William Annyas

In 1555 William Moses Annyas Eanes (Hebrew: Ben Yohanan, Arabic: Ibn Yahia ) became the Mayor of Youghal in County Cork, he was the first person of the Jewish religion to hold such an elected position in Ireland.[1][2][3]

William Moses Annyas Eanes was the grandson of Gil Eanes of Belmonte, Portugal. Many of the first Jewish people to come to Ireland were Marrano merchants from the Iberian peninsula.

His daughter married Yacov Kassin (Shamus Ciosain) son of Yehuda Kassin (Juan Cassin) a Marrano merchant who had moved to Galway in Ireland.

The surname Eanes also (pronounced Yah-nehs), is from the Hebrew Ben Yohanan and in Arabic, Ibn Yahia.

There was a three-time Mayor of Youghal in 1569 and 1576 and 1581 called Francis Eanes, although the exact relation to "William" Moses is unclear.[4] [5]


  1. Ireland. Dept. of Foreign Affairs (1987). Ireland today. Information Section, Dept. of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  2. "The Virtual Jewish History Tour - Ireland". Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  3. "Speech by the Taoiseach on visit to the Jewish Museum, Dublin". Department of the Taoiseach. 2006. Retrieved 9 June 2012.
  4. Cookes Memoirs of Youghal written in 1749 Published by the Journal of the Cork Archaeological & Historical Society, 1903 By Robert Day
  5. Chapter 6 The Middle Period 1290-1609 - A History Of The Jews In England by Cecil Roth (1941)