William Dale Montgomery

William Dale Montgomery (born 1945) is U.S. ambassador

He served in the U.S. Army from 1967 to 1970, including one year of service in Vietnam.

He has been a career Foreign Service Officer since 1974.

He was Deputy Chief of Mission in Sofia from June 1988 to May 1991.

He served as Ambassador to Bulgaria from October 1993 to January 1996.

At the end of his tour as Ambassador to Bulgaria, Mr. Montgomery was awarded the Order of the Stara Planina, First Class, by the Government of Bulgaria.

In 1996-1997 he served in US State Department Special Advisor for Bosnian Peace Implementation.

In 1998-2000 he served US Ambassador to Croatia.

In 2000-2004 he served US Ambassador to Serbia.

He speaks Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, and Croatian.
