs were re-released by SI Records, the Netherlands in 1992 in CD format, the band line up had changed and they decided to use a different image for the cover art. The original master tape from the vinyl recorded was re-mastered for the CD version.

By the time of the CD release, Winter had a different line, up so other players are credited on the album, but all songs were written and performed by Beggs, Lennie, Loyer, Murphy, Murray. The recordings were produced by Lawrence Thomson and recorded at Level One Studios, Newtownards and Dove Studios, Belfast. There were elements of the tracks, particularly some keyboard parts, that had been omitted on the vinyl and CD recordings but these have now been added back into the MP3 versions that appear on the band's web site .

Track Listing:

In 1993, SI Music released a compilation CD of various progressive rock bands, titled Progressive and Melodic Rock, which included the track CLOSE YOUR EYES by WINTER.

In January 2012, an updated digital version of Across The Circle’s Edge was released, on the Circle's Edge Records label, which included the additional keyboards by Philip Murray which had been omitted from the original recording. It was titled Across The Circle's Edge (beyond 2012).

See also
