Why I Am Not a Muslim

Why I Am Not a Muslim
Author Ibn Warraq
Country United States
Language English
Subject Islam
Publisher Prometheus Books
Publication date
May 1995
Media type Print (Hardcover and Paperback)
Pages 294 pp
ISBN 0-87975-984-4
OCLC 32088699
297 20
LC Class BP169 .I28 1995
Followed by The Origins of The Koran: Classic Essays on Islam’s Holy Book

Why I Am Not a Muslim, a book written by Ibn Warraq, is a critique of Islam and the Qur'an. It was first published by Prometheus Books in the United States in 1995. The title of the book is a homage to Bertrand Russell's essay, Why I Am Not a Christian, in which Russell criticizes the religion in which he was raised.

Outraged over the fatwa and death threats against Salman Rushdie, ibn Warraq assumes a pseudonym to pen what one critic calls "serious and thought-provoking book" using a "sledge-hammer" approach to "demolish" Islam.[1] The author's "polemic" criticizes Islam's mythology, theology, historic achievements, and current cultural influence.[1] Warraq, drawing largely on previous research, provides an "invaluable compilation" of Islam's shortcomings. He "makes a compelling case" that Islam is "flatly incompatible" with "individual rights and liberties of a liberal, democratic, secular state."[2]

See also



  1. 1.0 1.1 Daniel Pipes (Jan 22, 1996). "Why I Am Not a Muslim". Weekly Standard. Retrieved May 13, 2013.
  2. Antony Flew. "Turning Away From Mecca". The Salisbury Review (Spring 1996).