Windows App Studio

Windows App Studio
Developer(s) Microsoft
Written in XAML, .NET
Operating system Web-based application
Platform Windows Phone, Microsoft Windows
Available in English
Type Application software development

Windows App Studio, formerly Windows Phone App Studio is a web application provided by Microsoft for Windows Store and Windows Phone Store development.[1][2]

It allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the Windows and Windows Phone operating system (OS).[3] It uses a graphical interface, allowing users to create an application that can run on Windows Phone and Windows devices with little experience, and concentrates primarily on apps for websites and content streams.[4] It also allows users to download the source code of the applications for further edits in Visual Studio.[5] The Windows App Studio supports TouchDevelop,[6][7] and can be used to develop universal applications.[8][9] Some of its features includes a Logo and Image Wizard, customizable theme templates, and can collect content from sites such as YouTube, Flickr and Facebook.[10][11] The service works only for those with a Microsoft account and is completely free of charge.[12]

See also
