Win Without War

Win Without War is a coalition of roughly 40 organizations that promotes a progressive, demilitarized U.S. foreign policy.

Based in Washington, DC, Win Without War was founded in 2002 by former U.S. Representative Tom Andrews (D-ME) to campaign against the use of military force in Iraq.[1] In 2015, Win Without War has continued to call for non-military efforts to bring peace to Iraq. Win without War Advocacy Director Stephen Miles stated “Far too often, the conversation in Washington is only about whether to bomb more or less, not about actually solving the underlying crisis in Iraq and Syria that everyone agrees ultimately has no military solution.”[2]

Win Without War is a program of the Center for International Policy.

Coalition Members

Members of the coalition include:[3]

Recommendations on ISIS

In a September 2014 statement, Win Without War recommended five actions as an alternative to US war with ISIS.[4]


  1. Win Without War Website, About
  2. Davis, Julie Hirschfeld. "Amid Debate on ISIS War Bill, a Democrat Proposes Peace". New York Times. Retrieved 28 February 2015.
  3. Win Without War Website, About
  4. "Today’s Antiwar Movement: Win Without War’s Alternatives to Bombing IS". Nonprofit Quarterly. Retrieved 28 February 2015.

External links