Wilton Ivie

Left to right—Howard Scott, Director-in-Chief of Technocracy Incorporated, and Wilton Ivie, Division of Publications (CHQ), standing next to the new official gray station wagon presented to the Chief by the members of the Organization as a gift for his latest birthday.

Wilton Ivie (1907–1969) was an American entomologist and arachnologist, who described hundreds of new species and many new genera of spiders, both under his own name and in collaboration with Ralph Vary Chamberlin. He was employed by the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He also was a supporter of the Technocracy movement.

Wilton Ivie: B.S., M.S. in biology from University of Utah. For the last 9 years of his life he worked at the American Museum of Natural History. He died as a result of an auto accident on 8 August 1969 during an expedition for the Museum of Natural History in New York City.[1]

Some published material

Ivie published many texts of information on spiders such as New tarantulas from the southwestern states along with his writing associate Ralph Vary Chamberlin, Wilton Ivie ,1939. Other Texts include identifying spider types such as Aphonopelma vorhiesi, Aphonopelma radinum, Aphonopelma moderatum, Aphonopelma iodius, New spiders from Mexico and Panama by Ralph Vary Chamberlin, Wilton Ivie,1936. Species described or mentioned include Aphonopelma iodius, Aphonopelma moderatum, Aphonopelma radinum, Aphonopelma vorhiesi and, Brachypelma embrithes.[2]

The Scientific Attitude by Wilton Ivie[3]

SOME NEW SPIDERS FROM OHIO five species described.[4]

Journal of the New York Entomological Society 1967 New York Entomological Society by Wilton Ivie: New synonyms of one genus and twenty-four species, as well as twenty-one new combinations and a few other notes pertaining to American spiders, most of them in the family Linyphiidae, particularly the sub-family Erigoninae, are recorded.[5]

Man and the Nature of Things: Wilton Ivie 1954[6]

Technocracy movement

He was a member of Technocracy from 1937, serving on the staff at CHQ as Director of Publications. He was the author of Comments on the News which appeared monthly in Technocratic Trendevents, and wrote numerous articles some under the pseudonym Techno Critic, in addition to the numerous articles under his own name. [7]

Taxa named in his honor

Taxa described

Online technocracy texts


  1. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/deseretnews/obituary.aspx?n=aleen-ivie&pid=143859512 Retrieved July-29-2014
  2. http://www.tarantupedia.com/bibliography/wilton-ivie Retrieved July-29-2014
  3. http://books.google.com.kh/books/about/The_Scientific_Attitude.html?id=WtvPNwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y Retrieved July-29-2014
  4. https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1811/3212/1/V42N01_020.pdf Retrieved July-29-2014
  5. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/25006059?uid=2&uid=4&sid=21104537888233 Retrieved July-30-2014
  6. http://arno.daastol.com/biblio/bibfin.html Retrieved July-31-2014
  7. http://web.archive.org/web/20020819051633/http://www.technocracy.org/people/wilton-ivie.html

External links