William Barker (prospector)

William "Billy" Barker was an English prospector who was famous for being one of the first to find a large amount of gold in the Cariboo of British Columbia. He also founded Barkerville which is preserved as a historic town.


Barker was born in 1817 in March, Cambridgeshire, England. As a child he worked as a waterman on the waterways of England.

He married Jane Lavender in Earith, Cambridgeshire in 1839 and had one daughter named Emma Eliza. Jane died in the workhouse in Doddington, Cambridgeshire, in 1850. In 1863, Barker married his second wife Elizabeth Collyer. She was extremely extravagant and unfaithful, so she left him in 1865 after he became broke.

Because railways had begun to replace canal transport, Barker was unsure of what to do with his life. During the 1840s, he decided to go to California, where he would try his luck in the gold rush there. He made little, but when the gold rush ended, he moved up to British Columbia with many fellow miners. His party discovered gold in the Williams Creek area, and his fellow crew member Wilhelm Dietz - "Dutch Bill" - was the first to find a good amount of gold in the creek valley area.

Barker decided to search for his gold down river, close to Stouts Gulch. Many people said he was crazy for doing this, but, after a short period of time, they pulled out about 60 ounces of gold at about 52 feet below ground. Barker's claim turned out to be the richest in the area and the settlement of Barkerville was set up around his claim. He pulled out roughly 37,500 oz of gold in his life. It was also said that Billy Barker smoked as much as 30 cigarettes a day, finding it hard to deal with the stress of having that much gold, and the progressive symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

He died penniless in a Victoria nursing home on July 11, 1894 with symptoms of Parkinson's disease and/or possible cancer in his jaw. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the Ross Bay Cemetery, though, recently,[1] there has been contemplation on moving his grave to Barkerville, the town that he founded, which is preserved as a historic town.


  1. "Billy Barker won't be leaving after all". Victoria Times Colonist. March 1, 2008.

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