Wild Cartoon Kingdom
Wild Cartoon Kingdom was an animation magazine published from 1993 to 1994 by Larry Flynt Publications.
The magazine was created by Film Threat founder Chris Gore. It was edited by a number of people during its run, including Kevin Burke, Andrew J. Lederer and Sheryl Farber.
Five issues of the magazine were published in all. Film Threat considered reviving the magazine through its website in 1998; nothing came of it.
Issue guide
- 1 - June 1993 - Cover: Ren and Stimpy
- 2 - December 1993 - Cover: Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
- 3 - March 1994 - Cover: Beavis and Butt-Head
- 4 - June 1994 - Cover: The Flintstones
- 5 - October 1994 - Cover: Spider-Man: The Animated Series